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~~~- s~'v~~f~~ <br />MORTGAGE - - <br />~IOR~rcAGE LaaN Na_ L 23, 733 <br />Kr}owAe,LMENavT-iESErRESEwrs:Tna: Harold G. Arehart and Oneta Arehart, .his wife; Dean:Ri <br />Erickson and Naomi J. Erickson, his wife; and Thomas D. Erickson and Kimberly A. Erickson,,; <br />his wife <br />MorttgaCgor, whether one or more, m cm:ide~ of The teem of <br />Thirty-eight Thousand Eight Ilundred and No/100---------------------------- <br />---- ; <br />loaned to said itsortgagor by The Equitable Huilding amt Lawn Association of Grand Island, Nebraska, Morgagee, upon 3$$ -shares taf studcof-- -- - <br />saw' ASSOCIATION, CeKi6tate No. [23, 733 , do hereby grant, wnvey and mort~ge tmto the said ASSOCIATION Ux:folbvatg.:: <br />descrfoed real estate, situated in Hall County, Nebraska: - <br />LOT SEVEN (7}, IN BLOCK TWO (2) IN DICKEY THIRD <br />SUBDIVISION, BEING A PART OF THE EAST HALF OF THE <br />SOUTHEAST QUARTER (E%SEa} OF SECTION CNE (1), <br />TOWNSHIP ELEVEN (11)-NORTH, RANGE TEN (i0) 'rIEST OF <br />THE bTH P.M., IN HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />together with a$ the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances [hereunto belonging, including attached Door coverittgs, a$ window screens, <br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, hraung, air conditioning, and plumbing and water equipment and accessories thereto, pumps, stoves, <br />refrigerators, and other tixzures and equipmene now ar be[nafter attached to ur used m connectFun with said real estate. <br />And whereas the said mortgagor haz agreW and does hereby agree shat [he mortgagor recoil and will pay ail taxes and assessments levied or <br />assessed upon said premixs and upon [his mortgage and the bond sec~(r~d 5tt by efrue the same shall become delinquent: to f[unish approved <br />insurance upon the buildings on said premises situated :n the sum of S 3Y~, L`~U •~DU payable to said ASSOCIATION and to de$v~r to said <br />ASSOCIATION the policies for said insurance; and no[ td commit or permit any waste on or about z[id premises: <br />!n case of default in [ha perfortttance of any of L[c [isms and conditions of this mortgage or the bond seemed hereby, [he rvortgagee shall, <br />an demand, be entitled to immediate possession uF the mortgaged premises and the :norigatzur hereby assicns, transfers and sets over [o the <br />martgag^e alt the cents, revenues and inmmr [u he derived from the mortgaged preanisrs during such time as [he mortgage indebtedness shall remain <br />unpaid; and the mortgagee shall have the power [o appoint am• agent or agents it may desire iiu the purgau oI repairing said premises and renting <br />the same and wllecting the rents, revenues and income, and it tna_t pay out oC slid incuzne alt expenses oC repairing said prentixs and nerxssary <br />Lnstrrti suns and expenses incurred in renting and managing the same and of ^ulteeting rcntaia thuefrum; the balance retnaitting, if any, to be <br />applied toward the disc!targr of said r[ix>rrgagc Indebtedness; these rights of ti[t :nartF;agee :day tx czc:~:scd at day time during the existence of su•1t <br />default, ire spectiv-e .•f any temporary svats'cr of tEtc same. <br />'Reese frescoes, however, arc upon the Condi[ien. That if the said R!or!g;:gor sha!! repay said laaa an ar beta,,-e tt:z matuaty o;' mid sha[es'oy <br />payrr[rnt; pay r[axnahiy ra aid ASSO[;1A7'FON of the sum spe flied in the Fiend wzcured hereby as interest and principal un said luau, an ur before <br />the Twenihth day cf each and rv.°.ry rnan[h, until said loan i~ Cully paid; pay ati taxes and asu:vmrnes tented against said premises and on this Mortgage <br />and the Hand secured thereby, before dehnnurnc} :Cornish approved insurance upon the bwldings thereon in the sum of 3 38, BDD. OD payable <br />to said ASSOCIATION; repay to card ASS(X:[ATION upon demand ail money by it pa[d for such taxes, asnstmcnts and insurance with m[erast at <br />the maximum Legal rate [hereon from date of pay n[cnt alt of which Mortgagor hereby agrees to pay; permit ru waste on stud premises; keep and comply <br />with ail the agreements and araditians of [hc Hond fur $ 38,8D0. DD this day riven by the raid Mortgagor to said ASSOCIATION, and comply <br />with all the requiremenn of the Constitution and of said ASSIX:fA770N; then these presents shall become null and void, otherwise they <br />shall retnxin in Cull &>rcr and may be torectosed at the opbmt of the said ASSOCIATION after failure for three rnmrihs to make nny of said <br />payrncrts ur be three months in arrears in making card nwnihly paymeu!s, ar to keep and comply will: the agrcemerts and conditions of said Hond; <br />and Mortgagor agrees to have a receiver appointed forthwith in such fore,iosure proceedings. <br />tf these is any change in ownership of [he real estate mortgagW hernm, by sale ar otherwise, then [he cnUre remamittg uidebtedness hereby <br />secuured shall, at ibe option of The Equi[abia Hui{ding and Luan Assor:iatian o[ Graved tsland. Nebraska,bearrtre bnrrediatdy due and payable without <br />further rmtice, and the amount remaining due wider said bond, :cod any aLher bend t~~r any adS:!ionat advances made thereupder, shall, from [he <br />date of uxen:isr of said option, bear interest at the rn:rzimtun legal rate, and the nnirtgage nay then be foreclosed to sa[is[y the amount due un said <br />6ond,and any olber bond for additional advanixs, together with all sums paid 6y said The hyuitable Hitildmg and Loan Association of Grand Island, <br />Nebraska fns inwran[x, lazes and avscsstmnu. and absgacluig cztcnxwn charges, enth mtcres( thetron, from date of payment at the maximum <br />legal rate. <br />As pn>vidW in the Hond srcurW hereby, while this inortgagc rrmams m cnrct the mortgagee may hereof ter advanu: additional runts w [tu <br />makers of said &iad, their aastgtts or sucaxsx,rs ir. mtenxt, which su},R"ShaH ere within ttte xcurity aC t![is murtgayro the satrn as ttte (tu~ds originally <br />secured thereby, the meal anxiwti of pnncipal debt core Iu,fxrYeejvet anY Into the anginal amount of this mortgage. ~ <br />Dated rids 25th day al Jt,~'}jp ( „,...b!~q$p /' <br />old ~~t~~~. ~~k~<..g~~> T asp C~ric~sy ~--- <br />Oneta Arehart Naomi J. Erickson Kimberly A. Erickson <br />STATE OF NE$FtASKA, ~ ~ 6n this 25th. d,y t,C J U1y Iy $~ , befom me, <br />COUNTY OF t}ALL <br />H~rp7d c. Arch rt and Oneta p~,hart, hl the undersrgned,a Notary fubhc m:uid fur saidl'ounty, perwnallycanre <br />~7fe aRd Dea~ ~ Ericksbgn aqd NaAmT J. sErickson, his wife and Thomas 0. Erickson and <br />I mooor y A ri Ck50n , h 7 S ,vt~""F~~ ' who d r2 parsunally known to <br />ern la bt the identical person S w~115g.tiata[e $~ ~ .a Ce-' yifizW to the above instnniiem ns nwngagar S avd they severalty <br />a[;knowkdged the said insuunrent to f~; ;. ftj~i r votunWry dot and deW. <br />Wl't'NIiSS my haarir¢rsi~i~atarrak5ea} [he !late afor9sxrd. / <br />My Camn[ission z~rea. =!-~ ? ~~ A ' ;. / - ;.mot : - / L 1 a i' <br />-~ -- rotary Publa; <br />to~azns nt ,.. <br />