_ T (~') TMa, in th=_ evor=t any awz-ds era made to th= Martgagors cr their r•ecess,rs +r interest for *.akin3 or Camsing -
<br />' b the zer tine of Eminent damaie the whole cr any pz^~, at t'n_E co 3 uv-d PrEmises rr ?rcy =asvs.~nc therEln, tae szld -
<br />a.rar2 se herby assigned to the MartgagaE; the !lortgagEe is n _..bJ -+'±Caorizen 'o co1'_ECt. recEive, and reeeip*.
<br />therefar and to apply the same ir. payment of ary irdettEdress, matureC br u, matured, seciz-Ed ty this mbrtgage.
<br />(?) That Sa tae event Mortgagors defaulC in CaE payment, oI sald prtnciyal sum, or Cf any Sastallment taerect, or -
<br />of nay Interest thereon, at the time •waen the same shall to due, nr alto r=sped to 2~ cbveaaat or Coaditirn aer?-
<br />~,_, ~ o', then, at the apGinh of Mortgagee, the enY,ir2 indebtedness secures rerety shall forthwith become due and payatlE, -
<br />_ + shall bee: 1nt=rest at the default rate descrlted in said note, and tnE ?tortgagee may immediately foreclose L-Slis ,
<br />mortgage or pursue nay other available legal remedy.
<br />i
<br />' (F) That L~ the event action is braugh' `o foreclose LRis rrArtgagE, the MortgageE shall be EntitlEd. to immediate ~~~ -
<br />~` i Possesslon of the mortgaged premises, and the court may appoint a rECeiver tC teke possession of said premises, With
<br />the usual powers M receivers in like rases.
<br />~` (9i T?rat failure or delay Of MortgageE t6 e%erc ise any Of .ts righCS cr ^rlvileges shall not be constNEd as a ~ -
<br />'f waiver thereof; that 2riy act of Mortgagee walvlrg any specff le default of Mortgagors shall not be cons Crued as a t
<br />wa.lver of art/ future GEfaults; that `n case of default in Che payment of any amnr*. izatioa installments or 1.nterESt, i ',
<br />rr 1n case of payment by Mortgagee of any ilea„l udgment, tax, lnsurancE, cost or expense, or rents, tees or charges, i ~'
<br />said Mortgagee shall have the privilege, without declaring the whole Srdebted_ness due a.M payable, to foreclose on
<br />account at such specifir. default for s•±cn sums as are in default and such foreclosure proceeds..^.gs may be had and
<br />.~ ~ tte land descrl6eG he^etr. mzy be r1' °~~~~`,~, ect to the unpzfd indeotedness hereby secured, and Y,his mar tgage shall
<br />ecntlnue as a ilea for arty anpald b lance, a
<br />r i
<br />~- ~ (101 Teat tae Mortgagee may extend and deter chE maturity of and renew and reamortl ze sold indebtedness, ^elease ~
<br />~! j from liability arty party liable thereon, and release from the 11 en hereof pbrtlons bf the prooerty covered hereby,
<br />wi.theuC of Letting the priori Cy hereof br the 1lzhilicy of Hortgagors or any ether parry for the payment of said
<br />i indebtedness, all such Extensions, determents, renewals, anal rEamortlzat ions to be secured hereby. [
<br />(11? Transfer of Security, It 1s a,r~eEd betreen thr. partses ~Y,erato, their heirs, legal rEpresentatlves and assigns,
<br />that the integrity and responsi bi lLty of the Mortgagors constitutes a part oI the considzraCion for the cote secured
<br />hereby, and Chat !n the event the M.crtgagors shall sell, transfer, or convey tae prbperty desnribed herein, the
<br />Mortgagee may a Lts aptlor: u ^lare t-= entlrE indebtetsess f:nmediateiy due and payable and may praceed in the en-
<br />': j tbrcEment of ins rights as en~zgv other default in the terms of the note avid mortgage.
<br />(121 Assignment o: Prucends of Mineral Lease. Mortgagors hereby trans _*er, sec ovEr, and convey to Mortgagee all ~~
<br />rents, royalties, bonuses, 3rtl delay moneys teat may from tine tC time become due and payable under any all, gas, I ;t
<br />or other mineral ].ease cf aqf klnd now existing cr that may hereafter come lute erastence, covering Che above land
<br />or any part chereo?. All such sums sc received by MortgageE shall be appifed to the InCeh tedness secured hereby; or
<br />said norcgagee may et its option tu'u over and dEl ivEr to Lhe Mortgagors ..^.r their successors in Interest, aqv or all ,
<br />of such sums wl thnlt prE~udice tc any of Mortgagee ~s rights to take and retain ..*u LUre sums, and without prejudice
<br />tb any of its otnEr rights under this mcrrgage. The L: ansfer anC conyEyarcE hereunder to Mortgagee oY said rents,
<br />royalties, bonuses, and delay moneys shall 'oe construed to ba a prcvlslon Cor the payment or retlucr.l on of the mort- ,
<br />gage debt, sub,(ect to the ',ortgag=e~~ optlor a=_ here lnbetore c-cv.deG, Snee,, n-ert ,f ire morrgagE 11En or, Bald real
<br />estate. Unon payment Sn full o_* the mortgage debt and the releasE e, *_hls ...o. tgage or record, Chis conveyance sha'_1
<br />become iro^eerat Sve and of no further force and effect.
<br />!var3s an yhrase= herein, irc iwi irg Zhe ac krze~-iedar,eni he-ec=, ~i¢tC b cons r-ued a, in the singular ar pCurai
<br />c rwxhers crc' as mcscutire, fe>r¢rsne, or neuter gsn3er, acro°dsrq to .he~,c o~rzyi/e/x/t'.//;,~~ ~~ ----~f/
<br />„ I - ISEALI L v .i./car; .i.~s'.EAZ)
<br />~' Wi11~i•~f M. Vyan Meter
<br />Ellen M. Van Meter
<br />-ISEALI (SEAT)
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