<br />ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS t.aan Na_ 8227fx9-2
<br />KNDW ALL MEN BY TNESE PRESENTS: Fhat Steven L. Fredrick and Janelle A. Fredrick husba:ad aad xife.
<br />(trereinafter daNed the tAorlgagors) in cnnsideratmn of f~ asrst nt
<br />Forty nine thousand nine hundred and Ha/1GG- DbRars(E 4J SOt3.DD+~ 1
<br />I~ned to Mortgagors, do hereby grant, bargain, self arrd com2y until CDMitERC1Al FEDERAL SAVINGS AND CDAN ASSDCf~ritON af't)niafta,
<br />Nebraska, (hereinafter rolled "Commercral"}, its succeswrs and assigns, the foflowiag dessrfied real estate, siEiraterl- irr fide fA ~;
<br />Hall State of Nebraska, to-viii:
<br />---l.ot Fourteen (24) R.EB Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska.-
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME. wrth the appurtenances thereunto belonging, rnio Commercial, its suecessotsand-assigns, far¢v¢r.
<br />Said Motgagors hereby covenant wrth said Commercial, its successors and assigns, that Mortgagors are lawfullu seized of safdpremises, That
<br />they are free from encumbrances: and that they will focever wa«ani and defend tfre title to said premises against the lawful claims of altpersons--
<br />whomscever. -
<br />Pmuided, nevertheless, these presents are upan Ne Following conditions:
<br />That whereas the said Mortgagors as members of Commercial have this date executed a note evidencing such loan and agreeing td repay said
<br />sum of money, wish interest, in payments as set forth in said "note and have agreed to abide b}` the terms of said note and Charier and 8yLaws of
<br />Commercial. _
<br />That whereas this mortgage shalt secure any additi one! advances, with interest, which may, at the option of Commercial, de made-try Cam-
<br />menial to the undersigned Mortgagors or their successors in title for any purpose, at any time 6efare the release and cancellation of this mortgage,
<br />iwi PROVIDED. HOWEVER, zt no time shall [he aggregate principal amount secured by this mortgage, being the amount due at any lime on said
<br />original note and any addi~iona; advances made, exceed an amount equal to IID percent of the amount of ;he origifal note, but itt na event shalt
<br />said note exceed the maximum amour,! permittee by law. and PROVIDED. HOWEVER. that nothing herein contained-shaft be considered as limiting
<br />the amount that shall be secured hereby when advanced to protect the security or in accordance with covenants contained in the mortgage.
<br />Now, if the said Mortgagors Shall pay fir cause to be paid the sard sums of money when due, as set forth in said note, and any otlner note for
<br />additional advances made until said debt !s !ally pard wrth rnterest, !hen these oresents shall 6e void; atherxise, to be and remain in full force and
<br />effect; but rt default should be made:
<br />:a! In any of the payments due en card note. and any pdrer hate for adddional advances made, as therein agreed to be made for three manths, a
<br />rbi In keeping the improvements do said Premises insured against lass by reason df fire, lightning, and ether hasards included in extended
<br />coverage insurance in an amount not !¢ss than th¢ unpaid balance df Said mortgage loan, in a company or companies acceptable to Com~
<br />menial, the original of such policy or pahaes to be held try Commercial, and with a mortgage clause attached to said policy or policies,
<br />m favor of Commercial or
<br />!c! In the payment of taxes and assessments ~evrud upan said premrses, or on this mortgage. 6erore they are delinquenC fir
<br />fd! If there is any change m the rwnershrp of fire real estate mortgaged herein. by sale, either outright fir by land contract, or by assignment of
<br />any interost thereon or otherwis?: -
<br />ihen, in env of the above set-forth events. the whine maebtedness hereby secured shall, at the option of Commercial, immediately become cue and
<br />payable wdhout further notice, and the amount Gue wider said note ar,d any other ante for addrt,onal advances made shall, tram the date of the exercise
<br />of sard option, dear interest 2t the max~mu^. legal rate per annum. ono the mortgage may Nen be foreclosed to satisfy the amount due on said note. and
<br />any other note for additional advances, together with ail stuns paid by Comme¢;al for insurance, taxes. assessments and abstract extension charges,
<br />with rnterest thereon Irani hl¢ date of rzymrni at the '~3xiewm legal rate.
<br />PROVIDED that in no event ether t>Etere -;:~ Ater eeiawt snail the :merest due render said no!e and tins mortgage and env other note tnr ad~
<br />ditionat advances made exceed the maxnnpm iav; ful interest rate.
<br />PROVIDED, further, fat m the ev¢dt that ~e.=,utt c s i:r the ;raking df t^e 8aymmt5 ;;ne un Bald sate, and .~r any other afire to addnc~sai
<br />advances, as therein agreed td he mad? keepmg~the orem!ses re<_ur¢d, as above orovid¢d, or .f Gefavlt be maG¢ ~n the paymddt o! the taxes
<br />or assessments levied upon the ,:rem; ses above nescrded err rrpdn This rnm [gage. Ge(me They are by raw dehnquenr Commercral shalt b2 en6U¢d
<br />to the immediate possession of the premises above-described. together wrth all rents, proceeds and issues easing out of the prennses, sod may
<br />in its disrreban use the rents so tin as rl tl¢ams ueressary for the purpos¢ of making repairs upon the premrses anti to the payineN of irsurancd
<br />prenuams, lazes and assessments upon sack premrses. and for necessary expenses incurred in renirng said premises and ccllecbng rent fhereirem. and
<br />to apply same on Sard note and any notes evrder.cing future advances h¢reuntler until the indebtedness secured is iul!y pard: and ter such purposes.
<br />the unders~gneC does hereby set!. ass!gn, set over and ±ranster unto Commercal all dl said reu ts, proceeds and incomes including any land contract
<br />payments due mortgage owners fir any other incomes of any type whatsoever from Sard property fo be applied nn the notes above-descn hetl: but said
<br />Commercial shall in no case be liable for the torture to Drocure tenants. to ddHect rents, or to prosecute actions to r=cover possession of said premises,
<br />The Morgagors imther appoint Comineraai of Omaha, Nebraska, iher attorney m fact, giving said attorney power rtrevecabiv, ether on its own
<br />name or Mortgagors' names to take ail necessary Steps (or proceedings In court or otherwise, to cause card premrses to he vacated, to cosec; ren tars
<br />ar other inwmes due, and when vacant, tp role! the same, to make all reasonable repa«s and pay taxes out fit said rents, prop ts, conuact Cayinen is or
<br />incomes and to do all such things either by its own dfbcers pr 6y oCrer parties duly authonzetl and appmntetl by rt- as its agent Idr sard purpose, ana
<br />to charge or pay a reasonable tee for such services. ah of the above to 6e done 3t such times and m such manner and on such terms as to thou said
<br />attorney may seem best, with full power nt subsh lotion.
<br />The Mortgagors hereby agree That rf Commercial either voluntarily or mvalun tanly becomes or :s made a party m any sw1 sr proceedng relating
<br />to the hereinbetore described real estate- or tp this mortgage or said note or notes, other than a forecioswe ins6 toted by Commercral. ":longagors z,ili
<br />reimburse Commercial ter all reasonable costs incurred by Commercal m sard sinl or proceeding. The Mortgagors further agree that a the mie,nbelore
<br />described real estate or any part thereof be condwnned under the power of eminent domain, or is otherwise acgm red for a pubirc use. the tla~nages
<br />awarded, the proceeds for the taking, and for the consderahon for such acquisition to the extent of the full amount of the remaining unpaiG indebte0~
<br />ness secured bl' this mortgage, be, and they hereby are, assigned Io Commercral and shall be paid forthwith to Commeioai to 6e applied mr aaoum c'
<br />the last maturing mstANm¢nts of such mdebtednes5
<br />Dated dris_ t~ day df _ .------August.----- t9 _8G
<br />~_____ ~ 1~~~_
<br />f - Steven L,~Fredrick
<br />___._ /,.
<br />-- _ _" _ -""- Janelle A. Fredrick
<br />COUNTY OF HALLr/ ss
<br />On this .....~ ___ - .. -. -. day of August ;9 - -8r) before roe, a notar
<br />the above~narded y pubirc in ana for said l:ounly. pe6n:~: ~v cane
<br />Steven L, F'redr;.ck and Janelle A. Fredrick husband and wife.
<br />to me wet l'known la be the itlenbcal person fir cersoos whose name is er names are aihxed to Ne aWve nwrtgag2 as grantor ni grantors :roc a:€y. r•e
<br />or she, severally acknowledge the sard nrsimment and the af, fa be th¢u veluniary act aril deed.
<br />n frta` .~
<br />WITNES$ my hand and Notarial 1 t - a ~ ,p~ ~ . ~ f 1 i
<br />: P 7 ... day u(- ~~. ,,a, ~ ~.
<br />My commission ex ues do the-.. t ',:'-~"~..._ - :? ; -~~.
<br />