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t <br />_ _ ~ 63ys-REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE-Nitth Fnc Clete 'ts. Hxltmn a..ed euypy Saw, l.tuotn, Dten-. <br />$~" ~ Q j# ~ ~ $ I~iQW wr.r. ~I BY Tf~4E PRiTS <br />~~~! DARREL D. DUBBS and NONA M. DUBBS, husband and wife <br />(Mortgages s J <br />of-. Hall County, and Stafs of Nebraska , en cansiderateon of the saute:af <br />Forty Thousand and no/1001hs - - - - - ($40,000.003 - - - - - - - - - - - - - DOLLilRS <br />in hand paid, da hereby SELL and CONdjEY unto <br />SIfERMAN COUNTY BANK, Loup City, Nebraska (Mortgagee J <br />of Sherman County, and State of Nebraska tkt follaraing described preigisas <br />sitttated in Hall County, and State of Nebraska to-wit: <br />,P. tract of land in the Southeast Quarter of Section 27, Township 10 North, Range 11, <br />West of the bth P.N., more particularly described as follows: Coasnencing at a point <br />ninety-three and one half (93'x) rods north of the Southeast coiner of Section Number 27 <br />Township Number 10 North of Range Number 11, West of the bth F.N., thence running north <br />along the east line of said Section Twenty-seven (27) one hundred seventy-two and <br />ane tai£ (i72~) feet, thence running south 830 10' West, two hundred fifty-two (252) <br />feet, thence running south one hundred seventy-ewe and one half (172'0 feet, thence <br />running north B3° 10' East fVA lI° 45' E) Two Hundred Fifty-Two (252) feet to the <br />place o£ beginning, containing 1 acre, more or less in Ha11 County, Nebraska. <br />Tks eaten#ioa being to coavsy hereby an absottt#a #ites in fee sempis including all rks rigkis of homestead and doxeer. <br />TO H~YE ~#idD T(1 iiOLD #ke eremites above described, u;tk ail tks appurtenances tkereu»ta belonging <br />unto the said mortgagee and toits /sUC`h~§.?$~ assigns, forever, psovidrd always, and these presents nre upon <br />tht express tanditian that if the aforesaid mortgagor s, their heirs, executors, administrators ar assigns shall <br />pay or cause to be paid to the said mortgagee its (suc.o~~scttsors, administrators or assigns, the sum of , <br />Forty Thousand and no/IQOths _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dollars, pa}'able as follows, to-wif: ~! <br />Dollars oa tks day of rq <br />Dolbrs on the day of rq ' <br />Dollars on the day of 157 ~: <br />Dollars o» the day of ty <br />Dollars on rha day of r9 <br />uritk {ntsrsst thereon at 14 per teat per annum, payablemonthlywRtrradt~tall according to the tenor and effect <br />ofacartainpromissorynoteofsaid pARREL D. DUBBS and NONA FS. DUBBS, husband and wife <br />bearing even daft with these psesanfs, and shalt pay at! tares and arssssmants levied upon said real estate, and ~zll other ' <br />taxes, levees and atsessntsats levied ,:eon this ntortgoga or eke note wheek this mortgage is given to secure, before the <br />same betomss delinquent, and keep eke bttildinga on said premises insured for the sum of <br />lose, if any, payable to.tke said mortgages, then these presents to be void, othentrise to be and remain in full force. <br />}T 7~r{!~i#tFi r1CiiZElrD (rj Tkat if ihs said snor#gagar shaft fait to pay such taxes or procure suck <br />ixsurance; ~s said mortgagee rrsty pay syrh taxes era protare sack lrx=rarae,• and the se:n sa adkssntad, :Frtk interest , <br />at lb par tent shat! be paid by said mortgages, and skis mortgage shall stand ar security fns the same. (1% That <br />a failuss to pay any of said tnoasy, either principal or interest when the same becames due, or a faiture to comply zr~tk ' <br />any of=ifkt foragocng agresntents, shall cants the whole sum of money herein recurrd to become due and rallectible ' <br />at once at the option of the mortgagee. <br />Sigdsd lhes 4th_ day of August , 157 80 <br />, <br />!n presence of _...:--'~-'° ---.~--t~ r' -.. ~ ~ ~. .. .. _... <br />_ :, , ~, <br />~?~dna ~M. Dub~ts <br />.,5,,.,. _.. <br />