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<br />not extend or pststpone the due date of rl;a monthly in=ralhnents referrer; to 9rr p~arzgraphs 1 and 2 hereof or <br />change the 3rnount of such installments. ' <br />l6. Borrower Not Released. L•xtension of the time for psymeni. or mndifir-alloy. of amortization of the =_ums <br />secured by ihi~Martgagegranted by Lender to any -urcessar in interest of Harrower shah no' aperatt #o release- <br />in any manner, the Iiabiiitc of the original Borrower anu 13orrowcr ~ street-aors in interest- Lender shall not be <br />required to cornmeace proceedings against such suer essay o:• refuse to extertr, time for payment ar otherwise modify <br />amortization of ttte sums secured br thi~ .Mortgage by reason of an}- demand made In• fire original Borrower sad <br />Borrower's successors in interest. <br />11. forbcerance by Leader Not a Waiver. any forbearance try Lender in exercising any right ar remedy <br />Hereunder, or otherwise afforded i;c api>hcable 1sw. =hall ra*_ be s waiver of or preclude the exercise of an_r• right <br />or remedy !tereuuder. The procurement of insurance or the nacmert of taxes or ether Jiens or charges by Lender <br />~ shalt not be a waiter of Lender's right to accelerate the maturity of the indebtedness ..=.ecurnd by this liortgage. <br />12. Remedies Cumulative. All remedies provided in this llortgage are disiirct and cumulative to any other <br />right or ren;edy under this Mortgage or afforded by law ur cyuiro.:uui may be isercised concurrenth, independ- <br />ently_ or successively. <br />13. Successors and Assigns Bound; Joint and Several Liability; Captions. 'Phe covenants and agreements <br />herein contained shall bind, and the rights hereunder shall inure to, the respective successors and assigns of Lender <br />and Borrower, subject to the provisions of paragraph I r hereof.:~lt covenants and agreetnenis of Borrower shall <br />~ be joint and several. The captions and headings of the paragraphs of this liortgage are (or com~enience only and <br />are not to be used to interpret or define the provision: hereof. <br />IA. Notice. dnv notice m Borro;er provided ter in this llortgage shall hr t!iyrn by mailing curb not.iee br <br />certified mat! addressed co Borrower nt the Pronerty~ ~ldch•ess =cereal bclow_ except iat• our notice required tinder <br />paragraph 18 hereof to be given to Borrower in the manner prescribed be applicable law. ins notice provided <br />___ ;_., this llortgage steal} be deemed to have been ~tven co Borrower wi;en given in the manner designated herain_ <br />15. Uniform Mortgage; Governing Law; Severabi&ty. "Ct~:is four: of mart ga ge combines aniiorm covenants <br />for national use and non-uniform covenants with limited variations by jurisdiction io constitute a uniform secu- <br />rity instrument covering real property. This _llortgage sharll be governed hr the lacy of the jurisdiction in which <br />the Property is located. Ill tine event that any provision or clause of dris llortgage m the tiotc conflicts with <br />applicable !aw, such conflict shall Hat affect other provisions of this .llortgage or the 1~ote ;ah~icit can be given <br />effect without the conflicting provision. and to this end the provisions of the llortgage and the \oic are declared <br />to be severable- <br />I6. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be tarnished a conformed copy of this \lortgage at the rime of execu- <br />tion or after recordsiior. hereof. <br />17. Transfer of the Property; Assumption. If all m• any pan of fire Property or an interest therein is sold <br />or transferred by Borroter withoue Lender'; prior written runsent, esciuding ! al the creation of a lien or ennum- <br />brarrce subordinate to this \lortgage, it,;i the creation oP a purchase money security interest for household anpli- <br />arces. ~,c) a transfer by devise. descent. or by operation of Intl- upon the death of a joint tenant or td) the grant. of <br />any- leasehold interest of three years or less not containing :ur option tr,, purchase, Lender ma}-. at Lenders option. <br />declare all the sums secured by drii \lortgage to ire imvtediatcly due and payable. Linder shall have waived such <br />option to accelerate i[, prior to the sa!e or transfer, Lender anti the person m :vhan: the Yroperty is to he sold ar <br />transferred reaeit agreement in writing that-tire eretiic of such I+erson is satisfaetorc m Lender anti that the interest <br />payable on the sums secured by ehis llortgage shall be at such r:ua :z_ Lensier <iraii request- 1i bender uas waited <br />the option to accelerate provided in this paragraph 1.:md if Borrower's successor in mrerest. has executed awrit- <br />txn assumption agreement" accepted in ••=yriting Ly Lender_ Lander shall release Borrower freu; all abLgatimrs ender <br />this ;llortgage and the \ote. <br />if Le;rder exercises snci: uptior, to accelerate, Lender shah :nail Borrower ;notice of acceleration :., accordance <br />with {~aragraoh 14 hcreoi. Such notice shall nrut-idc a I>enad of Hoc Icss than 30 macs iron the date the notice is <br />mailed within tvhieh Borrower n!ae pa}~ rite sour declared dui, tf Borrower i;nls nr pay Luc, =urns prior to the <br />expiration of such period, Lender may- ••cidruut further ounce nr ~irnutnd un iiorru~t~r=r. m•;okr ;arc remedies per- <br />mitted by paragraph 18 hcreoi. <br />\ow-L'^ttFOxar ('~gvesasrs. Borrower and Lender furtht•r c•uyc=Want :utsl ars•c• as t•nlLnc.: <br />18. Aceelerafion: Remedies. I;xcr•pt ;ts provided in Inc ntgrulrh ]; hcreoi. upon Borroen=r~ breach ni ;en}• <br />covenant ar agreement of Borrower in this lIor[gags•, ir:rhiding the covenants to Ira}' tchrn due :un~ •u;m -ecuresl <br />b}- this liortgage, Lends!' prior to :ccceleratimr shall m:ui uuuce to Borrower as In~uvuied m paragr;q~!i 14 hereof <br />specifying: ll} the breach; .`Lt the acuon rryurrrd to cure such breach; i3~ a date, Hart itse th:m thirty days <br />from the data dye notice is mailed to Bun•ower, hr which such hreadt crust he canal; and c•I1 that iailu rc to racy <br />,ash breach on or before the dais specined iu for nutiru may result in acceleration of th+• ,was -ccw~eci by this <br />l-lortgage and sale of tlrr Property. Ct the breach is r,ot curcri or. ar ho(arc the date speriftc:i ir• t Irv, raadce, Len+ier <br />ac Lender's option may declare all of the sums secured hp this llortgage to he umncsiiatety glue aril payable <br />without further demand antl may ioreclosc this llortgage by }udicial proeeediug. Lender shall be +=uutled to collect <br />in such proceeding ail expenses of fnredosmt•, including, lint no[ limited to. costs of ~iocuurent cry cvidencr, <br />abstracts and title reports. <br />19. Boaoweis Right to Reinstate. \otwitfrstanding Lender's acceleration of the stuns wtrrarcd by this <br />Mortgage, Borrower shall }rave the right to havs• au}~ proceedings begun by i.endcr nr enforrr thin litutgage dis- <br />continued at any lime prior to entry of a iudgnrent cniopriug thin llm•tg:rge ii: i:u Borrower paps. bender all <br />sums which would be then due tinder this \lortgage, the \otc :uul Hulce securing 1•lnare Ath~ancce, if any, hats nu <br />aeeeleratior. occurred; (bl Borrower cures sl( In•enc~hes ..f ear other covenants or ;;grcerncnts of Borruwcr c~n- <br />tained in this ~lartgage; lc) Borrower pays all reasonable expenses nx•un•o+l by Lender in ~•u{orcrng the covenants <br />and agreements of Borrower contained in dtis llortgage and m euioreiog Lender's remedies tas provided rn p:ua- <br />graph 18 hereof, including, but not limited to, reasanahie atavney's icy : cud ~ d 1 13arro~~°er take. such action as <br />hender may reasonably require to assure that the lien of This lCortgagc, Lender's interest in the Property and <br />Borrower's obBgation to pay the stuns secured by this liurtg:tce shall continue uniurpnu•rd. t'pon such payment <br />and cure by Borrower, this Mortgage and the obligations secured hereby shill remain in lull ioe•ee and ofYect. as i( <br />no acceleration had occurred, <br />2®. Asaigameat of Rezats; Appoiatmeat of Receive:: Lender in Possession. as additional eeeuriiy here- <br />under, Borrower hereby assigns to Lender the rents of the Yropenp, provided that Borrower ,hall, prior [o acce}er- <br />ati0n under paragraph 18 hereof or abandomuent of the Property, have the right to collect and retain such rents <br />as they Itecome due anti payable. <br />IIpon acceleration under paragrup}r 18 hereof ur abanriomneni of the Yruperty. Lender, in person, by agent <br />or by judicially appointed receiver shall he entitled to enter utwn, take pas,es.=ion of anti manage the ['ropert}~ <br />and tb collect thG rents of-the property, including, tkrosc past due.:111 rents rollertrd !+}• Le•rder ur the receiver <br />shall be applied first to payment of the costs of management sf the Property and rullertian of re°nts. including, bnr <br />not limited to, receiver's fees, premiums on rrcciver'r bands and nssunuble :utonw~}•1 fee.~.:unl then to the suui~ <br />secures} by this Mortgage. Lender and the receiver shall be liable u> arruunt on Fp f or thus rent= :u•tuallp rrrrived <br />