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<br /> � lB! Ar�y failure on tf�e p�rt uf the Trurtor to maat tha r�paymont tum� In respect t� tha Loan Apreamont arui any
<br /> 1 oth�r sdv�ncoa urul�r thii Drwd of T�uat hareDy sscurod;and,
<br /> { (CI Any actlon by the Tru�tor prohiblted by tM t�rms ot the Loa�Apresmant or thls De�d ot Tr�9t ar eny fellure of
<br /> _j the 1'�wtor to�ct�i r�qulrad by th�lpan AgrNr►wnt�r thl� Deetl af Ytuat,each of which Trustor hereby epreet
<br /> � h�v� an edverse affact on tne t3eneiiciarY'� aecu�icy i07 L�l� ����e u� .:�nuii os:sLlis�a� sr�C t�a r�~:s af tho
<br /> ;
<br /> ; e�neticla�► in such sacwlty.
<br />' � �nd upon tt►�happenfnp of sny�uch ovent of dafault, Benaficiary moV daeiare eli aum9 sacurad hateby immediately
<br /> � duo�nd pay�bls by deliver to Trustee of w�itian declsration of ddiault. The Trustea shall have the power of sale of
<br /> j tha Praperty,end It��eficiary desi�es the Proparty to be sold,it ahall daposit with Trustee this Deed of T�ust and a!f
<br /> �
<br />. promissory�otes snd documants evidencit►�exponditures sectued hereby and shall delivor to Trustea a w�itten natico
<br /> of deisult and eleation to cause tha Property to be sotd,and the Trustee ia turn shall prepare a notice in the form
<br /> raqulr�td by law, which�h�1!be duty fibd fe�r record by Trustee.
<br /> (A) kitor tlto lapse of such tims ss may ha �equ;rad bY�Aw tafowin�tha �esordatlon of said naLica ot default, a.�d
<br /> a no�lco 01 def�utt s�d notioa of aala having been given as ra��ired Dy taw, Trustae,without dem�n.�t an Trustar,
<br /> - shpt!ssll the Property an ths dato a�.e1 at the time and placa atnaignated in sAld not+ca of sale� at pu'bf:c ai��tior►ta
<br /> +� the htgheet Wd�tar, tha purchass p:i�a psyabte in lawful masuy of tha Unitad Stat�s et ths tima af sata. 7fia
<br /> j� persoiy conducting tha �ele may,fo��n� cause F�a desms expedient, p.�tpone ths s�ie from ilma to�ime u��til it
<br /> "r.4 ehall Isc�mmplated and,in every such case, notice nf postponement sh�l!be given by pubQc �ar.laration thereof
<br /> ¢� by such Rarson at tha time and pl�a lut appointad for the ssle,provided,if tha salo is pastponed for longer thatt
<br /> � one(t 0 daY beYond the day desipnatad in tha notice of sala> notice thereof ahail be given in the same manner as
<br /> � the ori�insl notice of sale. Trustee shall exe�uta and daliver to the purchaser itc Deed conveying the Prope►ty so
<br /> '� sold, but without andy covena�t or werra�ty.expresa or imptiad. The recitals In tha deed of any matte�s ot acts
<br /> ' shall be conclusive proof of the uuthfulness tAeteaf. A�y persan,including Be�eficituy,may purahase at the sale.
<br /> � (B) Whe� Trustee sellr pu�suant to the powers l�erein, the Tru&tea shall apply the proceeds of the safe to payment
<br /> _ of the costa and expe�sas of exe�cisln�the powe�of saia and of the sale,includi�y the payment of the T►usYea's
<br /> - tees actualiy incu�red, which Trustee's fees shall�ot in the aggre�ats exceed the foltowing amount based upon
<br />_� the smount sacured hareby and remaining unpaid; 5 percontum on the first S 9,000 the►eof, '0 percentum on the
<br /> bslarsca thereof end t�en to the items in subparsgraph (C)in the orda�there stated.
<br />_•� (C) After payia�the ttama specified in subparagraph(B)if iha sale is by Trustee, a the proper court�nt1 other costs
<br />-� of toradosuce a�r►d s�la if the sale is pu�suent to judiciai torerJosu�e,the proceeds of sale shat!ba appJtatJ in the orrler
<br />-� stated to tM payment of:
<br /> � 11� Cost of eny evidence of title procured in connaotion with cuch sale and of any revanue atamps;
<br /> :� (Iq All sums the sscurad hereby;
<br /> � (fll) The remsinder,if aey,to the person tegaliy e�tit(ed thareto.
<br /> = 13. Outia�and Oblipatlons of TrustMS. (e) The dutias aod obligations of trustee shall be determined sotely by
<br /> • � �••• ��:�1.^.:X'L..° �3C::::°*RS!�L`!!!`.�S:M�4 g��e_F�rl��tiwe
<br /> = me express provisio��ui ii�is�ooc;o�Yrus:. aiw TiuS'aoo:.wt!Rv. •. ^r-
<br /> � e�d oblipations as a�e speciflcat{y set forth herein� ar�d no imptied covenanu or obtiyations sNati be impossd upon
<br /> � 1'rustee; (b) No provisions of this Deod of Trust shail require Truatee to expand or �isk its own funds,or otherwiae
<br /> - incur any finan�ia�oWigstion in tl�e performance of any of its dutias hareunder,or fn the exeroise of any of its rights
<br /> - or power, if tt shall hsve�rounds for believing that the npayme�t of such funds or adequate indemnity agalnst such
<br />�:� rtsk or liabilin Gs not reasonably essured to it; (c) Trustee may cansult with cou�ssl of it�awn choosing and the advlcs
<br /> - pf such couns�shai!be full and completo wthorization and protectlon in the respect of sny actlo�takert or suffered
<br /> - by it hereunder in good lpith and reliu�ce therson;(dR Trustee ahall not he liable far eny action takeu��uy it in good fdth
<br /> snd rsatonabty bsl�v�d by it to be auihorized or�rith3n the discretion or ri�hts ac�powers conferred upan it by this
<br /> - Deed of Trusi.
<br /> 14, pd�liqul S�a�rity Instrun�nt�. Trustor,at ita expanse,will executs and deliver to the T�ustes, prompUy
<br /> �on demand,such aecurity inytruments as may be required by Tn�tee,in fwm and subatance seiisfactory to Trustse,
<br /> coverinp any of the Prap�rty oo�veyed by this E�ed of Trust,which security insuuments sha�1 be edditjonal secu�ity
<br /> fmr T�ustor'e faithful petformance of all of the terms, covensnta e�d conditbru of this Deed of Trust, the Loan
<br /> A�reemeR�„wzy promissory notes�►ad hereby and any other security insuuments executed in connection with this
<br /> tr�niactior. Such ir�struments�h.al1 La record�d or filad,and�e-reco�ded and refdsd, at T�ustor's sxpense.
<br /> 15. M&c�atwous.
<br /> (l�s,l In ths evont eny ons o� more of the provfsiona contsi�ed in the Deed of Trust, or the Loan Agreemant or env
<br />_- • prorrri�ry noto, or any other s�►ity irssuument given in connaction with thir transaction, shaU for any reason
<br />-- to b+�li�lr�:to be invaGd,illepal or unenfo�ceaWe in any ra�{iaat,such invaUdity,ifloQnlity or unenforceability r�hall,
<br /> at ttse aptian of Beneficiary, not affect any other provi�ia�r.ut this Deed of TrusE,ti�ut this Deed of Truat r�hall be
<br />_� const�uad as if such invdid, itlep�f or unenferceable R�avfp�csn had Rouer been contair�ed harein or therein.
<br /> IQ� TNs Deed of Trust ah�Ji b4 coisauued accardJrrQ to the faws of ths S�a of Nebraska.
<br />� (C1 the Deed of Trust sh�tl inwra w and bind the heirs,{egatees, daviseaa,,u�ir:isUators,executors,successors and ,
<br /> n� assi�ris of ti�e pa�ties i�rez�.
<br /> -.� (D)Trustor thsil pay all taxss Isvisd uRon this Deed of Trust o�the debt secured hereuy,together with any other taxes
<br /> or assessmants whlch may tse levied again�t the 4rustee or Beneficts�r.y or the legal hotder of the Loan Aqreement
<br /> � on account of the indebtedness evide�cs thereby.
<br /> - (EZ WhenevK used herein,the slnflutar number shail inc(ude the piural,the ptur�l,the singular,the use of any gender
<br /> �hail Iw applicabie to etl gendara,and the term 'Benetidery" sha7!include any payee of tha indebtedness herebY
<br /> ' � aectued or any uansfer thereof,whether by operatlon of law or otherwise.
<br /> . 18. Succ�ssor T�ust�. Seneficisry may from time to wne substitute a succassor or succe-ssors to any Trustee
<br /> namsd herein w actl�p hereunder to executo thir T�ust Deed. Upon such eppointment and wiihout conveyance to
<br /> the successor Truatse, the latte� shail be vested with all title, powers and duties conferred upon any Trustee herein
<br />� rtur►sd or sctins hereunder. Each such appointment or substitution shall be made by written instrument by Beneficiary,
<br /> contsininq referance to tFuis Oesd of Trust a�d its place of record,whtch when recorded in the office of the Registar
<br /> of Dseds of the county or counties in which said propeny is situatad, shaU be conclusive proof of prppa�intment
<br /> of the su�cessor Yrustee. The fore�anp power of substitution and the procedure therefore shall nOt be excl'`us+ve of
<br /> ' 408-3
<br /> ' 9/94
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