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$~-= <br />9fORTGAGE <br />iKOxTGAGE LOAN NO. L 23,735 <br />14iOW ALL NIEN'BY THL•SE PxFSENTS: That Rotert A. Seely and Jean E. Seely, each in his and <br />her own right, and as spouse of each ether <br />Moitgago:, wliciher ane or more, in eotmidemtioa of the stem oI <br />Twenty Thousand and NoJ100------------------------------------------------°--------intterts <br />leaned to said mortgagor fry The Equitable Budding and Loan Association of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 200 gases of sWdc of <br />said ASSOCtA7'ION, Ce,^.LScate No. L 23, 735 , do hereby grant, Wnvey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the fallowing <br />describe! real estate, situated in RaB County, Nrbraska: - <br />LOT SIXTEEN (16) IN CAPITAL HEIGHTS SEVENTH <br />SUBDIVISION, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />together with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances ihereunta belonging, including attached floor covcripgs, all wiptlaw screens, <br />window shades, bfinds, stout. windows, awnings, heating, un vnditioning, and phtmbing and water equipment and accessories thereto, pumps, stoves, <br />refrigerators, and ether itx[mes and equipment now or hereafter attached to or used in connection wish said real estate. <br />And whereas the said mortgagor has and does hereby agree that the mortgagor shall and will pay ati taxes and asussrrunts levied or <br />assessed upon said premises and upon this montage and [hc bond secured thereby before the ,acne shall become delmyuenC to furnish approved <br />insurance upon the buildings on said prertuses situated m the sum of $ 2Q ~OQQ, QQ pa}•abte to said ,4SSQCIAT(ON gad to deliver to said <br />ASSOCIATICN the policies for said insurance; and not to wmtmt ur permit any waste nn u: nbuut sard pretntses: <br />Its° of default m the perforntanee of any ul [he !arms and mudiLuos of dos mortgage ur ttte bend secwad hereby, the ntuugagce shag, <br />un demand, be ea[nled to Immediate possession of the mortgaged premise. and the murtgagur hereby assgns, tr:uisfers and sets over to the <br />mnrgagce at} the rents, revenues and :nc~mz to be dznveti from the mortgaged premixes during suzb trine as the mortgage mdebtzdnzss shall rztrtain <br />tmpaid: and [he mortgagee shall have the power to appoint any agem ar agents ;t may dcs.rr for the pucpose of reparrmg sazd premises and rcntiag <br />[he settle and vllecting [hc rents, revrruze and incornr, and ,t may pay nut of said income all rzpenses uE tepaui a said premises and necessary <br />. mmissi:. ... and ex;.ens.^s ircurrrd • ^.tin - -a^.ag: the : =•d trio _.^.ta tht. _.: _ _ _ ._ - <br />applied ,award the disultargz of sod rc~rtgage mdzhtedness; ~t hest nghts of the mottgaeez may tx exzrc:sed at any•:tme donne the r:~:sterce off such <br />default, nraspea;vr of any ta;npcuary w..iver +-.-the ~.a..._ <br />These Presents, however, ore upon [he Cundihun, chat d the svd 4fortengur shall repay card :oan un or before the uiatunty of sard shares b} <br />. Y - P) muniidy [u and nS3 r~i:iTiON ;.: the xum sf~~aiscd ~n t=;c u,,;.u -_,::ucd f,e:cbv as ~n,eres[ - ~rmc!pai ran si,d is=ar, on :,r tw-foa. <br />oa recent, a <br />the Tweattzth day rf each std rvcr.::no„_,. ~ W ~~atd ::r,._ < fnLv p- . __ aL' t-cs rd ~~ti_•rt?rats :esaed,~: ate! prerwses .d ua ~u =tort <br />and [he Bond secured thereby, Ixfore dehnquency,;urnish appniv~tl Insurance upon the buildings themun m the sum of $ 2Q ~ QQQ, QQ payable <br />to said ASSOCIATION: repay to sard ASS(}C'IATION upor, demand all money by ;; pa,d for such ;axes, assessments and insurance with mierest a[ <br />the ataximum legal rote thereon Item date of pacrnern all of which 4lortgagor I:rrchv agrees to pay. pe: nu; nu waste un and prrmtses: seep and comply <br />with all the agreements and conditions of the Bond for S 20 ,OQO. QQ ~ sus day liven by the sard vh,rtgagor w a,d +iSS(X7A"IlON, and wmpiy <br />with ail the reyuirernents of the Cunsutuuott and Ry-Laws of sard ASSIX'LATiUN: rhea these presents stxall become putt acrd yard, othetwrse they <br />shall remain m foil force and may hr foredoseG at the upUUn uC the sard aSStX'tA Plt" after failure for three months io make any ~( s:ud <br />payments or be three months m arrears in making sard monthly paymenu, ur to keep ;u:d comply wnh :he agreements and cundYaons of sard Rund: <br />sod Ltortgagur agrees to have a receiver appointed fcrthwrth in such torectusure pru~edings. <br />If there is any change m uwnrrstup of [he tea! estate mortgaged hrrom, by sale ar otherwise, then the enure remaining mdcbtednev hereby <br />secured shall, at the option of Titc Equitable Building and Luan Association ul Grand tsluid, Nebraska, becarne umnedta[ety due and payable wuhout <br />further notice, and the amount remaining due under said bond, and any other hand fur :uiy additional adrancrs made therctmder, shall, from the <br />date of zxerasc of aid opbun, bear mierest at the inaxrmum Icgal ate, and this mortgage nm} then be forecWsed to uusfy the amuwn due on sard <br />bond, and any usher bond fur additional advances, uige[her wnh all sums paid by said Tltz F,ywtabte Budding and Luan Assocta0on uF Grand Island, <br />Nebraska for msuranu^, taxis and assessrttrnts, and abstracting ex[enamn charges, wnh interest thereon. horn Sate of payment at the nraxtmum <br />Izgal rate. <br />As provided m the Band srnued hereby, while the mortgage remains m effect the mortgagee may hereafter adrance addiuunai scans m [he <br />makers of aid Bond, their assigns nr suceessors in mierest, which sums shall he wrthw the security of t(tts mortgage the same as [he funds onginnlly <br />secured [hereby, the rota! amoun7 of principal debt nut to exceed at env time the urigtnal amount of this mortgage. <br />// rra~te/d cots 28th. /vav „t July a. o , lu 80 <br />o er . ee y , ~ ---- - - <br />i• <br />Jean E. Seely ' <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA, ~ ss On this 28th . day of July ly BO ,before me. <br />CO[JNTY OF HALL <br />the undersigned, a Notar}' Public m and for said County, personally <ante <br />Rotert A. Seely and Jean E, Seely, each in his and her awn right, and as spouse of each other <br />..-.-~~~ who are personally known [o <br />the to be the identical person S,r` , ty~tsd- tat(ge~ are alFixed to the above rpstrun:eat as mongagm S and they severally <br />~y+ _nF <br />aticrtawkdged [he said instr ~'._.~~®~rCnt lwttazy act and deed. <br />wiTNESS v nand an¢ No[ariab=S'yv'~ryh • [e atUresaid. ~ _n „ ~ ` <br />M Com,~m ores ite4 / / /~ ' ~ ~ C.. <br />y "~~° P _ ~-sr~r~ O J~~~ /"`_ ~.f_ ~ ~,~f ~,~~. tom, <br />t ,• :~ ~ ^:otary Pnbhc <br />10'I6PM ftt ~,~ <br />