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${)- =~~2 <br />$.0. VII, 3L (3'°7.2) <br />(Lhs~ditiaMl reoaslgaa~nt) <br />~~~~, ~~ <br />A556GN~ENT ~F REAL ESYAi'E LEASE AND AGREEYENY <br />This ossigrtmmt of lease and aspmemmt m~e and entered into by a~ 6etweea <br />Roy L. Minnick and Rosalie N. Minnick <br />(Lessee - heteirtafter Dolled "Ba[rowe~'), <br />sad Kuester's Lake Inc. <br />{hereinaftercalled"L.esaor");mtd Sraa11 Business Admin;a r-t'on <br />(hereinafter called "Assfcytee"): Witeeeaetlr: <br />W&meea, Borrower has hezetofore leased from Lessor Detrain real property by lease dated -?~r~h ~ ~a7 c <br />recorded !n Bode ,Page , of the reccrds of the County of <br />_. State of _ for a teen of years, ®rd desaibed as follows: <br />Lot 13, having a lake front footage of 94 feet, situated on the <br />East side of the Nest portion of Kuester Lake, and being on a part of the <br />E 1/2 SW 1/4 in Section 13, Township 11, Range 9, in Hall County, <br />*lebraska, bounded on the Northeasterly side by the common road; such <br />lot is as shown on a plat in the possession of the Lessor <br />$9,200.00 <br />And, wtz~eeo, Assi"nee has ~n,thr,rt~~rt xre maki.g of a I~t to Borews in LSa ~.:t o` <br />::in- thousuid two hundred and roi100-- - doll <br />due artd payable on or before `~ <br />And, Wlsereae, such loan is for the benefit of both Borrower and Lessor, in that the Ittrrda arm to be used far the <br />benefit of the business catducbzd oa the leased premises; <br />Now, T6nefae, far and in carsideratton of the premises mrd of disbursement of said roam ar cry port thereof, <br />Bwmwer, with the cnnsant of Lessor, hereby Asa~se, Tnmfe~ ami Ca:sveya tstto AasiWtee the lease afiove deaaibed, <br />To Nave sad To Void the same fear and drying the remainder of the term menuagted in the lease, and a13 renewals and <br />extensions of said term. <br />A. Beeraww ax1 Leaner further Covesamt and Aimee: <br />I. Borrower is rx>t now in default in the performmtce of lease; and Borrower and Lessor will each perform rho <br />coven®tts ~d conditions repui:ed of hLn by said lease for the term of said inert and mry ezteneima or <br />renewal of it. <br />2, ~.xo~rt ~ o'.hacwise herein permitted, Borrower std Lessor will not, alone or by agreement• between <br />them, modffY ^* te~tira!e std Ieaae wiu~,out r.sert of Assignee. <br />3, In the event of default by Bawer under '.he terms of said lease, Leaear shall have rho right ta~taminate <br />said lease !n aca~rdanoe with tts teens, Provided, However, Lessor shall fast glue Asalgnee (i() days <br />written notice of such default and the right, at the option of Aasi4:tee, drufnq sus3r period, to cure ettcir <br />defmrit: and during such period, Lessor will take no acticsr to enforw its claim arising from such default <br />without Assignee's consent. <br />4 fa the event of any default by Borrower >n ,the perfonrreance of rnY of the obligations of h[a note to Assignee <br />evidencing the aforesaid loan, mty renewal ~ extension thereof, ~ any other agaeeraen! mad° En connecYirn <br />therewfth, includin4 his agreetnents herein, then, Assign, at its option, may, without notice, uein9 such <br />force as may .'~°~ ,n,. gauzy, enter add Ieaaed premises and do any arse or more of the fatlowtnq: <br />a. f?emave alt p.,~°;ty of ~ ~e_ t_~.~fraut tisd is jrypothecat6d as ootlaterol f~ its aforementirnad <br />