84... UQ4I20
<br />Tres DEED OF TRUST is tttade this. , -=k ................day of ..aug~-t ..::.:..... , ......
<br />29..$Ef,ataoogthcTrttstor,.~)~~.$<.$17rpFpltWC.#Sd.-AeSYitL.J..83.7tYty1laDA,---Rga>~eadaufi.......
<br />.Xife ....................................(hweitt"6tutowe~').........,........-.. :,:...........
<br />..... ; '`i~dvard H. O'.r84~[}e ................... . .............. . (heauin ",f`rttsxeB') r smtt the B~erzficiac~.
<br />„ ..,-,PI9E, PDINTS,BARB ............................................ a sosporatiasr~ and ,
<br />existing under the laws of..... ~~1~ ............................. whaae adth~s 6s:. ....: , :...... ~.
<br />.... Z015,2torth Broadyell,, bread, IpS.,at><dr _PfE, 68861 . --...... {hereia•'lettder' )~ -
<br />BORROWER, in consideration of the indebtedness herein recited and the trust herein- created;. irrevocstily grenss.
<br />and-s ~veys to Trustee, in trtst, with power of sale, the fotbwing describes property located is thc,Opunty of
<br />.........................................State of Nebraska:
<br />The Easterly Forty Twa {42} Feet of Let Seven {7} ttnd the Westerly Tea (IO}
<br />Pest a_° Lot Eight {8}, in Eloek Tvsnty Hine (24) in Charles Yass®r'a Addit3e
<br />to the City of Grand Island, Hall Conntp, Nebreik ,
<br />which has the address of...... 1516 .Peat. Lottiae, .Grand .Inland,. ~; ...6F1801........... _ - . .
<br />tsrreal ~cnyt
<br />........................ (herein "Property Address"};
<br />tstau.,,u as covet
<br />TotaaHt:a with ail the improvements nuw ar hereafter crcacJ on the propery, aril all easemens, ngh[s,
<br />appurtenances, rents fsub~ect however to [he rights and authorities given heron to Lender to colkcct and apply such
<br />rents), royalties, mistral, oil and gas rights end profits, w•rter, water nghu, and water stock, and all fixwres nuw ar
<br />hereafter attached to the property, aU of which, including replacctm:nts aril additions thereto, shall be deemed to be
<br />amt retrain a part of the grageri~ covered by this flied of Trust; aril ail of the ioregutntt, together with said property
<br />{or the hatsehafd estate if this L)eed of Trust is on a IeaschuW) me herein rcfcrreJ to as the "Property";
<br />To SECURE to Lender (aj the repayment of the indebtedness cvidt:occJ by borrower's uutc dated .~PltttA.t..Z, .
<br />1480 (herein "Note"}, in the principal sum ot.1r?4ttfY. ~.QtiX' .Thau»artd .>?ive. littndred. Jul.tai•a . .
<br />..........
<br />o. ••arsd~tfgd~o CnO~atag•~•~(si .24r540,. G0)... , , , , , . ,pokiars, wnh interest tlrcrcan, prov,Jmg for monthly mswllmrnts
<br />(SeiaD-sY 2 ~ q~OlO~with tht balance of the indebtedness, if rat sooner part, Joe aril payable un .. 9~,1~20J,0.
<br />.. .... . .. ... .... ......................: the payment of all other sums. with Interest thcnan, advunccd
<br />in atcordattce herewith to protect the security of this Decd of Trusr, :toil the pedunnancc of the cuvcmtnts aril
<br />agt'cetttenis of Borrower herein carttained; anal (b) the repayment of any furore advancers, wnh interest thereon. made
<br />W Borrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph ~l hereof Therein "Future ridvancci').
<br />BOreowcr covenan#s that Bartawcr is lawfully xued of the estate hcrchy cunvcveJ and has the nght to grunt and
<br />canvep the Pralteriy, that the Property. is utreneumbereJ, and that borruw::r will vest rarFt and dctend generally the
<br />EiEie to Eke Prvpi-rey against s{f ebitgs and demands, subj,•ct rn atcy dzftarnuoas. e„szri'nts ur r.a:r'acnuns k;stccf ,n a
<br />~he+)uk of es*.cpti€a+s to cave~ag=~ n say Title iosartt~e gali£y xnsurea,g f.v=der ~ ,nearest ,n ttu+ Pruf~rty_
<br />NMI~F 3/80
<br />