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8~3--~ '~~~< _2_ <br />i . Deter :';i_^.atio : o= bo',:.. ies: <br />T he Lessors hall ..ave uhe ~ig~, o:: raasora'ale basis, to <br />deter ,ine t;-:e boundaries between t:-:e`Dessee and 'nis reirshbars <br />the Lessee and his raig:-ibors - .._Dt _- to suci bourda_*y <br />_~ , .re lake iron boundary of~~~. leased pre..^.,ises shall be <br />roj u he warmer ~°.e ~ ~e same : gay axist from - e to ti: :e wit: <br />changes in the grater level of tie ia:ce. ine boundary line of <br />fhe leased premises a+utfing -;.e Lessor's comaor. roads shall <br />be as reasonably determined by the lessor. <br />8. Peace~ul possession: <br />As long as Lessee ccrforms with -he requirer.,enfs bindi..g upon <br />• him in this lease agreement, fhe~Lessee shall envoy peaces"ui <br />possession of the leased premises. <br />9. prcve;~ents: <br />.ine Lessee shall keep the leased ,,remises in a neat and clean <br />C4nd_ti OP_ at al i fi 1es „ncl .... all ._.. p al 1 .-mpr_.,... °nts On t?:e <br />leased premises in a good conditicnvaf repair. <br />lU. AGan CGnite_it: <br />The Lessee agrees not to abando.-. Lhe leased premises. <br />11. -.cuss for installira uti l ~y lines: <br />The Lessor reserves Le light ~o co: :e won the aasad are-ises <br />for iastalla_ior, of 4..dergro;::d ~ doove gro<;rdy..tili _lnes <br />and e making of necessary repays or _ ~ roves;.erts tot or <br />-:,offing the leased praisers. .::~ ~essorU- reel tc _astore <br />the premises to substd :ti- ly ~.-_ a.:,e cc_:dit~ .. as t hey- were <br />Del Ore a.:y Si1Cn ~..^.sta~lat ¢O.: d.... d~ the ..essorv~ <br />~2. Ru es nd Regulatior.s: <br />ine Lessee agrees to co:.pi,~ .v..~n -..~ rules nc: regulacior.s <br />aS ire p6 reCa any ~u~..a J.1cG J1 .... e _.'.. --.~~ %V ..i.e ue SSC'e, <<U.l. <br />~~-e to time. S'u .. _..~ .~ a:c _a~ior. ..-li co;.---.. .c--- <br />strictions _.... ~~.,,~_4~_,.,._. ~orL._._~ .,,..c_ ~~~_,~: efir o~l«_ <br />lessees .; =<uest<r ~. .-" ____.:_- to :.~ 4sa ~:c ~_~~era_ <br />.i es sees at ~u est er uu.le Vi .1L .., _:..J l:l i., L01:u{loii <br />a.._ _._- le_s_._ _..._.:_~. -_ _~ _..___-~___ _..~_ _..~ ba..__ --_ <br />Orrv~ :VA edSeG p-u:~~S.'_=~' ..~.~- ..~._- ~Jr =,iCi':'.t lal ?l:rp05 eSr :J'•:L <br />ine ..,ms's Or ...aj' po~...~~, «'.,: L1... _. LG ~~.~,t3, CO:T„Tn'I'CiLa dCL1.~C_ <br />Oi: fnc i2aS@G pr c: ::. ~: ~- .~~~._. __c_, f = iu -~ .'.~ -.. ~ <<,...~~ <br />are Slib~CCt t0 C.:=.::C~cJ ~ :_ _.c., :;Gr, -:C i.''7G~ :(j ~~.~ - ..:.~ ....~~~, <br />pL'rpOSe Of ~..c.. 1Cd~i=~. p. ...~_`~5 ~_ .<.~~ ,.L~"~ 5:,-lam ,~GL. '- <br />abridger. .vny cn ~5 _.. c . _.._~ ..~ ri gc~dcior.s .,..ate/uL <br />approved by a ..ajor-i- of ~:._ ~~~_,~.-.oluers _L.,c Ord vcc_ :y <br />at a meeting called for _~~:. _ t:;L oZ ~;::_chc.,~ ce:. :ot~ce: <br />has been given to ol.. ~~asehol::<:rs ,o:.a vete per~ieasei <br />13. ndficn of base _ - of - _ <br />:- the Lessee tails, err ~. ..~:. l~~r ay, ?r=or ,,.~~~~.. ..~~_~a <br />~ro:; the Lessor, to re, dy _ .--~._au~~ ;. .._s Jr ..~_. ~L _ .....<a <br />~,•ifh ary o£ the obiir,:.~ior.s .,~..~~..c; xn .:_.,, o~ :.~.. ...-.u<,~ c..~ <br />Lease Agreement, or u..^.iier ..::e . ,;las ar.d 2ecnlatiDn tur,.~si:e:: <br />him or her by t::e " assor, ~.. ..~sscr . ,may, ..c _ ~ opt~J,. c~ nc_.. ~e <br />.,.5 _ease anu _.. ~. v,,.. _ ~~~~_~ ,._ ..- .....<< ..-..-.1 .:..-. _ _ ..._..L., L. L.~ ,-.._~ <br />aster tl':c iOiiGwin~ ,-rOC di.:ur<. .:.. ~L.: _- _ ..L,. ,..4... <br />~a) A speCl di .., v _:;~ ~, .: ...11Jti'_U~.; •.M1~~.... ~,t .5 iU~ ~, <.._,:Jr .. _~ <br />be called by .:ha soar.. U~ Dirac ors of vesso~ , ...:~:~ <br />written rctlca ~ such ~et~r.g ~_ .u its rnzrpo;,~ _ ~v<~:: co <br />all sue:^^. sl.ockholce... uc:, .~,L .cii:;- ,,..~11 bG L.,~_uu .o. <br />t-he pu L'bO SC OL ~.L~<~,., .. ~ ,~,3j Or ~'tS VOLE. OL ~..L _,~Gvti <br />Of Les50r, pra- ,.~ ..,.~,. Vl)`%i ~. ~ ...c L'P. ~.~ O`" ..<~ <br />t er:(llnaf l.Cn OfJ SSev" S ie.aaC iiO::i iu by .,~a C1C :.~,_<'u <::, <. .,.. <br />a Oef dlilt 'fJl/ thG`.', <..,S~J. AC ~i'uo~ iiv i~~_;V5 wr~'~~<.. :".O'."iG•~ <br />shall be given of ,.:r; .,uch ,,.~~ __:; ..nci l:aa _. _ ~ ~..._._ <br />be given full opporc...._ ~1 to snow w::y ..~s Drc.,..~ . <.~,,.- <br />shculd not be t:~rmi:.a~a~l. <br />