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S1iART FORM - <br />I.oatl tVutnber__45107 _°_ --1_______Sfl <br />P12Ol~ERYY 1MQaROY~MENT s:mae iYe: <br />~~}}yyFaaw No. 214 ~tT.gRav. 7i~7?> T~g~7 `^'~~.y{ ~~yy <br />~L/~it i/~~~i L ~Ll i~~~~~11 <br />~~"°~` ®{~ 4 0 ~ 3 I~TOw ALL MEN BY TI3ESE PRESENTS <br />~Aj~ _Roger_Toy-and Kristi Toy,.husband and wifer ,~ointlx and each in their own right, <br />hereinafter called Mortgagors, in consideration of the suffi of..._Sim.HAhA.RED..Fg1tTY..liINE..Al7ID...AS/.1.C1a-- <br />($ 544.85 T DOLLARS, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby MORTGAGE <br />and CONVEY an absolute title, including all the rights of homestead and inheritance, unto FIRST <br />FEDERAL 3AVING3 AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, hereinafter called <br />Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, the following described real estate, situated irr-..--..1?all-_--- <br />County, StaW of NEBRASKA, to-wit: <br />Lot Three (j) in 3lccY One (l) in Le ;ieights Second Subdivision, <br />Ue;n~ a part o: she Yorthwest Quarter of the. ,''IOrthwest Quarter <br />(i~>y~!SI4) o° Nec,lan Eleven (ll), T_ownshi~ Lleven (ll), IVort-h, <br />Range Ten (1Jj West of the 6th ?. M., in Hamel County, 'debraslca. <br />TO i%rtd'E AND i'O BOLD the real extste shore d~.x;hed, ~-it;e aL' appurtri.anc~ tl;er~u,ic <br />~.lrngiab ante the said Maz±gagee, forever, ¢¢tvridsd alwa:s, and this marteage ie [.soon the eapr!~s cnn- <br />~:~ .. }met :f the sfay~amn,_;.l Ma.}n }4;qr {4ei °.,.^Lt}~~ ar3~ n~°!*a}.T._-. uhall na [mar <br />to he paid to the said Mortgagee, its e:'uccassoxs or assigns, tho psincipat sum{ hereinabove setyiartit, ali <br />accoreting to the tzuar and ellect of a certain instaihnent noie of said Mortgagors imaristg c":en dais with <br />this mortgage, and shall pay taxes and essesmnents levied upon said real estate, and all other taxes, levies <br />and asaessmeats levied upon thin mortgage or the note which this mortgage is given to secure. before the <br />same or any i[ustallment ther~f becomes delinquent, then this mortgage W be void, otherwise to remain <br />in full force. <br />IT I$ FURTIiER AGREED (1) That if the said Mortgagor shall fail to pay sorb taxes, the <br />)L~io may pay the same and the sum so advanced with interest shall be paid by said Mortgagors, <br />and'(ag~nwrtgago shall stand as security for the same. (2) That Mortgagors covenant with the Mortgagee <br />that they are lawfully seized of said real ~tnte and covenant to warrant and defend the said real estate <br />against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. (3) That in else of a foreclosure of this marigage, <br />the plaintiff in such proceedings shall be entitled to Wks boss assion of the grernisc~s, protect the same and <br />ce)l~evt ux~ rat*w issues and praf:to thereof. (~) That ...ailu.., to an. c•t ~;d er ary iraWl!- <br />ment thereof when th,e same becomes due, or a failure to comply w7ttr ariy of the foregoing agreements, <br />slsal3 cause the whole sum of rnaney herein secured to become due and collectible at om-e ctt the option of <br />fire l+fortgagee_ <br />Signed of......,,,:~~ ..............._..._........._.. ._ _ t9.. J#`'._ . <br />:. _ <br />- ., , . <br />na,ru~,r .,4, <br />,. <br />__ <br />STA:E f3F \TI:AIi,ASICA Kr i 5t i ![:v t' <br />............11A.,'i.~ .................CountY. ~ ~ <br />Ua thin ..._.. ~..~..- _... day of ..._-.'.>~>w~=~ 1$,~- 6ettuQ me, fkxe under•_~ignxd, a Notar~~ F'rilxtic, in and (or <br />said (X+uab', PenwnaIlY cvm® ------4o~rer-.?_~Y..._tir~i...)tirz~.~?_..i.~Y..,._t~i~tihz~(id- in<L..S+.?_LS.,. ... <br />panoaally ktrOA4 W me W bs rho-[ Sdentical leen,aew whose annx~ ore ettiseal W Lieu a&>vu and foregoing i[cH[rument, ~~ <br />~, sad aarh a.~knawledpti paid izeairanrurr W be his or her -: alunt,ry act and aced. <br />witneaa mY hand and rwrarial alai at.....--...-.(;renal.. 1.;:.Lau:d~i:cb.c'.aak:r. <br />tYee dam !~ a.,t•^eo wrl#ttrr. , <br />i <br />._, <br />~'t4 r -~ - ~ - {' r <br />i A 6EYri&5, iffrAFS - ' iipia.ry irubiir. <br />HY cwauuessivn rupiraa .1 G~FNTiiu. ~ ...... .._. <br />t FAr .~wr.. <br />