<br />8~-- ~}0407~ iUfOFt"i'GACIE
<br />1'filS IHDFd+79'UR~, made thfs 4th efey of - Anifrtct - . ~ I9 :$fL, by' and 6a.eem
<br />Quane I. Phii7if~s and Carol k. Phillips fiustsand and wife each in-fins and-her___
<br />right arsrl ac cnntrcH of tha nthpy^ ~ -.
<br />~.. Nall Cormty, Nebraska, as-motigagorL, end Gcaad Inland 2'mst Company of:4ltmtd"~>iLad.. a-e~rporatiea
<br />orgsnized. emd ezieting miler the lawn of Nebtaelta with its prfacipat affkx end place of btteiness ac~ Graod~ Islmd:-Nkpf~~aamat~gee:
<br />WITNES3ETII: Thtttsaid atartgegor~_,foread Srt rnaaiderati~of the-ettm-of - --
<br />the ree®pt of which is hereby admowladged, do _~ 6 these reseals m - -` `'
<br />Y P ortgage end warrant untausttitl`" ,r@t>ftdeAtta~f` e
<br />forever, all the foibwiag described rest estate, situated in the County of __ _Ha t 1 _ - ~- -~ _-~ ~ ~~ ~, ~ ~ ._-~
<br />sad State of Nebraska, w-wit: ~ -
<br />Lot Eight (8) in Block Seven (7) in West Park Addition to the City of-Grand Island,
<br />Nall County, Nebraska.
<br />Together with di heating, air comiitionmg, !:ghting, sail plumbing equipment and fixtures. including screens, awnings, storm windows and
<br />doors, end window shadtre or blinds, axed on or in conrcection wn.M said property. whether the same are now lut~ted nn said property nr hereafter
<br />plemd eheRna.
<br />T6 fiA:-E AfdD TII HOLD THF: SANE, together with all and singular the taaemaats, hurtvlitameats anti appurc narn-ce thereunto be-
<br />k,nging, or is snywisa appaRaining, torevar. nod warrant tits title w the samr. :iad morgegor '. hereby mvennnt _ with :;aid
<br />mortgages 2rat . _.... he f___.d.[E-._____..._, st the delivery iaareof, too iawfui uwnar ~ at iiie premises above rnnvvycd and daacritaxf.
<br />a~-__a P~__.. seined of a good ottd irdefeastble estate ui inheruance therein. Ina xnd clear of all encumbrance, and that . L. hx,Y._-will
<br />waRnnl and defend [ha title thereto forever ngainnt the claimx nail demands of all perwns whomsoever.
<br />PRAY[DED ALW AYS, and this instrument is executed and delivered u, sexvre the Payment nl the sum of _ - - ___ _._ _._ _ __..-_ .
<br />__E~hteen,Thousand.Fiye,Nundred_S_ix_do1T_a_rs_and 25~1~~ Ibt>a~,a 1~,,_zfJ6.s.`~,_ _.- z.
<br />with interest thereon, together with such charges and advarrcex ax may be due end payable w said mortgagee ocular t he terms and amditinna
<br />of the prsrnienory trots of eves data herewith and sor:ured hurcby, oxacuted by said mortgagor ?.. _. to .mil mortgagee, payable as exprrxseKl
<br />in said rrote, and w aeatre the performance of till the tartan and condition contained theRm. The terms ut said note arc hereby rttcorpotatrd
<br />herein by thin raGeterax,.
<br />It ie the int.....,,,, a~ egreemenC of the parties herew that Chic mortgage shill also secure any future advances made to xaid mortgagor.. S
<br />by said meutgegea, and say and aU ixdebtednees to addition w the anwwtt above swtud which said mortgagurx, ur any ul them, may Dort r u
<br />raid mortgsges, however uvideaced, whether by tww, book recount nr otherwise. Phis nwr[gage .,hall reuwu, ur full furee and etfert botween
<br />the paKien hereto aril their hefre, peraond representetivtss, successors and usstgnx, anal xil amounts secureei hereurufer, unluding luwre
<br />advances, are pard in tai; with interest.
<br />The mortgagor _5,... hereby ensign _ to sad mortgagee all rants and imome arising at soy nail all ones from saW property nail
<br />heueby autboriza said mortgagee eu its agent, at its option, upon dstaWt. w take charge of sod property aml colhat dl rantx anJ uuume
<br />thatelrom end apply tie same to the payment of interest, princ:,.xl, insurance premiums, taxes, nxnesaamata, repaus or improvements
<br />turoeapary to keep 6aid property is tenantable oaiditiew, or w other ehugee or peyn:nata provided for herein ur in the now hurcby eee:ureJ. This
<br />Rat asaiptmaot shall cantinas in force uatii the wywid balance uF xad note is fu11Y Paul. The taking of fxrsseauion hereumler shall in m+ manner
<br />prwerst-os rstartt said mongs$se in the toUectlon of said xtuae by forecionure or nr.harwise.
<br />The failure of the mortgagee w assert any of tts ryshts henrtmdar at auy time stutll nut 6e construwi as a warvav of ,ts nght t.. xasert the
<br />same at any rater limn, and w foist upon and enforce strict eompliaiaca with all rho terms sail provisions of paid Horn scat nl thrn ns,rtgxge.
<br />if said atartgagoc $ shall canes w he paid w sazd tnsrtgagee the entire amount due it hereunJxr, aril under Lire tarns anJ pn,vrawn.
<br />of. raid note hereby eawtted, iaclrufing future advances, std any extensions or rarwwats tharoot in scuudanca with the tern» and pn>viswns
<br />thereat, nail ff said mortgagor __5.._. shall comply with all thoprovisiona uE said notes and of this morigegv, then theaa presents shah na vod:
<br />wlae ta telnajn in tail forceawi effect, and said mortgagee.ahali be entitled w the poxaesswn of eL of said proptvviy, mtd Hwy. at its upturn.
<br />dvclem the whdeo[ safd tsote soil all intlsbtednesn reprenmtnd thereby w by immediately due and fwyable, and Hwy toreulusu this nurrtgage
<br />or take any sifter logal actkrrt w protect its right. Appraisamanc waived.
<br />Tbia mortgage ahaU ba binding upon and shall enure w the benefit of the heirs, exa:uwrs, admmistraWn, sucseata,rs and assigns ut the
<br />renpectiva part.tes hereto.
<br />1N Wf4'NESS WHEfik:GF, said Asortgrrgor. S._.. hn.~t.~. hereunw set_ _~'f@}~. tu,Qd ~.~..-. ythe day nail year hnt airovc
<br />writtau. ,.' -
<br />?tfdr.~' . I'hT 1 t.~r.
<br />-- --- i~arul H. i'nlllip~
<br />