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r- <br />~;~ ~~ r <br />MO~T~.~GE <br />-~ <br />This~mortgage made sad eatezed into this '~ day of ~ / 98J v-%. . <br />I9 ~by and between Philip S. Harvey and Florence L. Harvey <br />(hereinafter referred to as taortgagor} and the Adatiniatrator of the Sma71 Business Administration,-aa ig~cy of the <br />Government of the United Staten of America (hereinafter referred to as mortgagee}, who office aad- <br />placeofhuaiaeesat Empire State Building, 19th & Farnam Streets, Omaha, NE 68102- <br />Wtnrffissts. that for the con.ideration hereinafter stated, receipt of which u hereby atd;notded6ed, •~ <br />mortgagor does hereby mortgage, Bell, grant, assign, and-convey unto the mortgagee,. 6iswcaesora sad assiam„all <br />df the following described property situated and bring in the Comty of <br />State of Hall <br />Nebraska <br />The Easterly Forty three feet (43') of Lot Seven '~(7) and the ~i, <br />Westerly Twenty two feet (22') of Lot Sit (6) all in Block <br />Three (3) in Pleasant View Third Addition to the City of Grand Island, <br />Nebraska. ~I ~I <br />Tosethrr with an+i including all buildings, all fixture. inefuding but not limited in all plumbing, heating, light. <br />ing, vrntil Ming, refri ge rntin~, i::rinernting, air +•onditionin;; up puruurs, and elevators {ihr mortgagor hereby <br />declaring that it i> intended that the items herein +=numuratc+9 ..iudl br derme•+l to h:»~e been per+nnuenth' im <br />>talle+l ns part of the realty), and alf impn,crmrnt~ tune or lu•reafter +^sisiin_ thereon: Fhe 3tcreditanuvtte €snd <br />nppurtenaners and all other right thereunto belonging, ur in any~.yise uppertainin~, and the reversion and re^• <br />version., rrntainder and rrmninders, all riGhte of redemption, and the rent,, iswt+^., and prvtfit~ of the above <br />rleseribed property (provided, however, that ihr nu,rt garur .ball be +n:titled io ihr po~.r>siou of maid prop+~rty <br />:md to eoilrct-and retain the r<etiis; Issues, nn<i profit. ttmil default hereunder). To ltave euul to hold -the .au:r <br />auto tbr. nrnrtgnger.-and tha sucee=sors in itnurest uC the mortgagee forever in fee pimple ur ;ugh other astute, <br />if any, as is stated herein. <br />The mortgagor covenants that he is lawfully xized and possessed of and has the right to sell and convey paid <br />property: that the same ie free from all encumbrances eccept as hrreinabove recited; and that he hereby binds <br />himself and hie aucceeeore in interestto warrant and defend the tills aforesaid thereto and every part thereof against <br />the claiatsof all persons whomsoever. <br />. This instrument it liven to xecure the payment o[ a promiseorr note dated v ~21~--~.v~ C. "-5'`~ _• , <br />in the principal sum of 819,300.00 , Philip 7. Harvey and Florence L. Harvey <br />io iwb,dt of themselves. <br />1aA F^.rro )Sr 49-:31 ern.lau. Ed:+:ua. ... UL.ole,.. <br />