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- This farm is a_ed in connec- <br />r,~ ,.., lion with mortgages insurrx3 t <br />~~~;~~;g~~,o~q~~y MQRTGAG~t under the one- to four-family <br />0a° YStiJe~.7Ci~ provisions of the \ational <br />Housing Act. <br />THiS MORTGAGE, made and executed [his 31st day of July .A. D. <br />19 80 . by and between Randall W. Stewart, an unirtarried person <br />of the County of Hall ,and State of Nebraska, patty of the F.rst part, hereinafter called <br />the Mortgagor, and 8I MORTGAGE COMPANY, INC. <br />a corporation organized and existing under the laws of Iowa <br />party of the second part, hereinafter called the Mortgagee. <br />WITNESS£TH: That the said Mortgagor, for and in consideration of the sum of Thirty-Five Thousand One <br />Hundred Fifty and Nof 100-------------------------Dollars (S 35,150.00 ), paid by the itort- <br />gagee. the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has Granted and Sold and by these presents does Grant. Har- <br />gain, Selt, Convey and Confirm unto the Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, forever, the folowing-described <br />real estate, situated in the County of Hall ~ .and State <br />of Nebraska, to wit: <br />Lot Six (6) ir. &lock Eight (S) in Scarff's Addition to West <br />Lawn, in the city of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska <br />of the Sixth Principal Meridian, containing in ;d! acre., accardine to Govern- <br />ment survey: <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises ahotie described, with nll the :appurtenance, thereunto brlongtng and Including <br />all heating. plumbing and lighting fixture-, and eyu?pmen? now r here:_tier tt. ' hr:+ te~?r n;rd in t nn ~ tun wr h a ' re.t c._ -• <br />unto the Mortgagee, and to its successors and as,It_r,, forc:r . fhe. Mortc,:rgrr represcnn w..m t ~+ mmt vitt the li-vtea- <br />;ree. that the hfartga¢ar has goo right to .ell and e+nvev .ail premises: that t. re Y._....... encumbrantic: ,; .d tEI:,I t.,. <br />MarYgagor will warrant and defend the same against the lawful ::;aim, of a!! person,tw and the ,aid .Vn: tensor t?e_~' <br />by relinquishes all rights of homestead. and ail martial rights, either in law nr in rquih~. ,md :dl rthrr rantineent interest, ,rt [hr <br />Mortgagor in and to the above-described premises, the intention firing u+ com~ry hereby an abuilute title. in fee ,imple. mclud~ <br />ing all rights of homestead, and other rights and interests as aforesaid. <br />PROVIDED ALWAYS, end these presents are executed and delivered upon the follow ing conditions, town: <br />The Mortgagor agrees to pay to the blortgagre, or order, the principal uun of Thirty-Five Thousand Une <br />Hundred Fifty and No/100---------------------Dollars(5 35,150.00 i. <br />with interest from date at the rate of Eleven and One-half per centum ( 11.50 '$ 1 per annum un <br />the unpaid balance until paid. The said principal and interest shall be payable at the oflicc of <br />BI MORTGAGE COMPANY, kkINC, or :a errh other I, c u Ihr holder of <br />the note may desigttate~in unPing en month~v instalments of 'Three Hundred Forty-Eight and s09 / 100------- <br />------_--~~ --_---------Dollars i3 348.09 i-a>mmendmp on the tir,i day ,d <br />Sep tettiber . I4 80, and on the iirxt day of each month thereafter until the pn n.ipal ;md in- <br />terest are fully paid, except that the hnul payment of principal sod interest, if not ,Donee paid. shall he due :md <br />payable nn the first d'a}' afAugust 2010 ;all according to the term. of a certain prami,- <br />sory note of even date herewith executed by the said Mortgagor. <br />The Mortgagor in order more fully to protect the security of this Mortgage. agrees: <br />!. That he will pay the indebtedness, as hereinbefare pmvideJ. frivilegr is resrr.rd io puv the debt m whole, or in :ut <br />amount equal tp one nr more monthly payments on the principal that ore nest due on the note. on the Irst day of am month <br />prior to maturity: Provided, however, That written notice of :m inention to exercise ,uch privilege i, given :rt lea,t thin v i i0i <br />days prior to prepayment. <br />?. That, together with, and in addition to, the monthly payments of principal and intere,t pn~al le under ;he term, of the <br />note secured hereby, the Mortgagor wilt pay to the Mortgagee, on the first day of each month until the ,aitl note i, fttlli pool. the <br />following sums: <br />(a) Amount sufficient to provide the holder hereof with funds to pay the next mortgage msuranca prrrmum ii rho <br />instrument and the note secured hereby are insured, or a monthly charge (in ;feu of a rnorrquge insurance ~~re- <br />mium) if they are held by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. as follows: <br />(I) If and so long as said note of even date and this instrument are insured or ^rr tansnred under Ihr nn~- <br />viSions of the National Housing Act, an amount sufficient w accumulate in the hands of the holder one <br />Replaces FMAQt43M which may he usetl until supply is exhausted tiT:1"1'is t1F \Bfi liAti11:1 <br />rIUD-92t43M 19-791 <br />