<br />€~snA-~t„~a Hari:,ar s
<br />Form FrnHA 427-i NB _ -
<br />- THTS MOR'T'GAGE is made and entered into by _-R S~ ~- -L• r^~~~
<br />_--SS~f~rc_1~3--?i?_f3?-4 aIY~, 1?fY_9WI1 2_.L~rn_a2Y~ aS-S~OUS2 Of ~]2. O#d721', --------.._----° --
<br />residing is ~-__.____.---~,-__-_--__---~~-~_~__-___-______---_____ County, Nebraska, whose post office address is
<br />_. ~trt~_ls:-SAC.-2Q-~-------------------------------------N7_D_Od_R2VPS --------------- • Nebraska __-68883--. ,
<br />herein called ~"Borrower," and: -
<br />SVHEREAS Borrower is~ indebted- to the United States of-America, acting through the Farmers Home Administrator,
<br />United States Department of Agriculture, herein called the "Government," as evidenced by one or more promissory note{sj
<br />or assumption ageement(sj, herein called "note," which has been executed by Borrower, is- payable to the order of caw
<br />Goxretnmeaq authorizes acceleration of the ent[re indebtedness a[ the option of the Government upon any default by
<br />Borrower, and is described-as follows:
<br />Annual Rate Due Date of Final
<br />Date of Instrument Principal Amount of I:xterest Instaument
<br />31~1y'-28, 1480. $1E0r000.00 L.0~ July 28f- 2010.
<br />(If the interest rate is less than __~~__-____% for farm ownership or operating loan(sj secured by this instrument, then the
<br />rate may be changed as provided in the note.)
<br />And the note evidences a loan to Borrower, and the Government, at any time, may assign the note and insure the pay-
<br />ment thereof pursuant to the Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act, or Tile V of the Housing Act of 1949 or any
<br />ether statute administered by the Farmers Home Administration;
<br />And it is the purpose and intent of this instrument that, among other things, at all times when the note is held by the
<br />Government, or in [he event the Government should assign this instrument without insurance of the note, this instrument
<br />shall secure payment of the note; but when the note is held by an insured holdeq this instrument shall no[ secure payment
<br />of [he note or attach to the debt evidenced dterebp, but a ~ to the note and such debt shall constitute an indemnity mortgage
<br />to secure the Government against loss under its insurance contract by reason of arty default b-v Borrower;
<br />And this instrument also secures the recapture of any interest credit or subsidy which may be gantcd to the Borrower by
<br />the Government pursuant to 42 U.S.C. §1490a.
<br />Nfl4V, THEREFORE, in cr~rtsideration of the loans st and fai at all times when the note is held by the Government, or in
<br />the event the Government should assign this instrument without insurance o4 the payment of the note, to secure prompt
<br />payment of the note and any renewals and eztensioxss theect.€ aad any ~:-reentrnts contained therein, including any procdsion
<br />for the payment of an insurance or other chazge. (b? at all times when the note u held by an insured holder, to secure per-
<br />formance of Borrower's ageement herein to iademnifi and save harmless the Government against loss under its insurance
<br />contract by reason of any default by Borroweq and (c} in any event and at all times to secure the prompt payment of all
<br />advances and expenditures made by rite Government, with incerest, as hereinafter describeu, and tine performance of every
<br />covenant and ageement of Borrower contained herein or in any supplementary ageement, Borrower does hereby gant,
<br />bargain, sell, convey and assign, with general warranty, unto the Government the following property situated in the State of
<br />Nebraska, Councy(iesj of
<br />The West Half of the Northeast Quartet' (T~VF}a) of Section Ebtirteen (14) ,
<br />in Township Nine (9) North, Range Trfelve (12), West of the 6th P.M.,
<br />S[JBJECP TO a Mortgage in fawr of The Equitable Life Assurance
<br />Society of the United States in the principal atrount of $ll5,000.00.
<br />Saida Mortgage clot to exceed the Stan of $101,200.00,
<br />aIYI FmHA 427-1 NB (Rev. 5-15-79)
<br />
<br />J
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