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80-'= Gfl~11~ <br />9. Coadrmnatian. The proceeds of any award nr claim far damages, direst ar consequential. in connectidit with atsy <br />condemnation ar other taking of the Property, or part thereof, or for wnveyarce in lieu of condemnation, are Hereby assigned <br />and shall be paid to IEndtr. <br />[r, the teen*. of a total taking of the Property, the proceeds shat) ce applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust, <br />with ;he excess, if any, paid to Bar;awer. In :he event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lenr~r <br />otherwise agree in writing, There shat! 1>c applied to the sums secured he this Decd of Trust such proportion of the proceeds <br />as is equal to that proportion which the amount of the solos secured by tfiis Deed of Trust imtncdiately prior to flee date of <br />taking bears to the fair market value of the Property immediately prior to the daft of taking, with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid to Borrower. , <br />Tf the Property is abandoned by Burrower, or if, after notice by Fender to Borrower that the condemnor o6ets to make <br />an award or settee a claim far damages, Burrower fails to respond to Lender within 3i) days after the date such notice is <br />mailed. Lender is authorized m softest and apply the prax;eeds, at Lender's option, either to restoration or repair of the <br />Propery or to the sums secured by this Decd of Trust. <br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, anv such application of proceeds to principal shall oat exttrtd <br />or postpone the der. date of the monthly irutallments referred ro in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or change the amrwnt of <br />such instatlmenis. <br />Ib. Borrower Not Released. Eztension of the time far payment nr modifica[ion of atmrrti2atian of the sums secured <br />by this Decd of Tntst granted ny i_tnder to an}' successor in interest of Harrower shaft not operate to release, in any manner, <br />the liahiiiry of the original Borrower and Borrower`s successor; in interest. tender shall not he regvirtxi- to commence <br />prr+CCedings against each successor or refuse to extend time (or payment nr n[herwise modify amorti28tion of the sums <br />secured by this Deed of Trust by reason of any demand made fiy the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest. <br />17. Forbearawee by Les der Not a Waiver. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy hereuntfeq or <br />at hetwlse afforded fry applicable Saw, shall not tx :i waiver of ur preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy. <br />"f he prncuremem of insurance or ehe payment of taxes ar other liens or charges by t"ender shall not be a waiver of Lender's <br />right to accelerate the matunty of the indebtedness assured by this Deed of Trust. <br />t2. Remedies Cumulative. AIC remedies provided in this Drcd of Trust arc distinct send cumulative to any other right <br />or remedy under this i)eed of 7"rust or afforded n7 law or equity, and may l+c exercixd cotrcurrently; independently or <br />SaCCISSri'rly. <br />t 3. ;wrcessors artd Assigns Sound: Joint and Severe( Liability;' Cap/fotts. The covcttants and agreements herein <br />contained shaft hind, and the rights hereunder shall inure to, the respecnce successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, <br />suhject to ttx provisions of paragraph 17 hereof. Atl covenants and ugrecmems of Harrower s(tail bt joint and several. <br />'t7te .captions and iteasiings of the paragraphs af. this Deed of Trus! art for c<anvtnitnce only and are not to he used to <br />interpret ar define the previsions hereof. - <br />fA. \otice. Except fat :my notice regmred under applicable law to ht given in another manner. (al any' notice to <br />Borrower provided for in this Deed at Trust shall he given by matting stteh notice txy certified mailaddressed to Borrower at <br />the Property .gddtrss or at such other address as Borrower may designate by oatiee to Le ndtr as provided herein, and <br />t h) any notice to Lender shah tae given by cerNhed :nail, -return reset pf requested, to Lcndtis address stated herein or to <br />such other address as finder map designate by nonce to Borrower as provided herein. Any notice provided for in this <br />Deed of Trost shat? M domed to have trcen given to Horrower or i.ender whtn given in the manner designated herein. <br />IS. Uniform Deew of Trwsl: Governing -~w; SeverobWty. Ilt+s farm of decd of trust rnmhines uniform covenants for <br />national use and non-urifarm covenants with limited vanations by }urisdiction to constitute a uniform stntrity instrument <br />coveemg rest p: operty. This Deed n( Trust shall ht governed by the law of the pursdictirnr m which the Property is located. <br />In Cho event chat any pravis:on ar elattx of this Deed of Trust ar the time canflicn with applicably law, such Conflict shat) <br />not alfect other provisions nt this Deed of Trust or the Nott whn:h can C,e given effect wOhout the tt+nBicting provision. <br />and to this end the provisions of the Decd of 'C'rust and the Note are declared to tx severable. <br />lS, Borrower's Copy. Harrower shall be furnished a conformed n+py of the Nate and of this Deed of Trust n! the time <br />of execution nr after recordation hereof. <br />Y. Transfer of the f'roprgy; Ass®mptlww. It ail ur anv pan of the Pros tn}' or an interest thereto is sold or trxnsferctd <br />by Pr~a: ra-ever without I.trtder's prior written caostnt. ;:'<ctuding ::~ I tell crratiott of a lien nr encumbrance suttardinatt to <br />this reed of Trust, ib) the creation of a purchase money security uttcrest tar household appliances, let a transfer by devise. <br />rfescent yr by aprrattan of law upon the death of a [Dint tenant ur _ ' <br />Lender nap, at Lender's apu+rn. declare all the sums xecurtd hr this 1]ted nC Trust to Ix <br />unnttdtately due and payable. Lender shaif trout w-a+vrd such .+puun r., au°r,iurate :t, prior to the salt or transfer. 1"ender <br />and the prrsa:n !~ wtanm the Property is to he sold .~r transferred reach agtetnsent .n writing that the credit +>t such person <br />is saustactary to 1 vender and that the :ntrrest puvahte au the wens secured hey Ihis I?ecd n; "f rust ;hall Fr at such rate as <br />r ~^der shalt r !f tx!vdtr h~ w~a!vtat !err ~~ - .. Cdyra+e Ssrovtsrd In this pat:aeraplt !? ant !t Ban~,_+wtr's s icccssor <br />:n Interest has~txtcuttd a wrrttcn assumpuon agracnra rt accepted :n ~~nung my Lender,-1 ender shah release tinrrnwer tram <br />nit abhgat:ons :rrn#er this fht•.t of ftv°si anal the "~.+ie. <br />If Ixnder excnises >uch option to ., seise alt 1 ender ,hall mad Ih+n~ower a:>ISC ,~(a erleranon ut ;~ceordance w:th <br />paragraph Ie hereof. Such nauee ,hall pn+v:dr a trend nt ;;ot Ir,s than ;+r day, f:++m die Jatr the roust :, madcd within <br />which Harmwer may pay the vents declared Juc a Born+w r: Loh Io pay x+eh ,unn poor to the es puauon nt such ps'noat. <br />Lender may, without tort her oatiee ur dema:+ti on &-urowcr. ~:r+oE,r any renrcd:es Cx: uuucd by paragraph Ir hertot <br />Non-U vu~oRM CnvF NnH rs H.xrow ar .,nd Lender iwthrr r:•aenant .:nd agree u, h+llow.. <br />tg. accrkratiun: Remedies. Except as provided in paragraph 17 hrrxof, upon Noauwrr'x bryarh of :uq cuvrnaxt or <br />:axrermrnt of Burrower in This Uerd a( 1'rusf, indudin); the nos rnants to par worn due any soma secured by Ihis Uenl <br />of 'Trust. i.ender prior to acceieraliww ehalt retail rmtiar ra Borrower as pore tdrd In paragraph td hereof sirerifying: 111 the <br />hetach: i31 the aetton r-e~wired :n tore such bn4ch: 4i1 a date, nw tan than 3R day. (mm the date the nwliee is nwiled to <br />Borttrwrr, by which such brrrtch read br cared: and (JI that failure to curt such trrcuch on ur Irr(awr the Jett specified <br />in the nrdicr may rrxult in aceeieratiun of the .unn secure) by Ih6 lyerd of trust and -:mfe of the Property. '['he uolia'e <br />shs.'! fstihrr i::(ornr Borraxre of tier rah! to rr(mtafr after arreleralir:n and the right In bring a +uurt action to as+rr/ <br />tae non•exnfeace of a de(uwlt ur awy rNhrr rlrfrnsr of Saunrwer to tu'celrratton and sale. If Ott brtudr is not cured <br />un or IrrPorr the dale speritied in the nutirr, Lender ul Lrirderl option may tlrcl4ra• ail ui the sums scoured by thi+ DeeJ <br />nF -irusl lu he inunrdiuu•ly due and pay abh uilhow Porthrr drntaud and way invoke the power of sale and any other rrnirdtev <br />(rerminrd by appi(eablr tow. Ltudrr ,twit tae eruidtd to cellrrl a8 ir4wnalr(e seats and expenses iucxrrrd in punuirik the <br />rrmrdirs prnsidrd io this paragraph Ig, iurlrwlinR, but net limited m, rrasanralrk ;uarrnrr's lets, <br />If !bt powa•r of sale is inwkeil, 7?uster ,tw11 rreord a mrth'r of default in rash ruuwty in which Ihr i'nrprriy ur s+.nsc <br />pars thereof is hrc4lyd and shill m4i1 copies of wrh mritcr iu the manner prescribed by apylicrblr taw to itornrwrr auJ to the <br />WAer persawn prescribed by applfealrlr law. alter the tap.. of sue0 IinM as nwy be required py apyiirablr law, ~tlustrc ,h41i <br />give politic ::(ire of stale W the persons amt iu the nsannei prevaribrd by uppliradte law. 1-roster, without demoted n <br />6etrowrr, straB sett Iht Propr/ty a! publtr auction 1n the h(ghrs! bfddrr at the lime swd place and under ihr taut. riz.iKnaird <br />iw the nr!(icr of side iw our ur meter para'rts sad in suab order as frlater may delrrrntur. 'i~nutrr may post(reire ,alt of all <br />w any petrel of [hr Property by paWir aunuuncrnrrm at the lime r,nd place et any previously scheduled sole. 1 ender at <br />l,rnrk is drwigwrr may parcltttse thr Property at say sak. <br />i)prra reredpt of pay enrol nt the price (rid. Tnntere shall drift rr to the pnrvhxser fnrsu'ds drrti ,vases heft Oxr Ptnp. rt, <br />wid. ~fbr reteitals Cn Itre ~frualee! deed zball in Priova (aa ie c>idrntr o! the tnnh of fire st afa•urenH orada• itfr+em. 7ruHrr <br />shelf apply Ihr yrocreds ,+( the suer in Ihr (ollowi(t{6• unite, o to :dl re4unrab4• cents unr! coyer+r, of Orr +:dr, including, Intl <br />reef lemiievi ter, Truxlrr> frt. ut nut roar tlwn 1;' L OZ ~ ' n( the grass sdtr pea snirahlr alluruv v'+ ices once a ++1+ o/ <br />tdttr rat ident'r; 1bt lu alt autos secured by t!/ix Ura•d n( l`rusY, sad Ic) IlM tscrs~ tl any,loathe r*rrvnc rn prrsnras la•};ulh unsiped <br />/kiceeto. <br />19. Btvmwcr's Rigb1 to Rrtnstatr. NoR+~eh,iamimg 1 ra+Ccr. ~,+ ~:.n:•~:..'.1 tlrr „ _ J h, :lu, ItccJ „! I ni,~ <br />{tor r.~wrr ,hall 3rasc the r:gh[ i:. ha ny pnwar+ung, htt~d ~ I r~,.lr. d•~ ~a - ~,, S~rr: ~~t 1:. ,. _~ n:u +J <br />.:ny' lmu trr~nr to Ili -r . - -: (I f Ilia filth Ja, f -I' - u . ~. r,r I' .., o I ~ - - <br />:u thi,7)csd vd in+sl ur lulrnll).d.:ImlLnKnl +ulni~,,t, ihn lha~ri ,=I Ir+>I :I :. h, ,., ,,~.i ... t., ~, <br />be then sac um;cr th:, th~ed ,4 , -+,~ the Note .nN ruic•, ... ~, ,: Lunt.. Ad,..: ,., ,. ~ ~ . ~ .. . , i ,,. <br />+iri ilnn, cur..> :dl hrc+c++c- , . .+:;q other ud,;~n : ~ t .+ . ,, ., -,. ,.. Uca. I r+:-.;. <br />~r is,nr -> : t,:+t, alt ' „day -. p.: uavi b, 1 c ,n~~ n,i i r.. , ,.,... ,. ,. .,. •, <br />,Ctini!a+s riot rs<-a Inr,i .r .i m+ ~, ua 1c,:.1 ,~ .~. ... ~ . <br />live eat, me,uehne~ bi.t nog", n Ito t: +i+Ia .d lornu Ir ... ~- .I- h, : , , t„ .... . ,- ,~~ 1 :+:... .,, -.~ ~..~, <br />.. quire !o .+s,u:.: !h,d •h: , cu „ 1T:od of -ih, t u~nc, , ~ua~.,I .,, ~-~ pr , ::..,... .-:,i. -+ ~ . <br />