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- a 80-- a04~Q~ <br />I)E~~ OF T~tTST <br />PHIS DFxn OF TRUST i ade this...?~ da f ...'7~~ .:...........:.... <br />80 A~f~red w. Ber.7cier atid'3ti3i~i~i )t; ']3ec~s- <br />19....,amongthe Trustar ......................................................°----~----._..... <br />.......... (herein "Borrower"), ... Jotm .R. Bzcwm~.1:. ; . <br />- - ....Caititei'ctal 'Sa..... ~ ~ ..... - of GY'attrl . Isl.Biid ........ (herein "Trustee^), ated the $eneftciaiy, <br />..... .. ~r3xrgs- Canny .. . . ............................... a corporation ar tzed- ate, <br />existitg t~rrtder the laws of ....... Nebraska ......................... . whoss address. is; ..2321 1~ .. , . . <br />W~ib Road, Grand Island. NI6 68801 .. (herein "Lender"). <br />BORROWER, in consideration of the indebtedness herein recited and the trust herein created, irt'ec+ocablj;-.grants- <br />and conveys to~Ti stee, in trust, with power of sale, the following described property located in tbe: Ce~unty bf <br />.......................................... State of Nebraska: <br />LC7I' EIt~iI' (8) IN 13ItX:7{ SI3CTY (60) IN 6~T32 AEsID BEt+lI1E2't"S <br />ADDI?`IaV 'IC> 2~ CI7:'Y (3F GRAIIIJ I.SZALID, lines. WtBffyf. ~ i <br />i <br />which has the address of. 114 West 12th Street, t3r-arrd Islar~l, ^:E 5880), <br />t5tret1l .~~IYI <br />................. ...... (hereitt "property address" t: <br />tSrrie and Zip Caael <br />~l'OGF.TtIER with art the ImprUYl'tnenll n1)K' t?r hl'rl'.11 C1'I' t'f rrleti ,~~~ the 1ln lperf\. ,Illll .ill ~':I~t /llrm ~. I'Ighls- <br />appur[enanees, rents (subjuct however to the rights and autburrtrns Etacn hcrew to Lcndtr to correct and apple such <br />roots), royalties, mineral, od and gas nghts artd protiti, w;urr, water nghts, ^nd water •au'k. ,rod all Fixture, ,tow .n <br />Ttereafter attached to the property, all of which, including replacements :utd additions tttct'etn, shuU tx deemed w he <br />and remain a part of the property covered ny this Decd of 'T'rust; »nd all of the Foregoing, together with seat pn,prn~ <br />(or €he iea=<eituid e5ta€c if this 17e~.t c:f lrtts€ is ott a Leasehold) .trc t;c€etn r>lcrrcd t_ ,,, the "T'rup;=rt;"_ <br />To SECURE to Lender (a) the repayment of the indebtedness ceidenced by Borrower's note dated .:Ttt1g . ~9, <br />...I,`?~Q..... (herein "Noce"), in the principal sum oY- ^~~'s~l'tt~rz.tYnttsdnd. _thrt~r: -4tlpdretd sc:~santy. t_t,~. <br />a3~.2S/.19P..(5.1?..3Y2.2S) ................Doltars, wnh interest therton, providing for mumhlp installment, <br />of principal and interest, with the balance of the indebtedness, it not wooer paid, due :utd pa?able on . <br />.......................................... : [he payment ut elf other sums. wnh interest thereon, :uh;ur~.~i <br />in accordance herewith to protect the security of [his Deed of Trust; and the pertuunana: ,~t the ~o~rnaun :utd <br />agreements of Borrower herein ernttained; and (b) the repayment of any future advances, wuh interest thereon, made <br />to Botrawer by Lender pursuant to paragraph 21 hcrco[(herein "Future Advances"1. <br />Borrower covenants that Borrower is iawfully seised of the estate hereb}' conveyed and hue for nght t<, gram ;end <br />convey the Propeny, that the Property is unencumbered, and that BOCIJwer wit! warrant and drfrtid gencntl(a Ilse <br />title to the Prope»y agaLnsi all claims and demands, subject to any decLarauons. casements .rr rvstrivtiona listed ~,; a <br />schedale of exceptions to coverage in any title incur»nce poliev irtsur:ng L _:xTer's =.nt~~rrst •n th, !'rnperty. <br />NMFF 3/$0 <br />