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<br /> 1T.Tr�iufer af tb:!'cop.r4y�ur a tk�xfiil�l Inten�.t in Rui-ruNCr.li•rlt ur;►n}�p;,rs nf ehe Pn�pen� ur any mterrst in it
<br /> is�uld urtr.�iuf�rr��l(ur if a he�v:tici:if int:re.t in&�r:ouer ia u�td artr:►n>fcrrcd�iul E3nrc��HCr i��x�t a na�ur.el�r.��n)wulk�ut
<br /> t.c�ul�r'�pei��r written ru��.�cnt. I.cn:�ur ntly, rt it. �Mtioo. rcyuin:iii�m:Jiut�: ��ym�nl in fuU of;►11 wm. ,xtiur�d b}� Ihi�
<br /> Sc:uril�•In.lrw�x�u. Idu��ecrr,thiaaption+ltiall iuu hr exerci��1 by l.citi.i�:r if�4xercitie is pruhibit��l h�• fctiicr.+l luw u,ufdk J�tc
<br /> , uf ihi�Se.urity Ins��uinrnt.
<br /> lf 1 c�xkr cticr.ik�th��n�u�a,n. �.ciuirr shali givo Fs�rrowc�ruxi�c c�i�::•.�h:uiiiuu. Ti�c tx�i�«.�ai� �,���ci����rii;:of;t:is
<br /> Ie�.than:tt) .1a}�. irum the datc th: �x�tire i. Jeli�•en.�d ur inail�:.0 u�iQ�in whi�:ii &irruwer mu.t pay� all +um. x�.uittil by �hi�
<br /> 5::urit•:Instrument. If f3o�mw•cr fails tc�E+ay th�u�mm priur tu d�t�et��iritinn�,f�hi.�eri�►al,lxi�r ntiy in�ul�e a��y re�iwxlka
<br /> ' pennitic.�1 by thi�Strurity In.iruisunt+x�ithout fu�ther nuti��or.lr.mand un&�rruacr.
<br /> 18. Borrow�cr's Ri�W ta Reir►�te. IP Rt�trua•c� rrk�:ts �enuin cunditions, Li��rr��u�r �hall tw�e �tk ritht u. hu�•c
<br /> enQ'omenx�tt ��f thi� Sccuriiy Ina:rument diKOntinur.d at an}• timc priur io the carlicr��I': tal S Jay� tar .urh�uhrr peri�xl a..
<br /> applii�able law• nuy ��ccif}� fi�r reinstatc��kntl t+ciiiru .alc of the Pro�crty punu:►nt to um� pua•rr uf �Ie �untained in this
<br /> Securily In>trunknt;or(b)cntry of a judgnxnt enfun:inc�thi�Sexu►-ity Inctrument. Th��se cunditiuns are that&xruwer.�a)pays
<br /> 1.rndcr all sums which th�n u��x,ld t+c due widcr thi�Securit�• In>trument and thc N�uc ac if nu acrelcration haJ�xcurreJ: (h)
<br /> cures any default of anp nther rcn�tn:j»Is or agrcenients; (c)�E►ap� aU expenses incurred in enfi�rring thi.r• S�:curity� Inurun�ent,
<br /> including, but nnt limiteci ta,rc;au�nable attorneys' fccs; and (d)takes �uch action sc Lciuier may reawnabl}• require to a�su�e
<br /> th�t thc lien of this Securiry Instrun�ent, I.cnaer's rights in the Prapen�• anc�Rc�rrower's obligation to pay the sums secured by
<br /> this Security (nstrument shall �ontinue unrhun�;od. lJpon reinstateiiti:nt b}• Bc�rrower, this Seeurity Instrument arul the
<br /> obiig�lipns secured hereby shall ren�,zin fuUy eff�x•tivc as if�SO acx.�le�atiai hr�l �kcurred. Howe�•er, this cight to reinstate shall
<br /> not appl��in ehe case oF accelerati�n u�der paragmpt� 17.
<br /> 14, �tc af Nate; Clwn¢e af Loun Senicer. Thu Nutc u►- a panial interest in the Nute (togcthcr with this S��urity
<br /> Instrumznl)may be wIJ ane or tnom times with��ut priur natice r�a i3orrower.A sale may result in a change in the entity(know�
<br /> as the"Loan Serviccr"1 that coUc.�cts nwnthly payn�ents Juc unJer the Note anci this Securiry Inst►vment. Thcre alsn may be one
<br /> or��rc:changes af the�.aan Servicer unmlateci to;e�:r.lo uf the l�ote.(F therr i�a change of the Loan Sen�icer, Borrower will be
<br /> given written notice of'the change in accordance wilh p;uagrspii 13 above and applicable law.The notice will state the name und
<br /> addmss of the new L.oan Servicer ans�the address to which paym::nts slwuld be n►ade. T�notice will alw contain any other
<br /> infomiation required by applicabta law•.
<br /> 20.�aa�urdous Substauces.Bvnower shall not cause ur permit the p�:nce, u�e, ciisposal, storage, or relea�e of any
<br /> Hazardcws Substanoes on or in the Propeny. Borrower shall nut do, nnr a:'.��w anyone clse to do. an�Khing affecting the
<br /> Propeny that is in vinlution of any Environmental iaw. The precedinfi tv.r*�,e�:tences shall not apply to the presence,use, or
<br /> sto:age on the Propeny of small qwtntities of Hax;udous Substacu�s that�:���;eneraUy recc�gnized to be appropriate to nomial
<br /> residential uses and to maintenanee uf the Property.
<br /> Sortow�er shall promptly gi ve l.ender written notice of::r� investigatiun, claim,demand, lawsuit or other a�tion by any
<br /> govemmentat or r:gulatory agency or private party inv��lving�►x Property and any Hazardaus Substaiice ar Environmental Iaw
<br /> of which Borrower has actuttl kno�•ledge. if Born�µ�er;eams, or is�x►tifia]by any govemn�ental or re�fatory authority, thut
<br /> any removal or other remediation oFany Haz�dous S`.;.inr�xe�ffecting the Propeny is nece.ssuy.Bor..uWaz shall promptly take
<br /> all n�cessary remedial actions in accordance with C^�i;c�r�er.ta:Law.
<br /> As usc�in this par�graph 20."hazardcws Substance.�" ;xc�;hosc substances defined ;;.s t��xic or haiardous sub�z.;�c�.,es by
<br /> Environmental Law and the folEou��r.g substances: gasoline, �erosene. other flammable or toxic petroleum pra¢�cU, toxic
<br /> pesticides anJ herbicides,��olatile solvents.materials containing asbestos or forn�aldehyde,and radioactive materials. As�sed in
<br /> this paragraph 20, 'Environmentnl Law' mean� foderal laws and laws of tbe jurisdiction where the Pcc�erty is located that
<br /> rclate to health,safety vr environmental protection.
<br /> NON-UNiFOR'�Y COVENANt'S.Borrower and Lender further mvenac;�and agree as follows:
<br /> 21.Accdaatioa;Remedi�s.Lender sbAU Rive notice to Barruwer p�ior to�ersitloa Edlow•ia£Borsnwer's breach
<br /> ot �ny covenant or agreen�ent IR N1I9 Security Instrument (lx�t not prk�r to Accekration u�der �wragr9g� II'�unle.ss
<br /> apglics�ble !aw pwvides otl�wise). The notice shall specify: (a)the default: (b)tbe action required ta care t�e de!'sWt;
<br /> (c) a date, not less thxn 30 days irom the date the nottce is given to Borrower,by which fl�e def�v3F aeust be cured;and
<br /> (d) that failurc to cure the def9alt on or befosc the date spocified in tt�e notice rtwy result in acee�ation of the sums
<br /> secured by th[s Securlty Instrument and sale of the Property. Tde notice shall [urt6er Infam Borrower of t6e rt�ht to
<br /> reinctste s�es aeoderation and the rtght to bring a eourt �ction to acsest We non-existence of a defadt or any otber
<br /> deleace ot Borrower to accdersdoo and sale. If the detault is �wt cured oa or betore the date specified ia t6e cwiice,
<br /> � Ixt�der,at its option, may require immediate payment in iWl of all snms savred by Wis Security It�stnunea4 withotiL
<br /> tWrtber danand aad nwy invoke the pow�er ot sale and any otl�er remedles permitted by applicable law. I.ender shall be
<br /> . eatitkd W collect all eYpeases incurred in pursutng the remedles provideclis Wia pstra�raph Zl,�,but not limiLal
<br /> W, reasooabk attorw2�s'tees and costs ot title evidence.
<br /> If the power of s�le i�invol�ed,Tn�stee shall record a notice of�eE�vlt in eac.'� oo�nty in wbicL any part of the
<br /> Propertv is Ic�cated and shall nrstl co�fes of such notice in the msancr�sscribed by applicable law to Borrower and to
<br /> the otla�r persoac prescribed by applic�We law.Aflter the time cequtred by applicsble law,Tnutee sF�all give pecrsFk notke
<br /> ot sate t4 ttie pe�soas and in the manner prescrlbed by pppEa��4e Lzw.'�'raStee,without demand oa Borrow•er,shall sdl
<br /> tl�e Pra�}�erty at pult�sucNoa to the higl�est bidder�t the time sad�Six�e snd under the ternLC d�sigm�kd in the aotice of
<br /> sple ta,�e or mcre(�anets and In any order Tn�stee dMer�.'s.TnuG.�e maY P�P�s,ak of 911 or any parcel of the
<br />. Proper4c Dy puWic anno�waarest at thc time ynd place �s�ay prevbusly schedute� s�le. Ixader or itc desi�iee may
<br /> pua�chasi tLe Property at sray s�te.
<br /> Form 3028 9�80
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