$fl-~~ Mt3R~'G1~~E
<br />- THIS INDENTITAE, made thie_ 25th --. dsy.of .Iuly ` - 13 &~ _. by and between
<br />Tia~Ehy A. B+eilke sad-Kasen G. Beilke,_hnsbaad-and wife; each in hie-and her ovn right
<br />and as sgtouae of the other,
<br />.~ .}fall County, Nebraska.-as mortgagor 9 ~ endGrand Island Trust Company of Grand Island, e, eetporation
<br />-orgahirxd and evating under the fawn of Nebraska with its priadpal office sad place of business at Grand.Island, Nebraska, as meatgagea;
<br />WITNESSETH: That said.mortgegor 8 _ , foc and in conaideratfon of the sum of.. -
<br />*i Five Thousand-Three Hundred Ninety-ehree and No/100the**=-~:~=i?-'s=z i+~•3.f~i
<br />. ;! 1.
<br />tbe~eipt of which is hernbv ecknowkHged, do by these presents mortgage and watttmt anta~"sHdf'fil9rfg3g~>Ts'$ae~ebos and
<br />..-. - assigns:
<br />forever, all the following described real eawte, situated in the County of _._ Nall -
<br />atrd State of Nebraska, to-wit: - - -
<br />Lot Four (4) in Block Twenty-four (24) in Packer 6 Barr's Second Addition to
<br />the City of Grand Island, Hall County, 9ebraska.
<br />~.:
<br />Together with all heating,.au conditioning, lighting, and plumbLig equipment and fixtures, including screens, awnings, sWrm windows and
<br />j, doors, and window shades oz 6iinds, used on or in connection with said property, whether the same are now located on said property or hemafter
<br />-$r~- placed thereon. _ _
<br />---ti - TO HAVE AND TO HOLD T[iE SAME. together with all and singular the tenements, hereditements end appurtenancev [hereunto be-
<br />FS.
<br />Ef ~ngfng, or it anywise appertai^'~, forever, and wnrrsat the title to the same. Said morgagor$ __ hereby wvensat -__ with said
<br />%~ rnertg~nee ice, she ~' -' , ac the delivery hereof, the lawful owner. 3 of the promises above conveyed and de~ribed,
<br />'=- -arxi_~° _saized of a-goad sad snriefzaaible estate of inheritance [heroin, free and [lase of all encumbrances, and that ~.he~wiL
<br />_.-~ warrant oral defend the title thereto forever against the claims and demands of all persons whomsoever.
<br />PROVIDED ALWAYS, and this instrument is executed and delivered [o secure the payment of the sum of __ _____
<br />**Five Thousand Three Hundred Ninety-three and Noj100tha~pa+s1$ 5,393.00 1
<br />with interest thereon, wgether with such charges and advances as may be due and payable to said mortgagee under the Germs and conditions
<br />of the ptomiseory note of even date herewith and secures hereby, executed by snid mortgagor a to said mortgagee, payable as expressed
<br />S in said note, a~ to aeprre the performance of all the Leans and conditions contained therein. The teens of said note are hereby incorporated
<br />herein 6y this reference.
<br />~r It ie the intention and agreement of the parties hereto that Chia mortgage ahail also secure nny future advances made w said mortgagors
<br />j 6y said mortgagee, and nay and all indebtedness in addition w the amount above stated which said mortgagors, or any of them, may owe [o
<br />said murtgegee, however evidenced, whether by note, book account or otherwise. Tfiis mortgage shall remain in full force and effect between
<br />the parties hereto and their heirs, personal representatives, successors acd assigns, until all amounts secured hereunder, including future
<br />advaacea, are paid in fuL' with interest.
<br />~3
<br />{{{? The mortgagors hereby assign _ to said mortgagee ail rents and income arising at any and all times from said property and
<br />hereby authorize said mortgages or its agent, at its option, upon default, to cake charge of said property and col{ect ell rents and income
<br />y - -- tlRSafrom end-applg-the anme to the payment of interest, principal; insurame premiums, taxes, assesamenta, repairs or improvements
<br />it naweaary Lo koap said property in tanantabke condition, or to aEker charges or payments provided for herein or in the note hereby secured. 'Chia
<br />it rent assignment shell continue in force until the unpaid balance of said note is fully paid. The taking of possession hereunder shell in no manner
<br />- poz-zetarcLaaid ~rirrgea.ia tha.eollaetioe aE said auras-iry €oruelosure or otherwise.
<br />~` . The fa9ura of the mortgagee to assert any of iW rights hereunder at nny Eimn ahal7 nut be construed as a waiver of its right to assert, the
<br />~f same nc any later time, end w insist upon end enforce strict wmpliance with all the wrrna and provisions of said, now and of this mortgage.
<br />S
<br />~ If acid mortgagor -a aheB cause w be paid to said [nrtgagee the entire amount duo it hereunder, nod under the terms and provisions
<br />of said torte hereby secured, including future advances, and any extensions or renaweta thereof in: aceordattce with the terms and provisions
<br />S3 thwenf, sad if said mortgagors shall coaanly with aB the-provisions of said note and of this mortgage, then GFjese preaenw shall ba void;
<br />otherwise-to remain in fnli fotcea>rd effect, asd said mortgagee ahafl be entitled to lira possession uE all of said peaporty, and may, nt its option,
<br />'$i@S; dedsrs the whole of said note and al! htdebtedaesa represented thereby w be immediately duo and payable, and may foreclose this mortgage
<br />or take aqy other legal action to Protect-its right. Appraieement waived.
<br />This mortgage shag be binding upon and shall enure [o the benefit of the heirs, execuwra, edmhtiatrawcs, sucuessors and assigns of the
<br />~~ - respective parties herew.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said MoctgagoS_ ha 3C~herermw set__ their __, hander _. the day and year-first above
<br />written. ~-.~~ r"i .:i ~ i1<.-._. .,
<br />