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g0- ~L <br />.=?~ - <br />MORTGAGE <br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L Z3,J44 <br />tolowALLM~neYTHESEPR>:sENTS:That Ronald D.. Westphalen and Darlene E. Westphalen, each in <br />his and her own right and as spouse of each other, <br />Mortgagor, whether one or more, in consideration of the sum of <br />ZhirtY -Eight Thousand and No/100-------------------------------------------------- oottARs <br />loaned to said mortgagor by The Equitable Buadmg and Luan Association of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 380 store of stork of <br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate No. L 23,J44 , do hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the mid ASSt)CtATION the foIlov,ing <br />deu~ibed real estate, situated in Hall County, Nebraska: <br />LOT EIGHT (8) IN BLOCK TWO (2) IN WEST BEL AIR <br />FOURTH ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, <br />HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />togeti:er with all the tenements, hercditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, including attached door wverings, all window sereuts, <br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings. heating, air conditioning, and plumbing and water equipment and accessories thereto, pumps, stoves, <br />refrigerators, and other fixtures and equipment now nr hereafter attached to or used m connection with said real estate. <br />And whereas [he said mortgagor has agreed and drxs hereby agrce that the mortgagor shall and will pay all taxes and assessments levied or <br />assessed upon said premises and upon this mortgage and the bond secured thereby before [he same shall become dehnquent w furnish 2pproved <br />insurance upon the buildings on said premrses situated in [he sum of 538 , OOO. UO pavahle to said ASSOCIATION and [o dehvYr to said <br />ASSOCIATION [he policies fur said insurance: and nut nr mmmir or permit any waste on ur about said pretnisros; <br />In case of default in the performance of env ul [hr [eons and conditions of dos morggage or the bond secured hereby, [he mortgagee shalh <br />on deman3, be enti0ed m immediate possession of the mortgaged premises and the mortgagor hereby asvgrs, transfers and sets over to [he <br />mortg;rger all the rents, re roues and income to he dzri.xd from the mortgaged premiss during such time as the mortgage indebtedness shall remain <br />unpaid; and the mortgagee shall have the power to appoint any agent or agents it may desire (or the purpose of repairing said premises and renting <br />the same and collecting the rents, revenues sod incnnu, and it may pay nut of said incomz aft rxpenszs of reputing said pren»ses and nzeessary <br />cammissurns and ezcenses incurred .n renting and managing the same and u( collecting rentals therefrom: the batanet rentairting, if any, to be <br />apphed toward the diuharge of :atd mortgage indebtedness; these nai:u of the mortgagor may be esemised at any time during the existence ot'such <br />default, irrespective of env temourarv waivzr of the same_ <br />Thasz Prex:nts, however, are upon the Cunditiun, l'itat if the card Mortgagor frail repay said loan on ear before the maturity of aid shares by <br />pay runt; pay m:>rthly to :aid ASS(;E'LITION of the. sti<m sex-.e:.ied in the Band szcrrrd hereby as mterzst and p; in<-:pµ~ on stud lean, >n cvr bafcrr <br />the Twentieth day of each a-nd every month, until aid loan is fully paid, nay all taxes and assessments ?ruled agamst said premises and on this Mortgage <br />and the Bond secured thereby, before deiinyuency: furnish approved insumnce upon the budtings thereon in the sum o(S 38 OOO. OO payable <br />to aid ASSOCIATION; repay to aid ASSOCIATION upon demand all money by it paid for such taxes, assessments and insurance with internist at <br />the maximum legal rate thereon Irom date of payment all u(which Mortgagor hereby agrees to pav: permit nu waste on said premises; keep and comply <br />with all the agreements and conditions of the Bond for $ 3Q, , OOO. OO this day given by the aid Mortgagor to aid ASSOCIATION, and wmply <br />with all the requirements of the Constitution and By~Laws of said ASSOCIATION: [hen these presents shall become null and vord, otherwise they <br />shall remain in fill force and stay be tixeciosed at the option of the aid ASS(X'IATION after failure fur three months to make env oC aaid <br />payments or be three months in arrears in making said monthly payments, or to kzep and comply with ttte agreements and conditions of aid Bond; <br />and Mortgagor agrees to have a rrcervrr appointed forthwith in such foreclosure proctedings. <br />If there is any change in ownership ul the real estate mortgaged herein, by ale or otherwise, then the entire remaining indtbtedness hereby <br />secun:d shalt, at the option o(The liyuitable Building and Loan Association of Gland Island, Nebraska, became immediately due and payable wititou[ <br />further notice, and the amount remaining due under and bond, and any other bond for any additional advances made thereunder, shall, from the <br />date of exercise of aid option, bear interest at the naximum legal rate, and this mortgage may Then be foreclosed to satisfy the amount due on aid <br />bond, and any other bond for additional advances, together with alt sums paid by aid The Equitable Bttading and Loan Association of Grand Island, <br />Nebraska for insurance, taxes and assessments, and abstracting extension charges, with interest thereon, from date of payment at the rnatimum <br />{agar rate. <br />As provided in dte Bond secured hereby, white this nwrtgagr remain, m cifec! the mortgagee may hereafter advance additional sums to the <br />makers of said Bond, their assigns or sucussurs m interest, which arms shall he within the security of this mortgage [he same as [he (ands originally <br />secured thereby, the total amount of principal debt nut to exceed ut :my time the original amount of this mortgage. <br />led ntis .~ st~d,~x.>r~~,/ August n. n., rt~ ~~ <br />one eT~p-Tia~€n~°`--- --Darlene E. Westpha~l~L- men--- <br />srATE op NEBRASKA, <br />COUNTY OF HALL ~ ~~ <br />Ronald D.. Wh~S`~ <br />each in sxathd der <br />On tn;a 1st day of August <br />the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for sod County, petxauliy came <br />and Darlene E. Westphalen, <br />Ian right and as spouse of each other, who are perapnallyknpwnw <br />t y 8O ,before me, <br />rate to be pt~Pp6rsbn 5, `~;' -;'.whose name s dre affixed to the above instrument as mortgagor S and they severally <br />"' ' ' that r <br />ankrtow ~ 3~r~sai/l,ip¢tntrrlet[t to't~ voluntary act aztd decd. <br />[4t, yMkTTJESS Ft'7r h2nd a~d Np[ariat Seal the date aforesaid. <br />tj: ~ My C<immrssrod eXpt`tes f ~ - 7-~~ j/~/ ~ 4 `~, <br />~.~ ".`, ~'~•... ' ..., "~~_,`~`° _- _ _ ~ Notary Public <br />167&2tM RI yv1' ~~" lr ~~~• 1~L~ <br />4ti nf' ti t_~ }~/_/ <br />