TIri- tnrede aed into tai. `~ 7`!t ~7 ~ 1 ~~k S 4 L '~`~ '
<br />19~L ,hyatedbettrem Dean E. Rupp attt: Ann M. Rupp
<br />(herasafter referxd to ^s raortgasor) and the Adtainistrator of the Sitt^Il Btt®er Adeiei^nratpr, tm ~Y of-the
<br />GotYeroa:tnt of the United Sntea of Atnerica (hereinafter referred to as mortgagee), trho mamas t>~e~aZatl°
<br />pLeodhtttvera Empire State Building, 19th & Farnam Streets, oinaha, h'eb~aska fi$tb2"
<br />~tsetasa~d's, fiat for the cttasidettttion hereinafter stated, tneeipt oC which is htudiy t6s-
<br />ttaatttpNse class 6eteby-»iteet~a, seli,.tpran4 arms, attd_contrep unto the tsaetgs~e; hia.ttaeetwts*~rd ~6R. tail
<br />of the foilo«ria~ thyrihed propmt?y tdssaed m1-SasR-in tha Comity of Hall - -
<br />~~ N~fraska - _._
<br />Lot 3Q, Wolfe Subdivision, Ha 11 Cottnty, Nebraska
<br />Togsther with and including all buildings, all fixture. including hui not limited to all plumbing, heating, light-
<br />ing, ventilating, refrigerating, incinerating, air rnndiiioninK appuralu,, and elevuiors (the nrnrigagor hereby
<br />declaring thnt it is intended that the items herein enumerated .hall !Yr drrmed to have been prrmanently in-
<br />stailed an part Ut the realty), and ail impratvrntents nob nr hrreaftrr r>idin~ eherron; the hereditament," end
<br />appurtenances and ail other rights thereunto belonging, or is anyavise appertaining, and thr rever.ion en:! rr-
<br />version+, remainder and remainders, all rights of redemption, and the rent+, iadue., and profit« of the above
<br />dd:eribtxi -P~PeMY- (P+»vided, however, that the mortgagor ,halt br rntidrd trr thr po>ne,-ion of ,aid property
<br />sad des eat seal-t~tsin lh;- rents, iemeres, attd.protit until det'sult hevx:uneier). 'Co base and io hohi the samr
<br />unto ihr.-tsnrtgeg~ and the ouccasMers in.lutcrest oL the ruurigager. forever in tee pimple or auth other esWie,
<br />if any, as.irslated hRreis.
<br />T6~.e tt0.ertgaggz corettrnis that he u irwFully seized -^nd po^seas^d of attd has the ri6fu to sell asd couvay sad
<br />ptvpcrty€ that tlro.stsme a frees-trout ai} ewcumbransn ez«pt as hereinahpve ,sailed: and that ha hereby binds
<br />bitaaclt and his sticetssors in iniermt to warrant sod defwd the title aforesaid thereto end every part thereof sgairat
<br />iba eitiiR^raj ail pcnaas whtaaaoever.
<br />Thu iasirumeot is Riven to srcure the paymcat of a promissory Hate deed ?`!~' ~it:.~ ~/ J tt ~ ~ ~
<br />inthesprim,^Fpstl:+Waa.af$;24,44p.Qt1-- .+igaedLy (tear F. Rupp and Ann `t. Kapp .,'a
<br />in behalf of themselves.
<br />*aa i'arvn ?YY 1 YrtY r,a,n,,, td1,1aN ,n UWala,
<br />