<br />~~ ~, P;
<br />._...:~z e -~~.
<br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO_ L 23,7s~
<br />Subject to L~ 23,652
<br />~to~raL>.r~ErrsrTxESEpR~sE!aas:~,at Janice M. Cox and Gera id F. Cox, ht=_r husband
<br />- Mortg~Or, whetter ore ar more, is c[m>mdsrMi~ o£ tte ~~
<br />ir'ine Thousand Eight Hundred and No/100------------ -------------------------__~ttnQ~
<br />kaarxd to said rttortgagor by The Equitable Building and Luan Associati[sn of Grand isfard, Nebraska, Mtmg~tgee, upon 4$ shares of stock of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Cerc~tate No. L 23 , 734 , do hereby gran[, Gamey and mortgage unto the saw PSS€lCFATiON rte £oL[owisg
<br />dessribed real estate, situated in Ball County, Nebraska:
<br />together with all the tenements, hereditarnents and appurtenances thereunto Fxlongmg, including attached noar covert[tgs, all window stseeos,
<br />window shades, blinds. storm vnndows, awnings, heating, au wnditivning, and plumbing and water equipment and accessories iheroto, pumps, stoves,
<br />refrigerators, and other ^z[ures and equpment now uc hereafer atLChed to or used m connection with card real estate.
<br />And whereas the said mortgagor has agreed and does hereby agree that the mortgagor shall and will pay all taxes and as~sanents levied or
<br />assessed upon seed premises and upon [hrs mortgage and the bend secured thereby before the same shall become detnquent; to furnish approved
<br />insurance upon the buildings nn nerd premrses situated m the sum of $ 9 ,8D0, QO Payable to said ASSO(`[A"I70N and to detvm [o said
<br />ASSOCIA"I70N the policies for seed insurance: and nut to wmmn or permit any waste un or about smd premises,
<br />la case of default to the perioraunce of any of [he terms and candriiors of this mortgage ur the bend secw ed hereby, the t[wrtgagee s`tali,
<br />en de.=~rrd, !~ entitird [•~ imtt;€diate pvs:;'.sivu v[ the ;:artgaged pretnases a the mortgagor herzhy asp. iy7s. transfers and s;.ts os~r to the
<br />mortgagee ail the rents, revenues and income to be derived trom the mvrtgagedr premises during suc:lt tine as the mortgage indebtedness shall n;rrrnin
<br />unpaid; and [he rrwr[gagee shaft have [he power to appoint any agent ur agents it may desire Cor the purpose of repai.~ng aid premises and renting
<br />the same and ceLtectina rte rents, revennrs and ir•.co[ne, and it may pay out of seal w:atx all expenses of rer>1,_ng aid premiers and r_=.~~y
<br />commissions and expeusrs incurred m ienfing and managing the same and of co8le.tmg rentals therefrom; the balance retnarning, d any, to hr
<br />apriiied towant the dischazpe of said mortgage rndebtednrss; these rtpjtis ut the mortgagee may be exercised at alto time during, cite rx_istensx of ~~ h
<br />default, rrrespecttve of any temporary warner vl for same.
<br />"" -- ° -- -• `uw are uonn the ('vndrtron. -__..: !nc ~_- h+o tr,„v shall :_r.a ea......,.r. un .,. ~ .,, the r -tardy u' °°' '-_-°- ~..
<br />paymentt pay nrunthly to seed ASSOCIATION ul the sum~>oecd3ed m the,Bvrtd •~.:rcured hereby •as interest .and prurc:pa! un ~srd loan on er ixE.:re
<br />the'£wentieth day of each and every month, urtt:i ,", d loan a (ally paid; my a!I :axes a.^.d ass:;s-mrs:ts levied age;nst v:d p;em;s:ss and un this Mortgage
<br />and the Band sxcured thereby, before delinquency, furnish appuive:; insurance upon the truddmgs thereon m the sum of 5 0 800 , 00 payable
<br />to gid ASSOCIATION: repay tv said .45SQCtATfON uptm demand all money by n paid fur such taxes, assessments and mswantx with interest a!
<br />the maximum legal rate thereon from date of payment all of which Mortgages hereby agrees to pay: permit no waste on card prcmues: keep and wmply
<br />with a6 the agreements and wndnrvns o! the &snd for °. Q , 200.00 ihrs day grvrn by :he said htortgagvr ro seed ASS(X'fAT10N, and wmply
<br />with a6 Lhe reyuiremxuts of the Constduuon a7d By-lsws of s!d ASS(i'fL4T1ON, then t!:cse pm~nts shall bewmc n:alf and vmd, otherwise they
<br />shall remain in fu6 force and aiay be foreelose;d at the optwn nt the ~a;d ASSOCIATION alter reduce tot three months [o make any of card
<br />payrrtents or be three months m arrears m mat:mg said monthly payments. ut to keep and comply with the agreements and wndnions of said Bond;
<br />and Mortgagor agrees to have a recrrvcr appurnted (urthwith in such (areclusure prucerd!ngs.
<br />!f there is any uhange in awnership of the real es+ate nmrtgaged he;rm, by safe u othrrwrx, thin the urure retrmtmttg indebtedness hereby
<br />sleazed sfull, at rte option v( Tito Eywtable Budding and loan Aswcrauon o(Grand isku[d, Nebraska, became rmrrtediateiy due and payable without
<br />furiiwt r.oiicc, anu' ihr arrrouot rernarmng d e unacr said bond, and any otf[er hand for any additional advents made thereunder, shat!, fram [he
<br />date of cxernsc vl slid option, txaz mtercst at the rrctxtmum !egai rate, and ttus mortgage nay then be Foreclosed to satisfy the: amount due on swd
<br />bond, and any other bond for additional advances, together with elf sums pard by said "£he I~gwtable Budding and Loan Ass[x;iauon vt Grand Island,
<br />Nebrska far inswanw, taxes and assessments, and absiracung cz[ensian charges, w[th mterest thereon, Irvin date of psytnent at the maxtrnum
<br />legal rate-
<br />As provided m the f9ond scwruf hereby, while thti snur[gage remains m elfec[ [he murtgagce may hereafter advance addiUOnal sums to [he
<br />t[takers of said Bond, their assigns or suuxssvrs m imerest, which sums shat! be within the secwity of this mortgage the same as the funds originally
<br />secured thereby, the total amount of pnncipaf debt not to exczed at any time the origwal amount of this mortgage.
<br />_f~t;.d _h- ~th •~Liy ._ f3.- JV
<br />' /i-1 it,
<br />r
<br />J~
<br />G raid F. Cox
<br />st. On tt:is 26th day of JU iy !v YO , hetare mc,
<br />COON'I'Y OF fiALL
<br />the undersigned, a Notary Publc br and for card County, personalty name
<br />Janice M. Cox and Gerald F. Cox, her husband whit are personally knawo to
<br />roe to be the identical person 5 whos, name 5 dre affixed [a the above instrument as rnorigagvr and t he,Y uv-orally
<br />aci[nawiedgcd tfie said instrument to be thel r voluntary act and decd.
<br />NtITNE.SS my hand and Notarial Seat the date afore~d. ~' ~'
<br />My Comm~nn expires / ,~ - ~~ ~
<br />~ _. _~_ ~~~-L-LIC `? ' G L. ~ L-.~ ~-t~-
<br />tarxz~ u[ //~/ Notary Public
<br />~/L,~.J. ~ ~ J~s`~-.~ ~O€N€RklgotARY :ra~ er hrr...,,x
<br />