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~~i2~ _ - <br />sa= ~,~ <br />~~~ <br />T$ir<mnet~e twde sad m~ttel,i~to tLb 16th tiag<ef ~ Jtiiy <br />19 $Qhy~ 3-D Investment, Inc. <br />(lteteimfterrefetredwatmortgagor3 ~ Bank of Doniphan, Doniphan, Nebraska - . <br />d httsaieafla:•rdeaad`taaa <br />mortgagee), whe m:mtaiaaut ~ and pLee of btrttinearK Doniphan, Nebraska... - - . _ <br />' Wtstrt;ssErA, that for the eomideratien hereinafter elated, rtttacrpt of which u- hereby ~;.-sho <br />mortgagor tfoes hereby mortgage, self, Bract, arfBa, apd convey umo the mortgagee, his wcaaaon and arigr,. off , <br />of-the faflo- -~ th~erih~ ps~perty ~ttiatad bed~;a tits Gattssy of Hal ~- <br />State of Nebraska <br />The East One-Third (E 1/3) of Lot Six (6), in Block Six {6}, of ttxe Original <br />Village of Doniphan, Hall County, Nebraska, (Having a Frontage of 25 Feet on <br />Plum Street in said 'Village, and a depth of 142 Feet) <br />Commencing at a point Twenty Five (25) Feet West from the South East Corner <br />of Lat,No. Six (6) in Block No. Six (6} of the Village of Doniphan,_HaL <br />County,. Nebraska,R,utning Thence North One Hundred Forty Two (142) Feet. <br />Thence West fiwenty Five (25) Feet along the alley Thence South One-Hundred <br />Forty T4ao (142) Feet, Thence East Twenty Five (25j Feet to the lace of <br />beginning the same being the middle One Third of Lot No. Six (6~, <br />The South Sixty Feet (b(3'} of Lots Five {5) and Six (6) in Block One (1) <br />in Original Village of Doniphan, Nebraska. ~ ~ <br />A tract of land located in the NEB of Section 36, Township l{) North, Range 11, <br />West of the 6th P.i4I., Ha11 County Nebraska, mare particularly described as <br />follows: Commmencing at the East ~- Corner of said Section 36; thence N00°00'E <br />(assumed bearing) along the East line of said Section 36 and the centerline of a <br />Gounty Road, a distance of i,0~.41 feet; thence N90 00'W, a distance of 33.0 feet <br />to a point an the West right Gf way line of said Go~nty :toad said point also <br />being the Point ~f Baginning; thence continuing Pd90 00'W, a distance of 400.00 <br />feet; thence NOO~00'E a distance of 446.37 feet to a point on the Southerly <br />right of gray 1inC of Iateretate SRO; thonr_t; S65°54'>0°'E, a ~istant:e of 42a.o <br />feet along said Southerly right of way line of Int4rstate #$0; t??ence SOO OQ'W <br />along the said West right of way Line of a County Road, a distance of 300.00 <br />feet to the point of beginning. <br />"log2lher with aad iacladiwg all baildiaga, all Gxtn tee iaeladiag bat wt (invited to all plutal,iwg, heating, lighting, <br />ventilating, refttgeraking, iar:iacmUeg, ajr cvgditioaiag appawtxa, and elevabrs (the ar,ertgHpur hereby deedaring that <br />it ice iwtcnded that the iuemb hreein.ename.zted .hall be JreweJ to hwvk Itcco perraaewdy iflstalled as part of the ns"r{ty), <br />and all impmveutenta flnw or htseafter existiap, thersra; thr hcraditamerts asJ appartenaa.~u a. awJ niI othrr nghts then:- <br />unto heloaping, or iu auywis;e appertaining, anJ the rrverwiow awd revrrrciun+=, reoaiwir.r and rrrowinJ.~n., nll riKhtn of <br />redemption, and the rents,-iswtes, and praGts of the above described property (pR,vid~J, M,n-ev,"r, that thr mortg,.g,.r <br />shell be entitled to the poawessioa ni saidptnprny uwd to collect awd n:twia the rewts, tnwrs, and prufit+, unul default <br />hereunder). To have and-ta hold-the same uew the m<rtgagec aad the succass,r. ,w twmrest of the roangagv,- foe<nrr <br />in fee wimple or >•uch other aatate, if soy, :, ~+ .Mated herein. <br />The mortgagor mvenante that he fe Iawfnlly seized and-pouessed of and hoe the right to Bell and convey said <br />property; that the same is Tree Prom all encumbrances except ae hereinabnce recited; mtd that he hereby binds <br />himself-and hie.euceeseora im fntereat to warrant anddefend the title aforesaid thereto and every purl thereof against <br />the alarms of-all. persona whotpsocver. <br />Thin iuatrunteut is given to xccnte the payment of a prorrti wry nntc ~IatrJ Jttly 16, 1~)$0 <br />in th4..prituipai cum otE 150,ODU.OO ,Figned b. Robert R. Deitenteyer, Pre.;id~.~~t, <br />iuhehalfof 3-D Investment, Inc, and Bennie D, Rauch, Secretary <br />