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f _ '~ _ <br />~~ ~~~ <br />,tom :a eea ;ate ~:: ~ r`~d.s• ~~,~~j /. <br />19 ~ attd bettsrxn Wilson. C. Shafer and Velma M. Shafer <br />(bert:>aafter re#ezred to as mortgagor) and the Adatiaistrator of the Small Business Administration, an agency of the <br />Gorervmeat of the }3nited Staten of America {hereinafter referred to as mortgagee), who ma,}atains as office end <br />p~-ofLasi~at Empire State Building, 19th & Fa,-r,am Streets, Gmaha, NE 68102 <br />~m~x,. that for the ~deratioa heseindter stated, nxcipt of which is hete&p aelmoyrledged, _t6e <br />does-herebp,moztgasgq,sell, grant, amgay and convey unto. rite mortgagee, his.-et}txueeors and.~arigos;,aA <br />of the fo}}owtnB*dr~ezibed` Property sitaated and fxing in the County of gel <br />State-~,Pleb;aslra <br />Ir3t Seen ,'7) West Bel Air Fifth SubdiVisian in the City of Grand Island, <br />11x11: Cottnty; Nebraska. <br />Together with and including all huildinge, all fixtures including but not limited !o ail fdumbing, heating, light• <br />iag, ventilating, refrigerating, incinerating, air conditioning uppurutu,, :uui rlevatara (the murtpugor herrlty <br />declaring that it is intended chat the itrtns herein enumerated ,hail he der,nr<I to havr. kern prrmanenlly in• <br />::tailed-ae part-ut the realty), and all imprnvrments nu» ur hrrrafter r4i.tins thrrnru, the hrrrditanteata ttnd <br />appurtenances~.and x11-oilier rights thereunto belonging, or in anywise airpertainin}C, andthe rcrrrsina sad rr- <br />tersions; ieaiaittde~r uud remainders, all'rikhls of redemptiirn, and the rent-, issues, and profile of tine above <br />deseiibietlfproPerer.fprovided,.however, that the mortgagor shall he entitled io the of wid property <br />and toeallortaad:retairt the reuts,.issnas, end profits until tdetauU hrrrumler). 'fo havr and to ttold the ewme <br />unity the;mortga{tee sad the Sueeessurn in interest of the mortgegre forever ut lee sinrpla nr such ui}ter estate, <br />if.aayy~.asas-;ftated;herein.: <br />'lam t~-covesantn-that he is lawfully salad -sad: possemed of and has-the,right-to call and~vey-raid <br />RroPerty.- thaE thv,, same is free; front ell=eneumhranrae. e~ccept. as hereieabove: recitedt and that he hereby. hinds <br />hitttx}f-atu}.his:euccessorsia warrant and.defend the title aforesaid thereto and every part thereof against <br />the.clsims'of d}p~_.w}ttrmeosver. <br />~» <br />Tbie iustrumcsit is given to secure the payment oC a promissory note dated .a..~.~' ~~t'~h'", ~~~' , <br />in;thefrriue;palrunt.of:g°4S,QQO.QQ ,:bf8~?ted,hYWilson C. Shafer and Velma M./Shafer <br />;rs hnhalf of themselves, <br />SaA F•r~ Mr (a.ra i P+~,lsw PAfslsa, wry eb,:l~u. <br />