<br />k.l-SURVi'lflRSFdfP WARRANTY DEED G.ftnn ~ ~ K;GanWM:-Lincoli!t _7~:.
<br />SIJRYIVtSRSI-{tP i~VAr'~NTY f3EED t
<br />Asrlath $. Blown, unremarried widow herevs called the grantor whether one nr mprBr
<br />iii eousideration of FOURTRIId THOUSAND AIJD 2d0/100 DOLLARS {$14,000.00)
<br />received from grantees, does grant, bargain, sell convey and confirm tmto
<br />Alfred W. Heckler and Sudith K. Heckler, husband and wife
<br />as joint tenants with right of survivorshiQ, and not ax tenants in e:ommon, the £ollowiag deseribP~i real
<br />property in .............'.........................._............. Cnnntr, Nebraska:
<br />Lot Twenty.five {25), in 1SLock Dne (l}, Knickreha Second Addition to the City of
<br />Grand Island, hall County, Nebraska
<br />~PK~~~£~t P`~~,GNE° ~ AUG BY 1980
<br />~~
<br />To have and to hold the above descrSbed ~»•rmiaes tnethrr v:ith ail t,•nements, hereditamentr;
<br />and appnrtenancex thereto bciyngin ~~ !:uto the zranteex cud to their assigns, rr to the heirs zind assiknx
<br />~I the ,urvivnr of ill«tu rnrecr_r.
<br />And grantor does hereby covenant ~i-ith the t~rantcex and Kith their assigns :iud kith the heirs
<br />and a$sitzns a£ the sun~ivnr et them that grantor is Iat4>~zL, .eisTd oC said Iereunse':; chat they are`re:• iraai
<br />enoumtnanee and restricCians of record
<br />the?i„'r1A'snr nEt-4 n- -5-_t.t .-..._ !S;s fslt tt;=.': EJr.t4' iU .. ,, `.'e s- -C .. .,.-, -~ iu:tt ~1- ~i~.t ~. u~SHn -_.~., . ~ii
<br />~fsn!1 clae title to ~zfl. {rr^~sse-x vgttinst iks !awfui z~iai:ne *:f aii l:x~oss trt;~te~rsorrrr,
<br />It is tfie intention of all ptrticx hrrrtu that :u the Brent of the death ui r•uiw° ..C the !!raute~.es,
<br />the entire fee ximple title to the real estate shall vest mthe -urvi+-i u;; s!raur~~~•
<br />Dated August ! I9 gp
<br />.,; z., ,
<br />,• _ ,
<br />. _ _ _ ,. .. Ardath E. Hrown
<br />B'FATF. OF ..,.........BRASKA ......... ............. th:,tu, € tlflt.t,......,..,........,,.,..,.........:
<br />Before me, a notary pub?ie qualifies for said ci.unt.y, I,Nr~onail~ ~-xtn~.
<br />Ardath E. Brown, unretnarried widow
<br />kno*~~n to me to he tllc identical prirsnn or yer$uns ~~h,~ ;iyned tb.. Tru~Hgo:trt{ tuatrutz,ent ,ml r~~Mrc,ai*~.ifed
<br />the oreoution thorwaf to he his, her or their volantary set and deed,
<br />t
<br />Witness my head and notarial seal nn ..._-:~` ` •- '...s, ~ ..,,-..-~ _.-._ ---. .. t9_,.: '-.-..
<br />,..
<br />-.~fi~IR WY1lY .. ::X +.-~~t.`f -., ': .. ~.' ~~.._.... ': et.~rr S~7,t~ti
<br />~l~fy 4nni tfliNa3QY1 1.[311 r~;$ .". -.,.~ ....... ..... ..... ty... ,;
<br />