contain Lng 7.759 acres, more or less, together wl th all of the rl ght, ti-tie, and interest ( `;
<br />(raw owned or hereof ter acquired) of the Mortgagors ir, said property, including all buildings, improvements; fixtures, j
<br />j ~ er appurtenances therebn or hereafter placed thereon; all water, irrigation, and drainage rights• the tenements, ~ ~_
<br />neredltamen ts, and appurtenances thereto and the rents, issues, crops, and profits arising from said lantls; and (if
<br />) t<7e Mortgagors, ruts in the public domain are required by Mortgagee for security purposes) all leases, permits, ~ r
<br />1 licenses, or prlvi leges, appurtenant or ..^.anappur tenant ^o Bald mortgaged premises, now or hereafter issued-, extended,
<br />or renewed to the Mortgagors by the United States or the state to which the above-described property is located or ~ ,-
<br />i ,acyy department, bureau, or agency thareoL.
<br />ii ~
<br />f This mortgage is giver. to secure a proms ssor,~ ne to of even date herewith, executed Dy Mortgagors to Mort~lgee, Sn ~ ;;
<br />the principal sum of SEVENTY-TWO THOUSAND AND NO/100 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~
<br />DDi.S.,YRS,
<br />payable with interest according to the terms of said note, the final payment being due and payable on the first day ~ ~-
<br />~ of January, 2005 This conveyance shall De void upon the payment of said Premissbry note,
<br />![ i
<br />This mortgage Se suD,J ect to the provisions of THE FARM CREDIT ACT and all acts amendatory thereof-or supplemental _
<br />4 thereto. 1?Se proceeds of the loan secured hereby will be used far the purposes specified Sn the Mortgagors app 11- t
<br />cation for said loan and authorised by said Act.
<br />I The Mortgagors, and each of them, hereby warrant that they are fee owners df •he mortgaged real property; that they ~ -:
<br />will defend the title against all claimants whomsoever, and that said property is fret from all encumbrances: that _
<br />Chey will keep all the improvements, _*ixUSes, and apply tzrarc as occupleC and ir; good repair a,d permit no acts of
<br />' waste; and they will relinquish all rights of homestead in said premises, and covenant and agree ~w ith the Mcr tgagee, j
<br />_ ~ aS fbi10WS:
<br />A )
<br />(1) That Ghey will pay when due all taxes, liens, tt;dgmerts, or assessments which may be lawfully assessed against
<br />the property herein mortgaged.
<br />' (2) That they will insure and keep Srsuretl buildings cr other improvements now on or which may hereafter be plaeetl 4
<br />'.;~ j on said premises to the satl sfact fen of the Mortgagee, such fnsurrmce policy shall be endorsed with a mortgage r_lause
<br />with the loss thereunder to be payable to the Mortgagee. Ary Sums ?•e r. eived may be usetl to pap for *=construction i
<br />~,~~ i of the destroyed improvements; or, Sf net so applied, ma;y, ac the optibn of the Mortgagee, be applietl in payment bS i
<br />any indebtedness, matured or unmatured, secured by this mortgage.
<br />~~ I .
<br />:-~ 73J To pay all rents, fees, or charges now due or tb Dec ome due under the terms of each lease, permit. 1l tense, or
<br />~~ ~ privilege on the public domain which 15 appurtenant or acnappurtenar,t to the me.*tgaged premises, which has been
<br />issued, extended, or renewed by the United States or the state .r. which the above-described Property is located: and
<br />to perform and observe ever act, coverar.L, cord itlon, and sr_±pu'. at•on necessary to keep eech of the same Sr. good ~
<br />O ~ standing; and tb take every necessary step to secure the reissue, renewal, cr ext enslon of each of the same; and to
<br />assign, waive, pledge, or endorse to the Mortgagee each lease, permit, license, or privilege 1_* Mbrtgegors~ rights
<br />in public domain are required by Mortgagee for security purposes. I
<br />i
<br />(a) That in the event the Mortgagee !s a party w aay 11 c1 gacicn affec tip the security or the lien o Sts mert-
<br />~,I. j gage, including ary suit by the Mortgagee to fbrecicse this mortgage or any suit in which the Mortgagee may he named
<br />a party defendan*_ is whi^_h St is oDll gat=.. tc ,,. b*.. .. ri h - _l ar -z_~uding cobdemration ana bankrupt
<br />i procee6!ngs, the Mortgagee may incur expenses and a.:vanc paymer.[ f.r aD~tract fees, attbrney fees (except to t
<br />extent prohibited by law), costs, expenses, and other chargces. ''
<br />- (5) That in the event the Mortgagors tail to peg when due any taxes, lions, ;udgmerts, cr asses_smen is - 'ail
<br />- = maintain insurance as hsrelnDefora provided, or fall tr pay rents, foes, cigar^os under t`.e ,terms o any i- - -
<br />.,e~mi .ic~rse, o* privilege; ar per"gggee 's -ar,,,_ -+ -xperse bs% art ~es, ait~•ney e osta
<br />'xp rse~ end ether charges 1n connection ri to li tl gat on Mortg gee may make ugh payment dr uroviae such sue nc e,
<br />^r stbh obligati d,^^.. and 'he amc,rts paid "here. ~r ~ha~~ D cme a pare -_f the +_- - ~ - - -
<br />and ipayaDle itmnediately, and shall boar interest from the date of Raymen* at the same rate asV nrevi~ded -ar ae_*aL t
<br />in-the--note-.
<br />I
<br />i
<br />l.~
<br />
<br />
<br />