~~ %C~~la3 ~i~T~~
<br />TEAS-SNA&NTtJRE, made this 6th ~y.~-_.- - xR'tt~tlst: ~;."18',~n-: t;y ami b2tmeacr -
<br />RoilaTd E Iangenbera and"~;~F ~-anaenberg'. ttustiaricf Ana w¢g, each irt`'P~is-aecLbar
<br />~ {~a13- Camty, Nehrneka, ea amttgagor~,_, and Grand Island-Yeast Company of r3read-,Iste:nd, n enrlnrotfoa
<br />organized and existing valor the laws of Nebraska with its-prlacipal office and place of bnaveese-et Greed Ia1_and. Nebrue4a, as mortgagee: ~-
<br />WITNESSETH: That said mortgagor_S_._ , fm aad_in consideretfoa of the snm of- - z
<br />Three Thousand Seven Hundred nifty Three dollars and 43/lOD IbIIp~{a'f5~3~~r3t43~i
<br />the r~aipt of which is hernby aclanowledged, do _ by these peasants mortgage and warsant" - - . y v itataBearsxrrs~sdd'assigna -
<br />forever, ell the following deacrilwd real estate, situated in the County of ___.-Ha ja_ " Gy
<br />mtd State of Nebraska, to-wit: - "ti
<br />The Westerly One-fourth of the Southerly One-Half (WtnS%) (or
<br />what would be lot Five (51 if laid out in City !otil), In FSlork
<br />Eleven (11;, In Irlindotph's Addition to the City of Grand island, Hall
<br />County, Nebraska.
<br />Together with all heating, air conditioning, IighcinR. and plumbmR egmpment and fixtures, includirgr screens. ewnmRS. storm windows and
<br />doo€s. and window shades ar blinds, used on nr in ronnecttun wrth said property, whether the name are now iocauxl on card property ar her~efter
<br />plarei thetma.
<br />TL} 3iAV~ ..,'-,D Tfl IIf7LG ; IiE u-A.`,tE, taKether w-rch aft sad ntxtgulnr i.ha tanenrer,ts, headitarne-.rta and ¢PPurtctsantrs ther~tnta Sc~
<br />longivg, or in anywssa appertaining, fare•,rr, and warrant the title to the same. :+atd morKUgor S irareby revenant with surd
<br />rmxttga[,~ that --- .ties y_-- ,u ~__ ak th€ detivan• herrv>f. tyre lawful owner a c,t Chu pn+mis:.. aL-ovt ;<,nrNy+xi and riuscri'tra~i.
<br />and_ arm seized n[ a gpod and uzdet ~sihla estate ..r mhrrrtenee theretn. [n+ uud clear ~.t aU rncuznhrancen. n¢d that 4_ her._ .+-rU
<br />warrant ¢nd defend the dtiv thereto forever vgninst the claims end demands of uU persons whomwrever.
<br />PROYtDEU ALW AYS, and this rns:cumeot ra rxor:uted and delivered to secure the payment of the ,um of
<br />- no/y~ ~ ~
<br />__._r~2 1:75)4aSd€1d S~YE'!'1 yuf~lr~Sl ~•_ft:x Ilif~;._t~41idP5_~3Lf1 ~t~JlltYl~ttlls a>x_5~.~.~_ ~_
<br />wiW interest Chorine, tagethar wuh each charges and sdvmws as may he duo and payable [u surd murtgaKW-• under the taints and eundrtruns
<br />of the proadaaory nakr of vvon data herewmh and nrx.unxl hvrrby, exvcutet{ by ward inurtRagor i to said mortgagee, payable as exprrs.a•rl
<br />N acid note, and to secure cite parformnntx of ell the terms and conditions contamal Cheroin. l'hv Carina ul said no«: urr hereby Incarpurnted
<br />herein by Chia rofarerrcu.
<br />It i8 the iatxatusn amt agtaeineu! of Che partces h+unu> that thin mortgage shall alms srxura any future a.Ivnnces made to anal mortgagor S _
<br />by auiti martgageo, and any sad a!! indebtedveaa m additmn to the amount ahuvu stsitd which ,said murtgngurs...r auy of them, may owe lu
<br />salt! mortgagee, twwevee evidenrxxl, whether by note, brxrk accwnt o othvrwrse. "I'hts nwrtKngr shell remain m IuU ton-u tmd etftrt betw+x-n
<br />Cho partioa hereto and their heiro, pera:nai representatives, succussurn nn6 assiKnn, until ell auwunt» s,wurrd hereunder, including hrtun•
<br />advanoaa, are paid in fuL' with interest.
<br />The mortgagor.. ~.. trar+,isy assign to said mortgngrv nU rents arrrt oxen+v arrnmg nt any and nU tunes Ertuu card pruprrty nml
<br />hereby authurizo asuf markgagen or its agent, at rte option. u{w+n dataulk, to was chsugi. u€ ..aril preporty nail culla:t all nnta :mil a ..., ..
<br />theta}rdai and apply Cite seam to the PaYmeni nt intor•ost, prita.ipnl, innurnrtre Preuziuma, taxes, asaeaaman[,s. nrpaira +,r imprs>vanrenty
<br />np:nasary tU krxep am/d Property in koaantable wndiWon, ur [o other rhargen ur payments prau nltxl fur hands ur m the auto Irnmby .,~.. rod. l'hm
<br />rwtt aaslgnnuent shall r+mCi®.~ in force uaW the unpaid 6ala[tty of said note in holy paid. '1'ho taking of to>ssr3namn hereunder ,halt m rt;u utann.,r
<br />ptweti4~tw ro[a3ti said mangagee in lire cdlartam of 4ai:i awns 6y €vrvckaaurn nr ettearwrav.
<br />The [nilwa of tta<mortgagov W assort any at tta nghts henwnder at sn} trine shall nut nn i_an»irur!d an u warvrr +d ;ta rptht. «, u:~se.rt thr
<br />soma at any islet titres, and w insist u{wn end anforca strict complumcu with aU Chu tvrrxrs nail pn~. rna>¢s of snail auto and of Clue uh.rtRar
<br />ff said tetortgagor S ntwll cause w be paid w seal mortgagtw 46e ent[ru axtwwrt duo u. hrraundvr, urxl uralor the tonne ".,,.r pn,v r. runs
<br />of eau! mla 6[aoby secured. includ{ng future advances, ami any vxtenswns or renewals thvnwf i.n +a~curdmce wuh the «~nn:...,,:i pn.v reuunn
<br />t#terotst, raid 3f-said taat~agor.S- sh~a~l eanspdy scrth a8 the previsrans of said note rurd of Chia nwrtt;da.e, th.ur t4var prr+mruta shell he . aril,
<br />oE3rarwiae to tan.ain in itrll forts and effuct, and said nwrtgagea sha.il he enuued to the puasesarun of nil of surd prvPerty . v nvay, at u.,s up«on.
<br />derJara the who4 0€ sass! sots and off indabtedtwea raPtnaontcd thereby to be tmnrediatvly due aruf puyxibb, sad nwy fnr.a lusr~ [hrn nmrtgagn
<br />ur take any rrtlWR 4agal action to prntatt fta right. Ap{uaisament waived.
<br />T3ain martgaga shall ha t,tnding vppa and shall ovum 6r the txnntit ut the bests, azta:uwra, vtiamswirawrs. ~ue.wawn n umf w'sxRns of r he
<br />rasp~irva pazYf~ hu~aW.
<br />1.4 WI'i'(r'EbS' WHF:ILE:t)p, sauf Mortgngnr ~ Fro y~_ hereon«r su. Cf181t' hnmf s. thr day n.d vier tree :,br,t,~
<br />wt9cwn. '-
<br />_. s. `
<br />1°1r.11 ~ ''rl ~:t{till ~'(•' .~ 's
<br />