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<br />ItflE[TGAGE ~ - - - <br />M(PlCfG£1S:E LOA£'7 id0: L , <br />x#owAUMSrISY'Itost:r£ciseNTS:Tbat grace L. Christenson and Deborah A. Christenson, ~asiR <br />in his and her own right and as spouse of each other, <br />Fifty-Eight Thousand and No/1D0----------- ---~0`ip~°r,whuharmegmwe,mcos~a~oedmaat~d <br />>agreed to said mortgagor hY The Equitable scolding and I.aam Aaaxcti~ ufCrantl Istatd, Nebtaska. Mortgagee, uptre 580- - ~adsmdc~--: - <br />said ASSSOCIATION, Certificate No. L 23, 730 . an lxttby gram, ooavey ~ rtsortgage irato the acid ASSaCtAliflN Src ;oCowyta. -.. <br />desmbed teat estate, situated in hall County, Nebraska- - <br />LOT ONE (1) IN BLOCK TWO (2), SOUTHER9 ACRES <br />ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL <br />COUNTY, 'NEBRASKA. . <br />together with all the tenemenu, herediiaments grid appurtenances [hereunto bebnging, including a[tarhed Hoot ixwerings, alt wimiow screens, <br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, heating, air ennditioning, and plumbing and water egtupment and accesrories thett[o,pumps, stoves, <br />refrigerators, and other fixtures and equipmerz[ now or hereafter attached to or used in connection with said real estate. <br />And whereas the said mortgagor has agreed and does hereby agree that the mortgagor :hall and will pay all taxes and assessments levied or <br />assessed upon said premises and upon this mortgage and the band secured thereby before Itte same shall become delinquent; to famish appra,ed <br />insurance upon itte buildings on said premises situated in the sum of 558, DDD. DD payable to said AS.SOCIATTON and to delixr [o said <br />ASSOCIATION fhc pohcics for said insurance: and not td commit or permit any waste on w about said premixs; <br />in case of default in rite performance of any aF the terms and conditions of this mortgage nr [he bond srtvred hettby, the mortgagee slta7l, <br />on demand, be entitled to immxdiate p.,.v,~-v,n of the rtnrtgaged premises and the rnostgagar hereby assigns, transfers and sets oxr to tht <br />mortgagee xll the rents, rexnues and income to be derived from the mortgaged premises dining such time as the mortgage indebtedoea shalt remain <br />unpaid: and the mortgagee shx13 have Lire Ixrwer to appoint any agent or agcnu it may desire for she purpose of repairing aid premises ared renting <br />the same and wlkcting the reins, rexntres and income, and it may pay out of said income ail expenses a£ repairing said premises azin necessary <br />commissons and cxperss incurred in ren[i,:r and ntanagirtg the same and of collecting rentals therefrom: the balance remaining, S any, to be <br />appikd arxard the dtsrhargz of said trxrrtgagc indebtedness; then, rixhts of [hc mortgagee may be exercised at any time during the existence of a::h <br />default, irrespectix of any temporary waixr of the sane. <br />These presents, hovswzxr, ere upon rh_e i'andition, Thxt if t_,r y[id btor!gs;vr shz3 repay said loan an ar befurc 4're tttatvrity of said strares by <br />pay[aeni: pay rreon[hly to said ASSOCIATION of f he sum specified in the sand secured hereby as interest and principal un said loan, on or Ixinre <br />tbe TWCnIreth day of each and every month, until said }oao it fully paid; pay aIt tzxes and assessments kvkd against said premises arxt un tkis Mortgage <br />and the Bond sra:ured whereby, before delinyvency-; furnish approved inwrance upon the bu8diogs thereon in the sum of 5 58 s QQQ, DD payable <br />to aid ASSQCIA'fiON; repay to said ASSOCIATION upoa demand aiI awney by i[ paid tin such taxes, assessments and insurance with interest at <br />the ereaximum legal rate thereon from date uC payment alt of which Mortgagor hereby agrees to pay; permit no waste un aid premises; keep and comply <br />with all the agreements and conditions of the bond for S 58,DDD. DD this day gixn by itx said Mortgagor m said ASSOCIATION, and comply <br />with at} the requuemems of the i'onstitutbn and sy-Laws of soul ASSOf;IATtON; then ehese presents shall become null and wid, otbetvrise they <br />sha8 ttnrain in fu[I force and may be foreclosed at the option of the said ASSflC1AT10N after Failure tar three months to make any of said <br />payments or be three rmrnths ire arrears in making said monthly payments, ar to keep and comply with the agrcemenu and mreditions of sxid Bond; <br />and Mortgagoa agrees to have a receiver appvirtted forthwith is such forccbsme prntxedings. <br />If there is any change in owrerrship of ttx real estate mortgaged }rcrein, by sale or uU;erwise, rhea the entire remaining indebtedness hereby <br />secured shall, at the option of 7`he Equitable Building and Loan Assceiation of Grand (slertd, Nebraska, become immediately due and payable without <br />further notice, and the atraaunt eamainirg due under said bond, and any older bond for any additional advances made thereunder, shag, fmm the <br />date of exercise of said option, bear interest at the maximum legal rate, and this mortgage tray then be foreclosed to atisfy the amount due on md[l <br />bond, and any other bond for additional advances, together with al} sums paid by said 9'he fsgttitable Building ared t.oare Aswcialion of Grand Island, <br />Nebraska for insurance, taxes xnd axiessntents, and abstracting extenskrn charges, with interest thereon, train date of payment at the rtaaximum <br />legal rite. <br />- As ptovided in the Bond secured hereby, while this mortgage renrairet ue effect the mortgagee tiny hereafter advane:e additional sums m the <br />- makers of said Bored, thtir assigns or suca~ssors in intercat, which aunts shall be within the security of this mortgage the same as the funds originally <br />secured thereby, the total amount of principal debt nut to extYeA at any tisrce the origittat amount of Mils trwrtgage. <br />f'at-sr.}ti~ 18th, day f July A.I.. }~, 80 <br />Deborah C r~stenson J <br />5I'ATE O£•~ #EB(tASKA, ~ ~, the this 18th . c!a of J U 1 <br />CCHlN7`Y OI< BALL > .Y }q 8D ,before mr, <br />the undersibmed, a Notary i'ublk in and for said Cauvty, perwtully ame <br />Bruce L. Christenson and Deborah A. Christenson, <br />each in his and her own right and as spouse of each other, was are personally known to <br />rite tube tha kkntirat Ixr«•~n S whose turtles a ~ affixed w the aoux iustrunwnt as marj~agor $ and they savcraiiy <br />arknowiedged the said iastrWncn[ to be their -luntary set and dyed. 1 <br />WITNk any h oral Nasar~t Sea; liar date aforesvd_ ~" <br />F `- f. <br />fi£M£Flt tlt)i RY - la ~_ y- t ;,y ~ ~- ~""'~ .. <br />estarra nt .. J6Y tf BE UIf:i e~-- <br />b}Yluattt Exµ, G'[!t. 1, IJjl <br />