<br />THEATRES CO., a Nebraska corporation, Grantor, in consideration of Ten IIollars--"
<br />($10.00) and other good-and valuable consideration in hand paid, does lseretiy SELL -
<br />AND COA'VEY unto PRAIRIE DATSUN, INC., a Nebraska corporation, the following
<br />described real estate situate in the County of Hall and.State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br />an addition to the City ofCk•and Island, Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />subject to easements, restrictions, rights of way and agreements
<br />of record, acrd subject [o zoning laws. -
<br />This Deed is made, delivered and accepted, however, upon the following covenants and
<br />conditions, which shall run with the land, to-wit:
<br />(a) Fora period of three (3) years from the date this Deed
<br />is recorded, the use of the property described herein
<br />shall be restricted to automobile sales and service in
<br />the operation of the Prairie Datsua Attta Dealership and
<br />related facilities; provided, however, Granter shall,
<br />upon the written request etf Grantee, waive this restriction
<br />as to any purchaser (unrelated Ea Grante.e.) of a portion of '
<br />the subject praperty pursuant to a bona fide sale by
<br />Grantee to it following a valid subdivision ar re-sub-
<br />division of the subject property;
<br />(b) For a period of fifteen (15} years from the date this
<br />Deed is recorded, [he use of the property described
<br />herein shall be further restricted against promotional
<br />activities which involve amplified sound which carries
<br />beyond the boundaries of the above-described property,
<br />unusual displays of flashing lights, and displays which
<br />are not normal procedures in the operation of an
<br />automobile sales and service busier.
<br />(c) Far a period ci 21 ye'ars' fra;n the date this Dc[~d is
<br />recorded, no pee[ ctr parts of the staltjaet {'~: e'rcy
<br />may be used for theatre, motian picture cxhibi,ts.
<br />theatrical ar ccm~ercial theatre put,.°ptts>es;
<br />(d) The property described herein shall be further perma-
<br />nently restricted against any lighting titerenn which,
<br />during the hours chat Grantor's drive-in mutio^ nicture
<br />theatre 1)•ing easterly therefrom shall be in ~~pera[ien
<br />to the estent that light from the property described
<br />herein, either direct or ambient, shall fall upon any
<br />i,ortion of -raid drive-Sn theatre premises in such :canner
<br />as to interfere vi[h the enjo)vu=nt by [he patro,'ts of said
<br />dri.•o-in theatre and the cntertain:nent then being provided
<br />in the drive-in theatre premises;
<br />(c) The use of the prop~tly de~;cribc~d herein _,i;,+11 further
<br />be permanently re::t ricted to pz~v ~~n[ the placlnl; of ,vuy
<br />electrical, h'lephone, voter, .,ew,:r, L,.s ot- other public
<br />or private uctlity t.:u:ilitics above gr.~und nn .+np part
<br />of the properly described herci~^., oihrr th;+u on n Ccra-
<br />parary basis; snd
<br />(f) The property dosci ib ed hat r.ia eat:cll further be n•e:t rifted
<br />to require yr:otter's apl+tuval, t.~hieh shall nut br. unrc.tson-
<br />ably withheld, of written plans for landscaping :+nd of
<br />plans and spec ifica[ians for in:prevements to he cunsiruc[•-'d
<br />on the subject property, prior t~ the cor:J:'~en.+~~,..•nt i>f .++ty
<br />lands=c:y>tng or cons[ruc[tan, and all such ::p; t~ red land-
<br />:;caping ,:hall be proprrly installed and ;..aint.;in..~d :, .~!ing
<br />to auelt l,tndnr,t{+inl; pl,u,s for a parind of at .,..st fit -.:n
<br />(1 $} cousr:utive )','.tt:: nficr sue:h intit.+il.,ti,m.
<br />
<br />