f;~~}-- ~~=114
<br />arprx~:riat
<br />~~ y~~),p~pp, L23,747
<br />~++o+~k-j-~+~'~~'~ Duane E. Oonalt35an and Linna Dee Donaldson, each in
<br />pis and her awn right, and as spouse of each other
<br />-fonaagsr, avhethe om or aowe, ®aoeddeaation d the a® d
<br />T=iirty Thousand Five Hundred and No/100------------------------------------------- ~~
<br />laaaert Ga and mongaPpr by The Eq~te sad [Emm Atmcatioo atGraad 1>dad. Ntbsaka, Mortpge, rtpoo 305 ins dtaodt d
<br />said AS40CfAY70P7, Cerxifiale No. L 23, 747 . rb hereby ~, caa.er asd manger tIDto the said ASBflCfA716~7 We faYearia~
<br />desvitad real easaxe, stunted in FBe County, Iv'ebcadta:
<br />together with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto betongurg, including attached floor coseritigs, all window seam,
<br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, heating, air canditbning, and plumbing and wa[tr eyuipmcnt and arceaorks [hereto, putims, etosea,
<br />refrigerators, and other fixtures and equipment now or hereaftu attached to or used k connection with sari real estate.
<br />And whereas the said mortgagor has agreed and discs h<reby agree [hat the mortgagor shall and wiB pay all taxn and assessments levied or
<br />assessed upon said premises and upon this mortgage and tht bond secured thereby ixfore the same shall becoote delinquent; [u iurniah approved
<br />insurance upon the buildings nn said premises situated in the sum of 3 30 , SOO. OO payable to vd ASSOrC1AT10N and to delirr to said
<br />ASSOCIATION the policks for said insurance; erred nut to wmmit or parrot zny waste tin or about said presn.ves;
<br />In cast of dtfault N the per(ornnnoe of any of the terms and conditions of this ntortgagt or the bond srxured hereby, the mortgages: shall,
<br />an demand, be entitled ro irurtstdiale po.~esva,n of tht nmrtgagcd premists and the nwrt~ror herebp assigns, transfers and sets assr to itp
<br />marrgagee all the rents, :evenrses atW incorot to be dtnsed i'rom the trsortgaged premises during ssech time u tht nrongape indebteditea sell remain
<br />unpaid; and tht rmsrtgagee shall Freres the power to apprmi any agent err agents it may desire for the purpose of relyirinp said prttttixa artd renting
<br />ifte sasttc and collcttmg th< rents, reverttin and inmmc, and it may pay out of said incosite aB expenses of repairing seat premises and nemmry
<br />wmmistiarts and expenses inctured in rentirtg and managasg [he same and of calkating rentals there(tum; she balance rcmaiuiug, if any, ~ be
<br />applud iowazd the disr:harge of saw nsartgage ittdcbtedness: txst rights of the mortgagct rtuy be cxercrsed at any time daring the txistence of Strdt
<br />dtfauB, irrtspeeisvt of any temporary vrasvxr of the saner,
<br />These Presents, however, arc upon the tundi[ron, That t( the usd Mortgagor shall repay rnrd loan an ur before the maturity of said shares by
<br />payment; pay monthly to vid ASSOf:IATiON of the sum sprafied in the Brmd accured hereby as rnterest and prmapal tin sasd hsan, on err before
<br />the Twentieth day of each and every month, until said loan is fully paid; pay alt taxes snd assessnecnis kvetd agatml sand prenases and on this Murlgage
<br />and the Band secured thereby, before delinquency, furnish approved imurance upon the buidings thereon m tht sum of S 30 , S00 , OO payable
<br />to said ASSOCIATION; repay to sasd ASSOCIATION upon dcmand all money by it paed fur such taxes, assessments and insurance with interest al
<br />the rteaxirnum legal rate thereon lrom date of payment aB tit which MortgaEnn hereby agrees to pay: pcmut nu waste tin said premises; keep and wmply
<br />with a!I the agraments and mnditiuns u( the Band rise 3 3O , SOO.OOthss day geven by the card MonPjgor to sxrd ASSOCIATION, and aemply
<br />with aB the requirements of the Constitution and By-laws of saki ASSOCIATION; thcn th<se prtsents shall became nuB and card, otherwix they
<br />shall remain in fuB frcc and rmy be foreclosed at flu aplrun u( the stud A.SSOCIA'i'ION alter failure tin there nsunths to make any at said
<br />pay»ttnls err be tlvce nxsnths in artears at nsakatg said monthly payrteents, tit m keep and tvmply wish tht agratuenls and caadrtions of card Bind;
<br />and Mortgagor agrces to bare a receiver appointul funhwith m such tixe<lusure proceedings.
<br />if there is any change in ownership of [he real estate mortgaged herein, by sale ur otherwise, thin the entire «matnasg irtdebttdness hereby
<br />secured shall, at the op[wn o(The Equitable Bstading and Loan Association of Grand Wand, Nebraska,beousts< isnmedsately due and payable without
<br />further notice, and the armstmt remaatirig disc undn said bond, and any other bond fur grey additional advemxa made thereundtr, shag, irum the
<br />date of exercve of saW option, beu inlernt at the irtaxemum legal rate, and this mortgage [my then be fortclused to satisfy tht amount clot on sasd
<br />bond,and any other bond for additional advances, together with all s•rms paid by said T'ht Equitable Building artd Loan Association of Graml Island,
<br />Nebraska for insuranct, taxes and assessments, and abstracting ex[ensiun charges, with interost thereon, from dart of WYtnent at the nuuumum
<br />Iegal rate.
<br />As provided in the Bond secured hereby, while this rtsortgage rernaaes in efkct the mortgagee ntay hertafttr advance additional sums lu tlse
<br />makers of said Bottd, their assgns or stisxessors N interest, which sums shall be withal the security of this ittortgage the same as the (ands urigittalty
<br />sce:lred thcteby, She tots! atttatmt of pri;aipaf dcbt out to txcetd at any tune th< original asmstmt of [his mortgage.
<br />Dated tnis 6th. say a( August n. o., tv IIO
<br />-'
<br />~ ~ ~~i~-
<br />erne E nal, nT/~-~ .t
<br />A// o' Sri/r(a Jl1 lJn...,
<br />!Linna Dee Donaldson
<br />STATE OF NEBRASKA, ~ ffi On this 6th . day oC August t V BO , be(me me,
<br />tht undersigned, a Notary WbBc in end for said County, perwnally s~rtee
<br />Ouane E. Donaldson and Linna Dee Donaldson, each in his and her own right, and as~s~ouse
<br />of each other cabs are ~"" kmswnm
<br />roe to be the irkatia: ptsson s whasc namc 5 are affixed to the abate-imtr®ept ss nrortgsgor s and they se..traity
<br />acknpwkdged the said instrument to be that r voluntary set and deed. ~
<br />WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal the date aforesaid. ~~
<br />My Commiason expires ' ~ - ~ ~ ' -
<br />._---_._._. j _ _1.._. _
<br />mraass at - .- Notary Public
<br />