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<br />� 1:O�EWANTS ��.. 1����9
<br /> 1, y��r�snt�, Bwrnw�r Wpraoc to mskv sl!paY:nents an tha s�cw�d deht whon due. U�t�s�Eorrcwar a�d iender eflree athetw�se, sny _
<br /> p�ym�nt- l��cier +eaiws Irom EUrraw�r or lor Barowar'� bsi»}it will b� �pPli�d hrat to�ny Wncwnto Borrows�owoa on tlwe t�cura0 dabt =-
<br /> •zclWiv�o)irttHest a�w�k�9�1.a�cortid tm�O��int�w�����i���1?���y�nt at tns NCUrAd d�bt occun for�nY nuon.it w�t =
<br /> not ndut�o+acucs s�►Y:Clrtk�Md ptY _
<br /> 2.C1�inu�4pi4at Tiiii.Bcuto��v w:ll p�y all Uxe�.Raa���rr+�nt�.�nd otMr chary�s�ttribut�bir to TM prop�rtY wMn 6w a�d will d�t�nd titt� _
<br /> to tlw propN,tl���ul u�Y��^a W��h would imp�1►tM!i�n ot thl�dMd of truat,L�nd��may tipuK�BOtrowN t0�ssipn�nY�Klht�.�Isi�+s w
<br /> Wra�-ua�w'r::;n w:rc,aas�:Y 1:::a;,.:�s S-"='�:r�4�!`!!�!++!•�.aa or mat�ria:s to improw a ma��tsu+tlr prap�nY. �
<br /> �. (�stiusae�.Bocrorvrr wI11 kMD t�P�oP+��Y insurod undu turt►��ccePtsCl� to Under�1 Bonowei'a sxpen�� �nd ta londa�'a b.�at�t. Af �
<br /> inaw�nc�poUc4s shaR i�:.kida s�t�ndud mat aqo c�au�a in tavor uf l.rnder.Lends�w+ll be n�+m�d ao bca payH a as ths insured nn any such _
<br /> w t tM s�id Wbt�f WUndW WuirN mottpsp�tncwiiva�hBoriow�i►japr�u toamiinta+r+coch�inur tuw�tfor u b�G as Le der�aquaa P+oPe�M �
<br /> r-
<br /> 4.Ropxty.Barow�r wiU kasp th�property in qood conditlon snd m�ks sll rapiv�nasan�b�Y rwucsa�y. -
<br /> 6,E�cp�nss�.Borrow�r ayrNt to psY+u���'��xp�rtca,inckid�n�1�eaaonabla atto+naYt�t�os�if Barawet hterko rny cowru�nts in this dMA K
<br /> of trwt or in�nV ubGGiUon s�cured Dy tMs M�d ot trust.Borraw��w�ll PaY these amounto to Lender�s ptoviAed ln Cov�nsnl9 0l thia deed of �
<br /> t�uat. �
<br /> g,p�}a��ulry intK�ab,Unt�t�Borrowar fwst oDtair�s Under'a writt�n conc�ot.Bo+rowu will not m�ke a parmit any chtnyas to any prior ��
<br />� sst:�uity int�tats. Borrow�r wul p�+form s11 of Borroww'�obGp�tbns undar s�Y W�+ �0�0�� ��of trwt w othu cecurity aprosment, �y'�
<br /> IncMxlinp&xrow�r'i cown++�ts to msk�paVmMts wMn dw. `'..
<br /> 7.Aw19nn�t of R�nU�nd ProTit�.BurowK assl�ns to Undar th�nnt�and prolitc of tM ptap��ty.Unlecs 8orraw�r and Under hava apre�d �_
<br /> ethewu�(n wrltir►� Borrow�r m�V coU�et�nd ratain the�ent�aa lonp an Borrowu is not �n default. If Borrower dataultc,Le�dar, Lands�'s _
<br /> sy�nt, or a caut appoint�d�sceiw� may Uk� poisactbn atul msmge tM praparty�nd collect the ronta. Any rents Lsndar collects s1uU ba -
<br /> appli�d fkct to tM costo 01 msn�pinp tha proporty. ��c�uding court costs and attorn�ya'toos,commissions ia rental apentc, and s�y other -
<br /> �wcasca►y relat�d�xpensa�.TM rvr►suwp anaunt of nnta w�U then aDpN to paymentc on th�sow►od d�bt a�D�ovidad in Covenant 1. !
<br />� g.���h�lds;�pndwnl+�m;ptrx»d U�rt D�wloprnw+ts•Boeroww�prees to comply with the provisions of mY IeeSe if this deed ot ttust is t7n u'
<br /> a leasahotd. If this d�ed ot trust is on a unit in a co�►dominium o�a pW���t dewlopm�r�t,Borrower will Pnr�wm aY of Borrowa's duti� �:.
<br /> und�r d»cov�u,bY-taws.a nqul�twrw oF tL�wswiomhtium a Pa+u�d u�it dswbpm�nt. -
<br /> r.
<br /> 8.Ayd�ority of l«►dK to P�efo�aYonow�r. lf Borrow�r ta:Ss to perform wqt af Bo►row�r'�dutN�t�rw37:r��t de�d o f trust. U n d�r rhr:� .--
<br /> p�rfc•m tM duti�s or caus�t�.. P�am�d.L�nd�r tnr�w�ibs Borrovwr's nart»apaY sM amow�t �^a:•assuY fcx�v:'.tiumanca.If a^Y �.
<br /> ccv+c,!.^:^atio�on t!w Pr o a�r`x�s d r•�r,s v�w d a not carrled.c�� ��a^auo�abia maru�r.Lu�c ae+x cb whauaw�� xcsss�b:�ip;vtset Lar�r s -
<br /> s�p;.;+�;inAKai�lrtr Lh¢+Ix�.�e'�4K,T'utt may inCluW toe►PNtw��..'s�z�uctlon. G�y�
<br /> LW�r'c��r,��r'o•,:�n�►.itt T,7 U��cluda 14:��kom��nra:s+.�anY ot its c+i�m.�Klhts u�'•:cs: :wi'.aW w C�.`+��d of trus:. c?
<br /> and w��bwtD�tist from�ttw a�'ac�s ot t�M pi�1 un�w�Pald i�r 4uU��th�u:ecas:�-a;i m eft�ct oo tt�u aecur�l�3-+ounta wiU be dua on de�*�a�� "�°
<br /> ZQ.I�hult �nd AeeWratia�. ��.rya'rwa�-'3':s to make an.�e paY�+ent v�twn �::e a ��s�is snV covenant�ureder ttva dMd of trust or any �'
<br />- clqr�nand �irtvsidfat�WYmant uxi��-s�w��a y a .�Nwer of s�a:rt��U+�r rw+n�s G�r mct�iar bya3er�t,PP���wW R1!oE thro cuund d�bt and =
<br /> t S.Raq�+Mt fa' ►11aay of Mfautt.k is h�rrd�F^�'����st�d thzr.�ias of ttw.��c»�.rs of dofx:Et md s�le be-sz�:: Lo eaC+I:��x: who is s D�N -
<br /> llwata.at tt�a m��of�ach such p�rwrt�ac.::+:L'�x71+Iwr�in..
<br /> - 1Z IA�war of SwW.ff th�Lender Invokec clw p.:we:c`s�ts. tho T:.ictea ahaa'fi.�st ncord�+ tM offia of tlw ra�intar ot doa8s at�ach caunty
<br />= wl,t�ro+n tAe Mtst prepertY a�so�Wn o+Ducal thereaf is si;ua:vd s notic�ot default contain'xq if»in}orm�t�o�rsqua�d b�iaw.Ths Trust��
<br /> shsll also mail eopNc of the notic�of def�utt to th� Borrowa.so each pKCOn who is a partY heroto,and to other parsons as �scr'�bad by
<br /> applicsbi�law. IVot Nra ttun oM month �ftsr th� Trustee rocorda the notice of d�fautt,w two months i(th�tru�t prop�rty
<br /> a not in any
<br />- �ncorpait�d c;ty or viltap��nd ia us�d i� tarminq opsr�tionc cHrled an by tM uuctor,tiw TrustN shW piw pubtic noUc�ot�ale to ths pasons
<br />- � l�ddii tlf nquk�drbY tM Fxdm Ho+i�tt id ProtictiTo�A�t,Trusa i hall oN�►th�s Dro�p���t y�in tw�o si�ate�s ii r�qu�id Dyipprk�W�e tawt
<br /> Tl�or"ASY d�ic'�iM rssiY D�+����,�V��Y it a�y i�bY D�+�^�n-t aE ths timu and P�aa of �nY Pnviou:N scMdul�d saM.
<br /> Upon r�alpt of pay�►t of th�pric�bid. Trustw�haN daGva.-to tt�pu�aN=ser 7ruatee'e dtrsd ca+veY�r+g ttx propny.Th�r�citisb conUlMtl tn �
<br /> Tructee's deed shs1�6s,Prjm�fack evidie��v of tM truth of tM stat�mmta contain�d thK�in. Tructs��fisll�pplY tM proc�of tM saN in ths
<br />= r�k►sts�t fws�IW to itl i�s�ucured Ey t1�dud ot uw aM(cl tM Oalaot�rf anV��o tM P«•w^+ �+Wlly�tbd to rttiiiMi it.fass �nd
<br /> 73.Fonelowr�.At L�ndK's option,thle dMd o!uust may b�tor�clopd 1n tM mi�wr Provid�by�ppliCabN law tw for�cbsun of mortpaq�s
<br /> on nal awa•nv.
<br /> 1i.Inap�etlon. t�ndK may��tM propKty to inspoct it it tand�r piws Borrow�r notiu Wloreh�nd. Th�notic�tnuat atat�tM natatubM
<br /> causa for LandN's insp�ctiai•
<br /> 76,Con�l�nr+ation.Qorrow�r ass�0�s to L�nOsr theprocNds of any awxd or Galm ta damag��co�ct�d wich +cond�mnatio�a ot!►w takinq
<br /> ot all or any part of tM pop�rtY.Sucf►ProcMd4 wil!b�appti�d u D+°v�ded i^�°'nna^t 1.Ttw�s�vn�rt w subjact to tM t�rms o!anV Pr1or
<br /> aGxitU sprMm�nt.
<br /> 16.W�.61r�xacis'rnp sny rsmedy avsi4b�s to LarWx.Le�dN doe�not pive up any riphts to tatK us��n oy thsr r�msdy.By not�xarclsirip
<br /> - any f�rtMdY upon BorrowM's d�tautt.L�nd�r dws not waiV�anY tipht W IatK cons�dK tM�vant�d�fsult if it BapP�ns�aio.
<br /> 17. Joint and S�M Llabiiitv; C�o-ilprwrr Su�e�sson�nd Asflpn�Ya+nd. All dutiw urtder thi�dNd of trutt sn joint s�d avwal. A�y
<br /> BorrowK who casi0ns thls a« of uuct but does not ca-ipn the undxtvirp de�t irutrum�ntlt) does a only to 9rsnt and convey thst
<br /> - Borrow�r's int�►�st in th�prop�rty to th�Trusta�und�r th�twms of thla d�b of trust.In addition,wch s BarowK a0nes that tM L�ndw�nd.
<br /> any othw Borrow�r widu this dNd of trwt�e+ay�xtend,modi{y a m�k��ny otMr chsnq�s in ttw terms of ttw dwd o!Vust or ths escund
<br />- 6�Dt wiihout that 8or.orwK's cauont a�d without��l�uinp chat Burowsr.iroa►ttN tKm�ot thb dMd o!truct.
<br /> - Th�dutia and b�n�fita of this dMd of Vwtshall bind�+�d b�acfitth�weuuora and ud�rve dl�r and Ba�owW.
<br /> , 1Y.Ndk�,Uni�sa otherwias rsQuirW by Isw,anY notta to Borrow�r shall be glven by d�liverirq it w by m�ifnp it by cKtified m�il adtkussd to
<br /> Borrowar�t tM pro addrecs a�nY othsr addreso tl�aat 8orrowK hac piwsn to L�nda. Sortowar w�q qiN any notics to Lendx by arti£wd
<br /> - mail to LMd�r'� ua on paqe t of thi=dead o!truat:or to any ot1►a addaw wlwch lends�1us d�si�+�aUd. Any otMr notica to L�nder sha:l
<br /> � b�asnt W Und�a"a�ddrw ao staud o�p+ps i�oi thi�d�sd of uuct. ••
<br /> My noiic�shall be dam�d W luva hs�n piven to BorrowM or I.�nder wh�n piwn in th�mar�rwr ctaUd�bow.
<br /> 19.Ttinshr of t!M Prap�tSr o��9��c1�k►twat�^tl+��'OWK' �t aIl a any part of the propertY or any iniKest i�+rt ia sold w transferred
<br /> without L�ndK'i prb► vKitt�n conunt, LMd�r may demss�C imrtisdlste psyment of th� secured dsbt. Undar may also domand imrt►sdist�
<br /> � psymant if th� BorrowK ic not s natural person and a b�nefici�l intrsst i�th�Borrowsr i�sotd or truufsrnd. However. I.sndar may not
<br /> pM�ynd pyyrr,or�i in ths above situytlonc if ic ic prohibitad by tederd 1aw n of tM dat�ot this dwd of Vuct•
<br />�.= 20.ii�eonwY�.Whsn tM oWigstion anxed by this desd of ttwt hsa bs�n Ps�d, and LMder hu no furttwr obGpatian tn m�k� �dvsnces
<br /> und�r th�in�pum�nu a sgrsem�nti soca�d by this dNd of t�it th�TrustM shall,upon writt�n rpwtt b�I ths U�dw,►econwy ttw tnut
<br /> = property.TM Lende►cha11 delrva to the 8arrow�r,w to Bo�now�r 4 wcc�scw in intaeal.Ykw uust deed and the noto or other evidencs of tM
<br /> � oblip�tlon w satkfkd.Borrowar shaU pay mY recordation cascm.
<br /> 21, $uee�swr Tnutw. Lender, at Lender's option, may remove Trustee and appoint a succassor trustea by firat, moiling a copy of the
<br /> subctitution�f art;stss ar rsqukai by aapfiab+a I�w,and then,by filinq the wbstitution ot Vustes fa recwd In tM office of the repicter of deeds
<br /> et each courrtlP�n which tM irust yroperqr.ar soma parc thersoY,is s�tuated.The sucuscor vuste�,vcii"twut conveysnce of th�propatY,shal!
<br /> �d��y;�poyvsr,d�it�,autho�aty and titls of tM Trustao nam�d in the dead of uust and of�ny sucussor trustee.
<br /> lpp�2 cr:1
<br /> {IINKEJIS SVSTFJdS.INC..ST.GDUO.WI 5530//t�l00-397•23�11 FW1M OC�-MT6ME�I1991 ..
<br />