~-- 0Q410? ~~~~G~1~~ ~ _<_
<br />'t}ti8~Ad61ltuTe,Madebyandbetaceen _.._....._P~IR~._~~Nr...I1VC.
<br />...._....._..._.._........._.__._._._.___.,......._....._ ........................._._.._._-.__..._.. whether one ormnte herninafler-ref~txdtoaam.- - -.
<br />ana 'iflE ov~riArrr NAT'tONAL B~iNg- OF GRADID I3F1~ID - -
<br />T4ie Mortgagor far end in consideration of ($...~.r.7._Q..,.~..Q~} - __~tf::..~!~If~Ct~..l~.fty_...~'~0.1~21d. T7"rl 7 arc -IIgR,j,;~jji p~QQ
<br />_.....__.. ._ ..... _._.. __ _ .... ........ ...... _....-- Dt3Li.AIff8.7taidhyU>febpnlC
<br />the receipt wherraf ix hereby acknowledged, hae granted, bargained, sold Cud rnnveyed, and by the- pieaeaffi, does- grant;-- - _
<br />bargain, sell and convey, tmto said bank, the follmving described real property s}Coated in the County of ___~a:~:~-. - -
<br />and Stace of Nebraska, to-wit: - -
<br />All of tot 12, Gommonwea..lth Business Park, 3rd S~Ibdivisidn; ''
<br />Grand Island, Aall County, Nebraska (as identified oa the
<br />drawing marked FSshibit B attached hereto and ttade a part
<br />hereof).
<br />together with a.Y the tenements, here<:itame.^.ts an<3 appartrnan^t,s to th^- same ?>°!nn¢ing, and all the estate, title, o}aims and
<br />demands whatsoever of the martgagar ~+f, in nr to said prenat t,ny part, thereof, and said. mortgagor does hereby cwr
<br />anent, that the mortgagor is !awfully seized of said premises, that N:?ant pretri:s~ew ar-re. free tram incunY krrance ~, and mortgagor
<br />wit warrant and defend the t'ittc to said pnamises egainttt the cYa~iens and. d,:: naands ."rf nil pereons whamaoeve~r.
<br />fROVIDN;D ALR'AYS, and these presents are span these anrditinns:
<br />WHEREAS, the mortgagar hats execuud snd ~#eliven!d to f~he, Hank . .,,. a..Ce2'talII......._ ................._..._ promissory note
<br />dated At>~n.}st 6, 1980, in t:he amount of $150,000.00 at an interest rate of 13.O~a with
<br />interest only tine and payable February 6, 1981, and. the entire unpaid principal balance,
<br />plus accrued interest due and payable August 6, '1981.
<br />snd has agreed to mnintain fine, windsn.rm and esterdcd rnv~ra:-e :nsurancr ,~ :x.ri ;;remises in amounts required and in
<br />campanies approved by the hank and wich etandarn n nrteege rluusr5 which poi miss =hail ia• delivered to Che bank, and has
<br />agreed Lo pay all [axes and assessments Levied against said yre m!.es b,•t, rc the sane txrnme :i,•linquenc and m maintain said
<br />premises.
<br />Now, therefore. if the mortgagor shall comply wnh alt ui the provtsu.ns :~. paid note and the pr<>vtsions hereof, then
<br />these pmxents. shall be nail and raid.
<br />}Inwev e~r, if the atxne note and intere+at tncrer,n ~• p:tyr.:am?s .. :s1 i~'.n i :Wrenn + r. paid when due or if anY
<br />of the -.vensn ~~ ~=f tri-~ ana:.^.tc:enr « _. •:rnl'a.. ~- r- tic. lartks, ..' ,r _,i,~rf i ~ :. n9>ncn,n entry- d~ciare the rn-
<br />rnairing• hulanr_c~ .,#' v'~nid indebtednees~d .,nl rut ~+,,,: .,nd rr.a,} r,.nr ai=, _,vi n:: r: , r .r ,r ~"p:iny tl., <„ nll amountq
<br />due and enforce Y}Ye firev-isirins hereod~. :n the want ,a' :n,. foil na~n- :. n:n t;!at„'ar I„ :,:n, rak,ain the } remises. u: rr to maintain
<br />imaurant°e as is aExrrt provided fnr, a ,u pay+ taxe. t v:essm a. t ~ r:a t, # =se•.rn;i n' atls'ane•a tht spin nr same neeeesary
<br />eo obtain cnmpnanse and .nth .tmountl +nn,l ;m tdd-. c: .. -i:, e,-~.+ui:" ,ne -,k.a ,,,,k, ~-,r n..,. r.,:l .ate n-td ',earinterest at
<br />the htirY^-3tst legal rata:.
<br />t7` I:i Ft7 R'f}dER .4t:~REEf?. :hi, smut ts;a:,,, .rsrt 3 .r, suty,°, -rs~~i d`, r,. h.n r-. rs m„rt„oa l-- ,~t rc. c.urt:4 car not eniy
<br />t{te amount adr=aneacl ran~urr-fitly w°iFh t r _..,, ,. .. -, .,.:.,, ,,.:... ,,,,. Ya ,. ~ ,::a,ke :~ ,;.. ,.,
<br />parties !ur the'ir asstxrs up wr ehu tudal am au_ •tatrd , , th n , lu.~~,l r. ~! ~t do 3as a-d,atntcs art4inally made here-
<br />under. Further peace i= hereby xiven chat h,~ rt-n, r - „ }+ ~ ~rgasr,~ ~ i idir , !1 - m}arr~t ra}e, p pent, mxtunty,
<br />penalties, and other terms shall ,•onrm~rentlS up„n .~a,••,v bon in•. ,,m.,~ an «: tors nmrtua Fn•.
<br />IT JS FttRTHER AGP. F:F,D. the; the Baal }tort Ka x,,, =naY} :and :,,i ~ pny aiI taxes nu-u•u npnn this murtxage or the debt
<br />a n nu:c
<br />secured Cherehy, Ga4'ether with any ether taxes , .,. s~m,mts ~_ .., .. rvuvi t r the I,:nrs ni tieurxska, against nc~
<br />said Mortgagee or the legal bolder of the Maui pr~t.,;gnir :•~te,c~ •~.r ,u- ,ant ,:f Chu uuii~Lted ner~.
<br />IT 1S FUHTF}ER AGREF.L1, if at any tlrne, ti+6ih~ th, port xage ,+ ,=ffcrt and [ha nau; fnr which thrs mortxage is
<br />}SiVen es security, or nny Part fherea t, remains au p:ud, -,., ~,. - c.l ., . :- =~-li. :;n,~ey - .,,n[ract r aeYi nc~ n•raY
<br />eataCe herein described, or any poet iherenf. ~rr Hxe bturtgaxurs du not have .~ ,.e ~,~ have n[le~ to said real~rvtute .n• any
<br />part thereof, then and in any such i ants. thr: )Ior;guKV.r :::ay. +, t, i!s :pt a,n. ,, n; lap, ~.,, nnpui.i principal hahuue, and interest,
<br />of the note secured hereby immediately due a d pup~A,'te. In ttte ov,•nt [iota !hasrr yrenn-es me not now. or vhould hereafter, not
<br />rvuro
<br />ba occupied 6y mortgagor then this instrument _=t:nl! r„nstit utc tin ssigain ant of rrr.tals and x _ ui' a copy thereat upon the;
<br />occupant shall he sufficient to rtquire all payment fot , rntaY rr ase• ~.i t;he prvnns<=s after date of such a,•rvitt• b, r.tade tr.
<br />mortgagee.
<br />signea th}a.. E?~1i._ .... __ .day of August , 1:u. t30
<br />In pmsenee of PRA.T.a:°~7"iCIN, INC.
<br />$y; t'"" -~'4,at.:~'"- President
<br />Hofam me, a natarp pubic yual}fted 6u' .-aid ,'• Y. 1'"-.-""a,:rlly crap.,
<br />known to me to }x! the iticntienl peraan rr trersuus c+i.u <tursu ..hr inn~tc,~o,g i-._rumen.. ..,.::a ,a,naaw,.-a, t _m : s., eta,,: thrrv-
<br />of to be his, her or their voluntary act and doa:d.
<br />Witne&Y my fiend and notarial seal en.
<br />hSp commisaian errprrea:. . . _ l'J
<br />~•,Cary 1'uhir2.
<br />STATE OF .-.-__.. - -... 1 F.nter,:d tin ,.~mencrti md,•s and ford tior neanY
<br />j 96. ,
<br />Cowtty __ . ....... u. the Hea;ster ,~i Uee,}s i.}ffire ,.i sand County thr
<br />-daY aL-. .. - 72 st. .,';~i,n- ,t:,,i sun ut.~.• Rt.,
<br />and recorded in Haok.__- - of :rt pa~gi-
<br />}iy.
<br />Rex. of l.iceda
<br />! teynty
<br />