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f 5Z-i.-REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE-EWifh Tax Clause) iFtevlscd 1952} The Huamau l:soval t'ruppty t». Iinooin, ~liebr_ <br />t <br />IS~:3W ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Delbert Theasmeyer and Lois T'neasmeyer each in <br />his and her own sight as spouse of each other and Janet itoss in partnership. <br />of Hall County, a>[d State of Nebraska , in consideration of the sttm of <br />Twenty Five-?ThOttsazid and QOfI85---------------------------------------------DOLLARS <br />in Dand paid, do hereby SELL and CONVEY unto Five Pointe Bank <br />~ Hall County, State of Nebraska t)re following described p:emixs situated <br />~ Hall County, and State of Nebraska , to-wit: - <br />Fractional Lot Six (6), Block Fifteen (15), Lambert's Addition <br />to the City of Grand Island, Halt County, Nebraska; and Fractional <br />Lot Seven (7), Except the Westerly Thirteen and Two Tenths (13.2) <br />Fezt Thereof, and all of Fractional Lot Eight (3), Block Eight ($), <br />Evans Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />The intention being So convey hereby an absolute 4itle m tee simple, including all the rights of homestead and dower. <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLll the premises above des.:ribetl, with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging, wtm the said <br />orgagee(s} and to his, Der or their heirs ared assigns Cueeve t, provided always, and these presents are upon the ezpreas <br />condition Shat if the said mortgagor(s), his, het or their heirs, c:ecutoro, administrators or assigns shall pay o[ cause to be <br />paid to [he said mortgagee(s). Dis, her or their heirs, ezecutoro, administratoro or assigns, the principal sum of $ 25 , 000.00 <br />payable as follows, to wit: <br />25,000.00 Payable on or Before 180 days due, January 20, 1931 <br />dated: July 24, 1930 <br />wztD inieic3t a'rotding to the te,-,ue and eSe : of t!•.e rtauzfgat,'o:s written pr~isso; f actr'I~ ....t"a.'~~'.'~ <br />and shall pay all lazes and assessments levied upon said real estate. and ell other taxes. levies and assessmenW levied upon this <br />mortgage oz the note'whicD this mortgage is riven to se[:ure, before the same be[romes delinquent, and keep the buildings on <br />Md premises insured for the sum oC E 25 , OOO.OO ,loss, if any, µ~yable to the said mortgagee, then thew presents <br />to be void, otherwise to be and eemain in fuH force. <br />IT IS FURTHER AGREED tl) That if the said mortgagor shall tail to pay such Lazes or procure such inauraace, the <br />i <br />raid mortgagee may pay such tears amt procure such imurance; ar[d the sum so advanced, with interest at "+ per <br />cent, sDaH De repaid by said mortgagor, and this mortgage shall sterol as security Por the same. (?) That a failure to pay any <br />of nir3 moray, wither principal or intereM, when the same bscomaa due, or a failure to comply with any of the foregoing <br />agreements, shat! cause the whole sum of money herein secured to become due and coHectiltle at once at the option of the <br />mortgagee. <br />Sighed tDis 24 day of July . 19~ ~ ,~~ <br /> <br />~,k~.~1::2:3-~...`_.f......._...._....... CatmtY oC...._.,~~F:u.y~...:..-...._.._..._...._... <br />STATE OF.._.._- ...-. <br />Before me, a notary puDfic qualf8ed for said county, peroonally came <br />ftnosvn to me to be the identical person or persona who signed the foregoing inauvment and acknowle[~ged the ezacutioa <br />theruof to ba-Dia, Dec or tlteu valtmtary set a[td deed. t _ <br />.~1'" <br />I9 ..; . <br />Public. <br />STATE- OF..___.....______....._ .............._._....._...._....... ~ Entered nn numerical index and filed for record <br />['.,nafv _.. __. ~ in [he Register of Deeds O6xe of said County the <br />_._..-....,----'~' af._._........_ ........................._._.. 19............. at....---._....._...._.......o clock and..-~---...-.._...........minutea ...-'--'------M'• <br />alai r~a~ed f~,,Hook ............._._............._...._...ot.........._......_._......--'---'--at PaSe--'--...._.-_-----'----------' <br />of Deeds <br />