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so- ~~~ass <br />Ur+rac:u Cover+niWrs. Barrtwver and Leader covenant artd agree as follows: <br />2. Pttymea! of Prfasipttt tttd int<rept. Borrower shall promptly Ray when due the prirttdpal of and iniere~ on the <br />indebtedness evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note, sad the principal of sad interest <br />on any Future Advances seatttd by this Mortgage. <br />2. Fords for Tatffi tttwl Iesmoce. Subject io applicable law or to a written waiver by Leader, Borrower shag pay <br />to Leader an the day monthly instaltatxnts of principal and interest are payable under the Note, until the Note is paid in full, <br />a sttm {Ytereia "Funds' equal to one•twelkh of the yearly taxes artd assessments which may attain priority over this <br />Mortgage, and grouad rents an the Property, if any, pills ott~twelkh of yearly premium installments-tor ha7srd iasttratttx. <br />plus otte•twelkh of yearly premium insWltnents for mortgage insurattrz, if say, all as reasonably estimated initially and from <br />time to time by Lauder on ttx basis of assessmenu and hills and reasonable estimates thereof. <br />The Funds shalt be bald in an institution the deposits or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Fedora} or <br />state agency (including Lendec if Lender is such an institution). Lender shall apply the Furrds to pay said razes, assessments, <br />insurance premiums and ground rents. Lender may not charge for so holding and applying the Fiords, ana!yz}ag said aeeomt, <br />nr verifying and compiling said assessments and bilk, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law <br />permits Lender to make such a charge. Bortower and Lender may agree in writing at the time of execution of this <br />Mortgage that interes[ on the Funds shall be paid to Borrower, and unless such agreerttent is made or applicable law <br />requites such interest to be paid; t ender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings oa the Fuads. Lender <br />shah give to Borrower, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the <br />purpose tar which :ads debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged az addironal security for the sums secumd <br />by this Mortgage. <br />If the amount of the Funds held by Lender, Together with the furore monthly installments of Funds payable prior to <br />the due dates of taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents, shall exceed the amount required to pay said taxes, <br />assessments, insurance premiums sad ground rents as they fall due, such excess shall be, at Borrowers option, either <br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on monthl}• installments of Funds. If the amount of the Funds <br />held by Lender shall not ire sufficient To pay tares, assessments, insurance premiums and ground tarots az they fat! dtte, <br />Bortower shah pay to Lender any amount necessary to make up the defrceency within 30 days from tht date potter is mailed <br />by Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof. <br />Upon payment to full of all sums secured 6y thts Mortgage. Lender shall promptly refund to Bortower any Funds <br />herd by Lender. If under paragraph I t3 hereof the Propene n said nr the Yropcrt}• !s otherwise acquired by Lendeq Lender <br />shall apply, no !acct than imrttediate!y prior to the salt of [he Property or its acquisition 6y [xnder, any Funds held by <br />Lender at the time of :yrpiication az a credit agarnst the sums secured by this Mortgage. <br />3. A~catioa of Paytmeda. Unless applicable law provides otheru~isr, at} payments received by Lender under the <br />Note and paragraphs I and 2 hereof shall he applied by Lender first in payment of xmaunta payable to Lender by Borrowtr <br />under paragraph ~ hertof, then to interest payable on the Note, then m the principal of the Nate. and then to interest and <br />principal on any Futaue Advances. <br />S. C&argest fYros. Borrower shaii pay all taxes, asussments and other charges, fines and impositions attributable to <br />the Froperty which may attain a pnoriry over this Mongege, and leasehold payments nr ground rents, if any, in the manner <br />provided tinder paragraph 2 hereof or, d not paid m such manner. by Borrower making payment, when due, directly to the <br />payte thereat. Borrower shall promptly furnish [o Lender all notices ui smounts Juc under ibis paragraph, sad in tht event <br />Borrower shall mate payment directly. Barrowar shall promptly lumtsh to Lender receipts rvidencmg such payments. <br />Borrower shat! promptly discharge any i:en which has pnonty over this Mortgage; pr<?wded, chat Borrower shall not be <br />required ro discharge any stK!t lien sir ia;reg as B:?rra~wer .hail aRrre in evritmg to the pavrar:nt of the chlrgavor. secuted by <br />s'xh lies to a R„^rxr acuptabit !a fender. or sties!! rn gaaui forth a-ontrst such liar. by ur deftnd caforcemem of Bach lien in, <br />Icga! prixerctings whtch operate to prevent ;he entorr:emrnt u1 the hen or fortcuure of the Propery or any part thereof. <br />5. tfaaard fas[rarare. Burrc?wrr shah keep the +mpravrmrnis now esisitng r,r hereafter erected un the Property ensured <br />agarnst i -- R ire. ha2a,°da rrRiuJ;zJ wrthrn tht terns 'Y.xttndeai .. .ers;te~ and s - other hazards as !.endu ma, rtyurre <br />and !a s~^ ~u?:!ns and ±ur stash i+en,*ds as i ender may rryutrc; prev:drd, that mender ,hall cwt rcau!rt that the amnum of <br />iuc. coverage exc ~i that -a. .sum ,?f ,u'.C-rage rryrnr€al to t>a:, the .t:.. , ::3,trev by t;:ts ~#CrtFage. <br />r+Tlte +t[suraru:e carrier providing the msurancc shall hr chosen hy' Harrower subjea:t to approval by Lender, pravtdtJ. <br />that such apprae~at xhsei Drat be un'easanabiv wtinhtid. A!I premiums :tn insurance au!ictts ,hail r`,r ,~ - ~ ;Y.€ matt, 4r <br />pr~~drd utter SS~`rap== 2 !tartest =>:, rt cwt pa,ai vt sa.~lt manner. by Barrav:;s :nakmg payt;trttt. Rften Jut. ~,hrt~~t!y to r!a€ <br />}astuattsx caeriar. <br />AH insurance pdieies and therrot shaii tx m form .:ace-ptuble to 1 emtrr .end shall include a ,r.:nJard mungagr <br />clatut in favor a[ and m form acaroptabie to ixnder- tender shall have the nglu w holJ !tic polictcs .uui renewals themot. <br />and Borrower shxtl promptty furmah w LrnJCr all rrnewai aahcrs and all receipts et paid premiums In ihr event ni loss, <br />Born?war shalt gtv>e prompt uutice to the utsu,..ncr earner anti I_rndrr. t coder may make prom r.t loss tt not male promptly <br />by Burntwer. <br />Unless !_rnJrr and Borrower auhrrwtse agree m wrung, !nsurancc pros:rcvfs shall he applied m restoration or repair nt <br />the Propery Jsmat}ed, provided sua:h restorauon ur rrpnu is econnm[aally teasrMe naJ the sccuuty ut the Mortgage r, <br />nut thtrtby imparted. 1f sarc:h restorauan or repair is not ecanumtcaVly teasthic or .1 the xcunn• of then Mortgage would <br />the tm¢atred, the msuranct practeJs shall be apptieJ u? tht supra .ecurcd by this Mortgage, ~,vrth the rues, if .,ny, t?a!J <br />to Borrower. II the Property is abattJoaW by Borrower, err a Borrower lade to responJ to 1 ender wnhm tU day. !run? tier <br />date aoucx is maeltd by i.tttdtr to }}errowet char the insurance aarrer atftrs +u ~,etttc a oinrm tar rnsitrance htnrhrs, ! ~aJer <br />n nut}wrixed to cu}ket and apply the ni.€urance pnx:cetis at Lrudcr s u}rtmn either to rpwruuon or +epau n1 the Proptny <br />ur to the svtns sex.urrd by this Mortgate. <br />L%nltss Ltndtr and Bortower uthet'wtse agree .n wrtrmg, .my aua:h application .+i pr:xarris ro prrn.:+pal shall n,» cvter.J <br />ur pixipunr tbe dare Batt of the mouthly instalimtnts rc(crrrd w m paragraphs auJ ? bettor or chaiigt !tic armxmt ++i <br />such enstaHnteab. 1t uttdu paragraph 1$ harlot the Pra+perty +'. acywreJ by L.t;ttJer, a!1 r+gttt, bile :mJ m!crest of Bornrwrr <br />in a[td to nny itl4w atnt policits and m and to the pnu:rrxLs~ thereat rrsvfung from damage to the Property' pnor to the pale. <br />or acquisitor shall pass to Lender to the txtrnt ut rite sums x.cureai ht thn Mortgage inmtrdtatciy pnor to .uch sate or <br />atxruistt*on. <br />_ 4, f'rsatrvtulm sad Ma~lenaxre at Ptopsny; t.rt45cHa}tts: L'ondaninfutus; I'Iau[[ed Utdt Ikeeitrpusrau. Bnrrowcr <br />sita}i keep TYrt Propcny in gwd t'tpav and shaii nest commit warm ur toes out +tttpa+itttoni ur tttena.tauun ct the t'ri+periy <br />arc! malt cc?mply w~iEh the provistaru uE aoy !rare d ihts Morgage :+ on a leasehold. 11 then 'etarigagr ++ ,nr .+ unit u+ ,+ <br />ccynr#omintum nr n pituartrs} anti dtvtiopmrnt, Borrt+wet chat! prrfcnn all .rt Bon'r:wer~s obhgatmns u!tder the .ir<larauuu <br />ar cavtanuis erratiag err gstvtrnin8 [ht ccredomtnium er ptanneJ unit drvektpmcnt, the by-law, .nxt rcgulauons +rt thz <br />condorninmm ar planrnd un;t ikvrlapment, and .-oustieuent ducmnrnts. 1f a rondonumum nr planoeJ :+nr! Jevrlopmant <br />rrdzrr es ext~uted try Borrowe-r attest recurde+i t+.egether thrs Mortgage, ttte :.a?vrnanta and .igreemcnt5 +,t ,ur;~ +,1cr <br />shaii ix ina:orputated into anJ shall nutend aril supplement the: ,o:enants .+a ; agecetttrnta .r, th:s 4#:;rtyiagc .+s ;I +.., :+.4: <br />wrta a p+an hereof. <br />7. Ptrasecliua d f.ender's 5ectuity. If Bortower testis ro pettarm the covenants auJ egtrcments :,wna:nrJ +n +hrs <br />Mortj.ay(c, or i# any action ut pretcetdrng ,s +:ommrnce+l whictr matenall}' attests I.endct's +ntrreu to the !'rope+:s. <br />inc#utiing, but curt hmtttd to, emirtrut domain. +nsolvrncy, conic enturcentent, a. arniagententa ..v pnareJmg~ ~+roolarng a <br />ttankrupt ar dreedtni. then Lendtr at Lertdet's opvutt, upuu natzcr !rr }Scn raew'er, Wray make such ap}x;utancen, ~ +st*vrs.: +och <br />stuns sad fake s'atrh asK}oa as s necessary to protect Lrr:Jea'-; mrerest, utd udmg, nut not havrrJ ;.. d+shurseatrni . _ <br />rtasarta{sk atluttley's fats :utd entry upon the Property m make repel: +. ii !.enJet rcymreJ ~mrrtgnge +nsu:.urcr .+. .~ <br />cat;tdtitett to rnakutg Cttc loan securty !ry tilts !'via*rtgngr, Bc•rtoaer shaii ;»y the p;rnuums reyanei + rneni,x~+i .+ .-. <br />i .. a~ ". ~=rttii 3mh '~ as t€x rri~uit~~nt foes soh ,ssr.raaz,~~ rasnunau= ~,. _,.,,rdat,.•~ •a,th Burr twrt', ~,nu <br />