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$~--rf30413fl 1~'~~A+~E <br />TIiIS MoiercncrB ;8 made ihie............ stn...... .: - --dsg a.. , ..ntrsits# .........; : ... <br />19:8Q ., between FhcMartggarJ~-~.:t..~~TJ ~ AN4.?t ~R. JANE.!~A3~.tA{C: . h~sbr~sttl. ,atld . +~t f~ . ~~ <br />......................................(herebd"Borrowe~') and'theMore,..t'ANIE:,FFL.SAY_IHFZS ',. <br />&, LOAN,ASSOCIRTION,¢F ~S?AN4.1$1-A.~? ............. ..........a~rpot~f~to,'~dea5~.; <br />under ehe laws of .. NEBR4,S~CA ................. . ... . .. whose address;s2,21. S9tt~'h 1ACti st...... <br />~f{AND_ ISLAND .,NFB(2A$}%...6$$QJ ....................................(herein:"Letitlta") <br />Wt~sst~, Borrower is indebted to Lettder is tltt principal sum of F,4,11F(~Y . EJ ~~ TryQtJlp QNE .HUNDRED 'FIFTY <br />and' N()/100 ------------------------------Dollars, which indeboednass:ssevidene~d3y Rerrower's state- <br />dated.. , .August. 7.,..1, 980........ (herein "Note"), providittg for monUtly iffitalitrxttts of prineipak and irttrrcest; <br />with the balance of the indebtedness, if ao[ sooner-paid, dae and payable an.... Sep#etgt~@C: J.,.>241a, ..... . <br />To Sectrxe to Lender (a) the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by the Note, witit-intereat thereon; tlx: <br />p~ayme~t of alt otber sums, with interrst tltereoo, advanced in accordance-herewiNt to:ptMect the securitg-.ot tlsis:~- - - <br />Mortgage, and the performance of the wvenants and, agreements of Borrower herein contained; and:(b) thenpagaxitt , <br />of any fttdtrc advances, with interest thereon, made to $orrower by Lender pursnant to paragraph- 2L he;'eof (hereto <br />"Funtre Advttttax"), Borrower does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender the folinvving dctedb~ed:propetiy <br />boated in the Connty of ...............HALL......................., Sfate of Nebraska: <br />LOT ONE (I) CALVARY SUBDIVISION, CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />1909 N. Howard Place Grand Island,..,,.,,..., <br />which has the address of ............................................ . <br />[StreeU Leib] <br />Nebraska : 68801 , , (herein "Property Address"); <br />[aytP aP0 ZiP eP>•7 <br />TtxtBFrtfiR with all the improvements now ar hereafter erased on the property, and all easements, rights. <br />appurtenances, rents, royalties, mineral, oil and gas rights and profits, water, water rights, and water stock, and alt <br />fixtu[es now oahereaftet aUached [o the property, al{ of which, including replacements and additions thereto, shall he <br />deemed to be aml remain a part of the property covered by this Mortgage; and all of the foregoing, together with said <br />property (or the leasebold estate if this Mottgage is nn a leasehold) are herein referred to as the "Property'. <br />Bogower covenants-that Borrower is lawfully seised of the estate hereby nonveyed and has the right to mortgage, <br />grant anti convey t>x Property, that the Property is unencumbered, and tfiat Borrower will warrant and defend <br />genera)ly the title to the Property against a8 claims and demands, subject to any declarations, casements or restrictions <br />listed in-a schednle of exceptions to coverage in an_y title insurance policy insuring f.cnder's interest in the Property. <br />NlNk'P' 3/BO <br />