53-A--REA+. ESTATE M9RTGAGE-'With Tax Watrse j
<br />r
<br />f~T ~ 4 ~ ~ ~ Ih~ffmaa and Fdfes & iYal, ;Yattmt f!G fi9/Ei
<br />', KNOW ALL MErY BY THESE P:iESEDCTS: THAT Reed-Roth P.guities, A Partnership
<br />!Mortgagor )'
<br />of Ball County, and State of Nehrdska , in cartsideraficn of the nom cE- j ~~
<br />Forty Thousand and no/100 -------------^----------------°----°-----___^_..~p~g- ;.
<br />in Nana paid. do hereby SELL ,rxM CONVEY unto Comaercial National Bank & Trust Co, -
<br />(Mortgagae ) -
<br />of Hall Counh•, and State of Nebraska the foflowiag dew premises ~ _
<br />situated ;n !fall County, and State of Nebraska to-wit: . Pazt of I.Ot a&n - •
<br />of Joehnck's Swlxlivision, located on pazt of the Southeast Quarter of Section 15, in
<br />Township il, North, Range 9, West of the 6th P,33., store particularly described as follovgp
<br />Beginning at the Southeast corner o£ Lot 6, Walkerts Subdivision; thence running North--
<br />westerly along and upon the Northeasterly line of said Walkerts Subdivision a distance o~
<br />202.32 Feet; thence running Northeasterly pazallel with the Southeasterly line of !
<br />~NacArthnr Avenue, a distance of 152.0 Feels. thence running Southeasterly parallel to sait~ '!
<br />Northeasterly line o£ Walker`s uhtbdivisign, a distance of 286,02 Feet to the North line__5 '
<br />of Bismark Road; thence Westerly along and upon said North line of Bismazk, Rnadr a
<br />distance of 173.5 Feet to the place of beginning and containing ,852 acresr more or lessi ;!
<br />Ir. the event the title to said real estate is transferZed, or .contracted to be transferr~ ~.
<br />from the undersaid for any reason or by any method whatsoever, the entice. principal sum
<br />accrued interest shall at once become due and payable at the election of the balder here;;
<br />Failure to exercise this option because of transfer of title as above stated in one inst e<+e
<br />shall not constitute a waiver of the right to exercise the same in the event of any subs men
<br />transfer. ~'
<br />The intention being to convey hereby nn absolute ..ale in fee simple including aII the rights of homestead and dower.
<br />TO HAVF. AND TO HOLD the premises above described, with all the appurtenances [hereunto belonging unto the ~
<br />said mortgagee and to its heirs and assigns, 6neve r, provided always; and these presents are upon the ezpreee {
<br />condition that if the aforesaid mortgagor their heirs, a colors, administrators or assigns shall pay or cause to Ire ~
<br />i
<br />paid to the said mortgagee its heirs. executors. ad enirtistmtors or assigns. the sum of Forty Thousand and
<br />~ no. lOD -----------------------------.~-----°----------..Dollars. payabte7edpikh¢l~t `;
<br />Sm~aaomcsJteaocxxxxx.• nl0pipgtloc
<br />:g8yttppocxxxxxxxxxyacx;cc;sxrocrrxxr,rxtit,r
<br />_ xxxxltxyxxxxxxx?tKt3
<br />gttci#~FSas7cyWdncxxx~xxxriy gxaocxx;ocxxxxx;axxxxx:vxxxxx~3x
<br />with Interest therms yahte ~al1 a•_coniing ?o ?he tense and effect of
<br />-~ ' a certain promissory note et4~tfc or notes of Saida Reed-Roth Equities, A Partnership dated 8/6/80, qr.
<br />€as such note or notes may be from time to time modified, renewed or extended in co^itinq,
<br />~ygpt~ggq tom.:md shaft pay all taxes and aseessenents levied alms said real estate, and ail other lases,
<br />j levies and assessments levied upon this mortgage ur the note which this mortgage is given to secure, before the same becromea i
<br />- delinquent, and keep the buildings on said prwnia•a insured fur the sum of g 40r000 ~JO toss. if any, payable to ~
<br />the said mortgagee. then these pn cents to he roiri, othr rN Ue to he and n mttin n full farce. '
<br />- 1T IS FURTHER AGREED (t) 'that it the said mortga gar shell fad to pay ouch Wxes ur pr<xure such insurance, the i`
<br />said mortgagee met' pay such brxes and pnxure each in ttn ce; and the sum su advanced, with interest at 14,25 per cent'
<br />shell tx paid by said mortgagor. and thts rnurtgage shall stand us accucity fur the sorue. t?) 'S'hat n failure to pay any of said ;
<br />money, either principal or intemst when the sa a becomes due, or a inilure to mmPiy with any of the foregoing agreements,
<br />shall cause the whole sum o(m my herein sacurtd to bearome due end wil..rtible at once at the option of the mortgagee. -
<br />Sfgned this 6th day uF August 19 80
<br />I Ir, presemt• of RQ.ed-Rpt ~. EtJ,ilk,C7.,~S":.T.4-:?.a~.tn~@hip_ :
<br />"~ ) -
<br />r :,
<br />'~7 g >
<br />- ; STATE OF...._Nebraska f.,unty u( Hall
<br />1 l3eiore me, n notary public qualified for said county, personally :tame James Roth and James 5. Reed
<br />~, j known to me to be the `identic reps r6~'rfoG6-w$S.Y$gn ed the foregoing icuttrumnnt and acknawledgecl the ea,+uution
<br />~ thereof to lx hia, her or their v tart' a$ElttidiAfer~yt)jgj~y
<br />Witness my hand end t on~~ /',J /7 15.80
<br />A3Y commission expires:._ _._ :'~i X10!11 ~ ~..J54aC.,Ar-tc~~-.--.--- Notary Public.
<br />STATE OF....._ .......... ..._.__... ._.......__.._.._..._ ... E:ntercd on numerical index and ailed for
<br />~vurd
<br />County ) ~~ in the Register oC Deeds Oftice of said County the
<br />.... .._.__....day o! . ........ ... ........ ....... _..._........ 19........., at.... ..... o clock mul.-. .. ....minutex AS.,
<br />sad recorded in Book ....... .............._.. . ..._...af...... ...... _. ....... at e.
<br />pug . .. ......-__ .
<br />Reg_ of Deeds
<br />(ty.. Ileputy
<br />
<br />