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_e - ct +n the ave ny x. rds are -ode .o t5e H,^tgaaors r -a^ 'a _'::erstst fr.r tag?~,g ~a~~ ,3 <br />r~ zze. ciss of ?n _ _ z1a the wTrclz or 'v'-r- cf the_. ~<_ged ar e.-lse-lrsr+a,'>l `=v~°-nc ":_ _.u, the said <br />axa^Cs arz'h?raby assigned tc the Mbrtgagee; the'MOrtgagee is h_rebY =uther.z=d a cell>_et, rzeeive. anG raeesDt <br />:,srzfor as^_ to zvpi_r the sa~z +n P2Ymeat o5 any _n~ebt_d.-tass, ,,,,._v er _..,...-~,.. zcred ,, this rortgage. <br />' ;7j 'Shat Sn the went Y.artgagors datault Sn the payment of ._id y_Fnciy s..^,, or of anY-_..st_.1...,.nt Thereof, or <br />- i ahY' Snt~'?s± tazrzdn, at t:`,e Lim=_ :s::en the sac.,=_ ~ ,a21 b ^ue. -^^ :+S th r?spect to anY ewenaatt. or ecndlt+e::.:iare- <br />t* 'hen. at the Dorf cn of ^!o^CgzKae, tYe +re in?=bte3ae.^,s Szn~ e* har-b"J shaij forth~r+_th Geedaa C:;e -ard ~aya6-e. <br />.' } stall bear inter?st at the default rite described Sn said note, aid the Mortgagee may Sasnedlate7y oreelosethis ~ - <br />f mortgage or pursuz nay ot2ter avaS table legal reme~";. <br />f ;9j That 1n tha went ar_tlor. Ss brought r_b foreclose this mortgaga, the Mortgagez shall be entitled to Sm,s!edi zte <br />pbSSESSlOn of t,^^.~ mortgaged premlDF,S, 2nd the DC=1rt ^^ay appolet a recaiver LG tz;ce pOS3?ssicn 6f Said Pr8;9i5?S, w1LIi" ' <br />- L'ta usual powers ~f receivers In like cases. - <br />j <br />E (9j .That failure br delay of Mdrtgagzs to execcis? any sf its ^lghts or Privileges snail not be construed as a <br />{ waSver ther zof; [hat &'ty act of Mortgagee waivin¢ any specific de_*ault of Mortgagors shall avt be construed as'.a ~. <br />w'aiv?r bf an! fur--;re defaults; that ca ,e of default in the Paynent cf any amortl~atidr. Srstallcents or interest, j._ <br />{ or Sn case of pay:aznt by Mortgagez ot^any lien, Judgment, tax, insuranc°. east or exp=rsa, or rents, _`ees or ^hargea, ! - <br />,% j said Mortgagee sh ail have the Friuli?ge, vrithow, declaring the whole `_ndeb tzdnass due and payable, to foreclose on <br />adCOUnt or sacs sped fir, :derauit for such mms as are i^ defetat and such serer. insure prrceedings may De had and <br />-' ~ *_ha Sand dascr ibe". sore Sr. may be sold, subJ act ru the uneald indeb LZdness hereby secured, and this mortgage -shs11 - <br />ountinuz a., a lies for ant tntpaid balance. - <br />(Sr,! That rho Mortgagee may extend and d=: ar the maturity of and renew end reamortize sold SndahteCrass, release- <br />f-cr 112b Silty any na_^ty liable her nn, and ran east tram rn? lien hareof torsi c-ts ~f thz t_rep?rty cbvered hereby, ( .. - <br />w+thout of *ee slag t;te pr:on ty For ~ or the liability of Mnr tgagors ,r er.Y Diner Far ty Scr the payment of said g ,; <br />~. ~ebtedness, all such exterslons, de. a:-nests, r=_newals, and rzamertizations to Cz seci!rzd hereby. E <br />;1i} Transfer of security. It Ss agreed batmen the narttes-"rare co, :heir hei.^s, legal repres=rtaCly=s and assigns, ~ --~~ <br />t,*,at ;.he integri t;: sod rzsponsibility of [he hforrgagors censtl `-rtes a part of th? tens SderatS O,^..*or the rbte szcur ed <br />heraby, and that !r, the =vent tha Mortgagors shail~sell, trans ter, r,r convey the property descrined herein, the <br />crLg=_gse ma,~ z :ts option declare the entire indebtadr.?ss im+nenSSte ly d.t2 nd Payab'e and may proceed Sn the en- i <br />.crezment r __ ri guts as un anY ocher d?fault In the terns cf the ro to - *tdr*,gage. E <br />y ~ (i2} Assignment of ?roceads of Mineral Laas?. Mortgagors hereby Transfer, set ever, and convey to Mortgagee a1i i > <br />y rest,^', royal**.ies, boanses, and delay moneys *,itat ;nay :Tom CSma to tiro beco.^!? d.:= a.^.C paYap le udder anY oil, gas, <br />- or other mineral ~_ezs? o.` any kind nova existing cr thar, may hzraa!'ta,^~come ;Tao ~existenre, covering the above land <br />_ nr any part cherect. All such, s; roc?Sued by ~'ortgag?e :hall be. applied ~~ the !ndzbtedness secured h?raby; or <br />id Mortgagze may at its optier, tarn over snd de Sin?r to the C'cr tgsgers ^~r t!:elr sn.^.cessors Sn interest, any or all - <br />' o` such sums without pr?Juu!ue to 2ny o1' Mortgage? a rl ghts co ta!e snd ;~t-a1n ruturz sums, and without proJudl ce ( - <br />`: ,.; any of its otnor rights undar this mortgage. The Tans ter and corveyance *.eraunder So Mortgagee eI sail rents, i <br />t rcYait izs, banuse.:, ar.G 9'Say moneys shall be ^.onstn:zd to b r rcrvSSion _~ the nayment or reduction cf the mort- <br />~. i ga_ge dabs, subJect to the `iortgage2+s option as ,'.?reinbetnra ~,rov id?~1, ind_pendent ^' the mortgage lien or, said real ' <br />estate. Upon payment in ,,^uli of the mortgag? debt and t.._ release of tnisac:,~rtgage of record, this conveyance shall j - <br />bee-em= SnoF?rative and c' ao `urther force and effect. <br />(>ords aroi ~2rases Fe re i. rz, tin,~l.~ing :he ac brow ZedPmo rz F.o re,;,=, sha Cl Le cons trued as Cn the sirtQ Ular or ;j tarot <br />~ rcvaGe,-s and as nasculin<_, emirzti no, or nv_uSer e ~E-T, ac=ord i-g Lo she tor.?.e r;.; <br />" ~; Phi ip D. ry <br />'! ' <br />: ~ SEALI ~ (ISEAL) <br />- ~ ne owry - - - <br />r S'~ATg 7r ~ <br />n, r.*,is :x my .. - .... ... ,~ •: ~ - ,., ,. , o... ..~ u.o ., . :n':. ..... ' <br />,.roe, nernonally appaar„~' Ph~Iip D. Lowry and Maxine I. Lowry, husband and wife, <br />tt ma known t~~be t_. pars ous *,-.e _:, ~inP :oho ,.__._ r .:" "c--- ., 's~~u~, -,ia'.an ~:~l v;"E, .,!ac ,.~ .era tad <br />[Ya ama .a the!r .., Eon r,:. ri :.. ..u ..?ea. <br />6fgfRA1 NRLARY-StateA MMdN ,~ 1 h ' <br />- !'~,} `J"hill `~: Ull ri(e:! r:,__ _ftlcRBhRq ~*$'YDNfI~ -~ C~~l i F ~ "-~.t ~ .._ _-_.. <br />_ ~ sfYCwtNn. Et•,4yrgft0.lM! ~ r"f2YO Arm r - 1 Y - e ~~ _. <br />r yoe -~ r. ~, m~ s~. <br /> <br />-f .'_~ ~ <br />A <br />d <br />m <br />O <br />S <br />O i <br />N <br />t ~ ! <br />f$}¢ 1 <br />li ~ <br />~ i) ( <br />3 <br />8 m <br />i <br />ii ~ ,.. <br />~.., '~ i <br />1. I _~iA ~ <br /> <br />N .tl <br />~~ Z <br />O L i i <br />ti l~iLLV E ~~ <br />~';' ~'~ O ~;i ~ I <br />f- <br />:J rw {;;:ieUrt7e7~ SP f5e'31.3~L' <br />