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1 _ _ - _:. <br />3 <br />14+irmott6sge made arnt enterer) i~u thin 29th day of -July `., <br />- 19 80, by and between :Rollin O. Paeker and Joyce A. Packer., .husband. & t¢ife <br />(he~eiaafter reteraed to aamortgagor) and- Pirst National -Bank of Grand Island <br />(heraoaftu,isfEerred ~ aa: <br />mortgagee), who maintaim sn office and place of 6itsinea at .202- W. 3rd St. , Grand= Island; ' Ne: <br />Wtstv>sssera; that for the consideration hereinafter elated, tetxfpt of which is'hereby aeknowbedsed,"tI~ <br />mortgagor dog hereby mortgage, sell, grant, assign, and convey unto the mortgagee, his encceeaors and arfgru; all <br />of the following deeeribed property ttittuted and: being in the Comty of -, Hall <br />State of Nebraska <br />West Half (W~) of the Southwest Quarter (SW's,) and the Southeast (SEA) oi~ <br />Southwest (SW's) of Section Twenty-eight (28)', Township Ten {IO) North, <br />Range Eleven{11), West of 'the Sixth {6th)!P'.M'.; $all'County, Nebraska) <br />To~2ther with attd iaeladiag all buildings, nll fixtures including bat not limited to all plumbing, heating, lighting, <br />vea[ilatittg, refrigerating, incinoratieg, air conditioning apparatna, and eievwmrs (the, moregagur hereby declaring that ~ <br />it is iatendtd that the items breein enumerated shall 6e deemed to have been pertaaaemly iostelled as pan of the realty), ~~ <br />attd all impmvemen4i now or hexes(ter existing thert ,n; the 6ereditamests and appartcnances and all other rights there- j <br />uaw belnaging,. Vr in nnywise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder sad remainders, all rights of j <br />redemption, and the rtnts, ittwtea, and profits of the above desert bed property (provided, however, that the rtor[gaglrr J <br />shall be egtided m the posresrion of said pmpeny cad to collect and retain the vents, issuer, and pm(its anal default <br />hereunder). To-have attd la hold-the came aura the mortgagee sad the successors ,n interest of the mortgoge r- forever <br />in fee simple or such other eria le, if nny, as is stated herein. <br />The mortgagor covenants that he ie lawfully seined and poeeeaeed of and has the right to sell and convey said <br />property; that the same is free from all encumbrances except ae hereenabove recited; and that he hereby binds <br />himself asd }tie suacesaore in intermt to warrantaod defend the title aforesaid thereto and everq part thereof against <br />the claims of all pereone whomsoever. <br />'fhis.instrumegt is given to secure the payment of a promissory note dater{ <br />in eha principal stun of 3 80 r 000.00 ,segued by Ro11in O. Packer and Joyce A. Packe: <br />en behalf of -Rb1Tin O. Paeker and Joyce A. Packer, D/B/A Packer Potato Co. <br />SBA FORM 92a (2-731 PREVIOUS EOiT IONS ARE OBSOLETE <br />