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$fl- UC412t} <br />the sums xcurtd by this Oced of Trust shall cominuc unimpaired. Upon such payment oral cure by Bortower, the Deed of <br />Trust amt the obligauorss secured hereby shall retrain in full farce and diet as ~f tw acceleration had xcuned. <br />20. A$pttaeat of 1~ Appointmem of tteeaver, I.e~der is Posserdnn. As additioaat security hereunder. Borrower <br />hereby assigns [o Leredec the rents of the Propcny, provided that Bortawer shalt, petor to acceleration under puagtaph 18 <br />hereof or abandonmens of the Properly, have the right to colha and retain such rams as they become dtx sad payatde. - <br />Upun stealers€ion under parag[t[ph !g hereof or abandonment of the Property. Loader; in person, bS agsnt or by <br />judicially appointed, receiver. shall be en[itled to enur upon, take possession of and manage the Property attd to collect the <br />rents of the Properly indtrding those past dtre. All rents colle[ed by Lender or the recover shah be ap~ttd Sist ro pay[oent <br />of the cas[s of management of [he Properly and collection of rents, including, but not limited-to, recewer's-fens. prcnuttats <br />on receiver's bonds sad reasonable attorney's foes, and then to the stmu secured by this Deed of True l.erider attd the _ <br />receiver shall be liable to aaaua[ only for ttwse rents aaually received. - <br />21. Fulwe Ad~axn. Upon request of Borrower, Lender. at Lender's option. Prior tofu!! reconveyanx of She Ptoperey .. <br />by Trustee to Bortawer, may make Future Advances to Borrower Such Future Advances, wish itttertn[-tbercatt, sha8 be - <br />secured by this Deed of Trus[ when evidenced by promissory note: stating thaz said refines are secured hereby At ttoii~ a)ta8 <br />the principal amour[ of the irtdtbtedness seeurrA 6y this Dad of Trust, not inciudisg stuns adva 1n ac~nrdatim-.he[cwitfr - <br />to protect the security of Ibis Deed of Trust, exceed the original amount of tht Note-plus US ES1.9-31-U - --..-.-- <br />22. Reconteptetux. Upon payment of all soma secured by this Deed of Trust, Lender shag regatst-Trustee [o-reeonvey <br />[he properly and shall surrender thts Dad of Trttu and all notes evidencing irufebtedttess -seared-by this Dad: of Trust <br />to Trustee. Trustee shag rcconvey the Property without warranty and without charge to the person or-persons IeyaBy; - <br />entitled thueto. Such person or persons shalt pay all costs of recordation, if any. ~ - <br />23. Subuitate Trustee. Lender, at l.endtrs option, may from tune to ume remove Trustee-aced-appoint ~a sticcsuor <br />trustee to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Deed of Trust is-rturr~d. <br />Without conveyance of the Property, the successor trustee shall succeed to all the tide, power attd duties conferral-upon-' _ <br />the Trustee hemin and 6y applicable law. - -' <br />24: Regtrest for Notices. Borrower requests that copies of the notice of default and notice of sale be.sem~io Bilrrower's - <br />address which is the Property Address. ~ - - <br />IN WtTNess WHEREOF, Borrower has executed this it of Trust. - - <br />.. ~ ........ -6orrcr..i <br />Stgphea~B• Bixenma <br />.: .Q~coiwx3 ... ............. ~' <br />~I?otina J. Bikenmann --aOROWH' <br />STATE OF NEBRASKAI <br />] SS. <br />COONTY OF gals ] <br />The foregoing instrument was acknovledyed before :ae this 7, .day o£. - <br />. . .~~~• . ., is so, by .`,FI9& ~~$ :5..~le:~~-. ~, .~rfelcus. .. .. . <br />5vitneas my hand and notarial seal at. (~'Ttldxd IRlaatit .NE <br />in said Cotmty, the date aforesaid. <br />J,_ <br />/" <br />~QIO~.~fLl/MO Notary ?ubli:. <br />My Commission expires: jK,,,,L f .--f•^~'~, ~/ f ~~ <br />~/ <br />REQUEST FOR RECONVEYANCE <br />TO TRUSTEES <br />The undersigned is the holder o£ the Hots or notes secured by this Oeed of Trust. <br />Said-Hate or notes, together with all other indebtedness scoured by this Deed o€ Trust, <br />hares been paid in full. You are hereby directed to cancel said note or notes and this <br />Deed of Trust, which are delivered Hereby, and to recwvey, without warranty, all the <br />estate now held by you under ttis Dead of Trust to the person or persona legally entitled <br />thereto. n <br />Date: . <br />