~ar,N ~Le
<br />Q~~° ''7ria~s'- - - - - -
<br />~ta July 23; 1980-
<br />Lynn G. Lautenschlager and_Sudith A. Lautenschlager;- husband and wipe; anfl Myrons::
<br />3: Lantensehlager and Marsha. A:. Lauteteschlager,.husband and wife
<br />tiortgagars
<br />df Hall. - County,- Nebraska in ecnsideratlon or j -.
<br />the=Promissory Yote snd~ldan Rgreemen*. hereinafter described, and the agreement of the-Mortgagee _to tnalCe-futureznd.-
<br />additioral advances, Y.ereby mortgage and convey td -. 2.;
<br />)'
<br />THE FEDERAL LANG BANK OF ONANA, a Corvoration,
<br />of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, whose address -
<br />- is Farm Gredit Building,-Omaha, Nebraska- 68100, - .-- j -..! -
<br />Mortgagee (suD]ett to oil, gas ?nd mineral rl grits owned by parties n*_her than Mdrtgagors; existing easements o; ~
<br />retard; reservations in tlnlted'. States and State patents; and the r Ights a:° the public Sn all higY.Ways ), ttie following- s
<br />Hall,- ~ Nebraska °
<br />described real esr_ata 1n rrounty,
<br />SEC. TWP. RO: ,_
<br />SEA; and NEB (except the tracts described and. conveyed by
<br />deeds recorded. in Book 14, Page 24, Book 32, Page 534,
<br />Book 82, Page 655, Book, 145, Page 23, Book 138, Page 343,
<br />and Instrument No. 76-002662) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 33 9N 10 W 6th P.M.
<br />containing 315.82 icre.-,, mere r s togzther wl Cn all ~.: tte r_tht, ritl°. ;-nd i^terest
<br />(now owned or hereafter-aco;:ired) df tta Mor'gasnrs 4n Bald ^roparty, InclRding all building., !mprovemants, fix fetes.
<br />o_^ appurtenaates thereon dr hereafter „let ed t.her°sdn: all water, krrt ga.tion, and drainage nigh cs; the tanemantsf
<br />heradit3men*_s, and a_p-,r,,?rrehaneza rh?rer? a-nd ch= +~A.n>s. t-=u _ ,,r^RS. d ^^Iits ::nisi rtg `rem ^ald 1'~^.d>: ar:~d 'S.
<br />the Mdrtgagors+ -18h is Lri the public domain are rep'tir. '"•Y ,drCgagee tr~^~acuT'1 tl' purposes) ail leases, permits.
<br />licarsas, dtr privileges, ap;.•urCanant ar cdnppurtanryrt tc ssSd mcrtc~gsd prrm!sas, now or heraattar issued, extended,
<br />ar renewed to tna Mdrtgagors by the ilni led States q~r the _Gate in which the above-dsscrlber+ p openly Ss located ^,.
<br />arty department, nureau, or agency thereof.
<br />This mortgage Ic_ given io ecrure.a in'aml sar;ri• ,;ri[= ind L ',n a iw .:e!th. d for
<br />LR^1nd LRg fl.tnr. flnl": loll Sn.,Pl dvanre l f.h '^CC.. _ „ :!^ V,' .. .:..:. ... ...~n,it ~ _,,,?, l t ••-... ,ei.,
<br />, d'.C .. -
<br />agraement, provl ded that the rota. prlticipsl 5dvau°: ~u is CanC lug 'u:<. u,[-i,! +_ :.n} ~r.e time thal~ .^.d. ._..ed the
<br />sum or 659,000
<br />~, (;'ill .Niitatlon upon pr nc .al ~~dva<~ ~hlll ,est ~ r. the - pe. +'^om
<br />nvking an;t or Ltte advances hareattsr ,author :ad.) MORTr 4 c Ib -- Tu [v'liA1 Rl r; T ~ ~ ? . e1N-- -~ - Pt LF., Or9'SA.;OIl
<br />antler the terms and toP.di ti UnS of crie Proml ssdry Pore t..d Loa.. A+:r-.. mer.t :a. ,.t+ ,cr1;d sec ;,J; in ltd r,7:e 'm+Y
<br />~eement, not to exceed a parlcd of ±±. years from the data hereuC. -Che final payman^ of ,^rinctpai and L^.terest i:,
<br />due and payable on the first, ,lay of August, 2009 This ronveyam:e shat; ba volti upa? the p~vman?_
<br />oS said promissory note. -
<br />'mis mortgage is subJ ect to the nrovis LOns dT "Fie `:AHH 'REDTT dC'r ins' all set.^, amandatery thereof or supplemert.u1
<br />theta to. The Rrotaeds of the loon sscurad hereby vr.L'.1 be ,.?sad fog- t., purposes specified Ir. t.h<~ Mdr!.gager^+..°.Rpii-
<br />cstibn for said loan !aid authdrl2eU by ::aid Act.
<br />The Mortgagors, and each of them, hereby warretrc that they xrs fee zwr~•ors of the mdrtgaeed reel prnper'p; that ;hr,y
<br />will def and the r,.itle against all C1almar.Ls v+hamsoever, '+nd the[ deli! ^rnt:ert,y t ."tea i'rurt e. L am?t?mbrunu e:,; that,
<br />they will keep ttli the improvements, fixtures, anC nppurr_enacces uetupicd .and In~i?add rrgta±~• old permit- uo ~; .
<br />wssta: and they will rP1iTt9u1,^,h 211 ^1 P,ias df fu,msscea.d In sal- ).-rm :.~ rd covenant am9 n~rrer. +•a th the. . .. agee~.
<br />as follows:
<br />(11 TAaC they will pay when dtte all taxes, liens, lodgments, c. _ssessmehGS afii.^n :nay be tavful ly assessed avy.l^sG
<br />the property herein nrortgaged.
<br />(~) That they well Insure and keep !nsurc ~ n~.ldtnt e r - tt er Smr+r+~vaes.. ~. w ~, +h+. _ ~ .~e s:' e
<br />en-said--premises to the sari si action dt the Mo. tgagee ,t,,,t lTtsu -vn ~olic ~~hnl ~ nio d wl eh ,? not t6nPe ';u ,e
<br />with the loss: Cnareuntlei' to ha poyabla to th t^drtit iFe Ant un ace!ead nKV to ~,. t-c nay for r, rnn _rr +.+1--~n
<br />of the Csserayed improvements; ar, 1t not r applied .__.y ?r ,r?-_ ,. _..,n ;f the ^m. rgagee, w .~.ppl lea :1 ,, ay.,._nr.
<br />dry/ Indebtadnass, matured :.+i' unmatured, s2 ? d .rl' 1 . ,no, -,gait. . ,.
<br />(3) To pay all--rsnts,.fees.- ar charges now due dr to hardma due under r.hs terms dt each lease, psrmt[, liter. ,e, ~~>r
<br />privilege-on the putillc domain which le, appurtenant nr nonappurtrnant. .*.o the mor[?;aged premises, whlth has been
<br />issued,. extended, or renewed by the united States or the state In which the above-described ,lroperty.is l~rau'd; eu~d
<br />to perform. and atrserva every-act, covenent:, ^dndltlon, and stipuletton necsssarry to keep teach of the _;ame 'n ,;cn~l
<br />standing;-. aTid to *_ake ovary racassat^, tap ro s+;cure the reissue, ten a:val, or ex esnsl on df :-rich ene ~:~u,;e; tr+:i ^„
<br />i
<br />assigq,- Waive, pledge, or endorse to the Mortgagee earn lease, perml C, license, er i>r!ellege Sf [4ur Cst+p;drs+ rthttr
<br />Sn y?iblle contain, are ret)ulred by Mortgagee for security purposes.
<br />(A.) 'That in Lhe; event the: Mortgagee Ss a party to any 11,tigatl on aff^ctieg cha secur!t,,Y nr the lien <^~ s ilort-
<br />SC
<br />gage, 1nb1ndlTig ntll. suit by-tkre 1lnrcgages Co Yereelose-this mortgage or x;t;,• suit fn whlrh r,he Mor't{.;agee ;+iet}~ bN nerved
<br />a party daf9ndCV?t to which tt Is obllgeted Cd protert its rights or 11 en, lntluding ccndemnati on :ud !,+inkrupt.ey
<br />procaedin!p-, the~MOrtgagee~may Incur expanses and advance payment for !:bstrar,C fees, :?ttorney .*~,,, lexcapt. ee the
<br />extent protilhltetl-:by law), costs:-expanses, antl other chsrges. '
<br />(ti) That, In T•he~2vent C`-e Mdrtgagors Fall to pay ;vt4an due-any t+ixes, dens, j+.:figments, fir ::;sessmsnts c ~.,i! r
<br />malnCaln Sns.u~anee-as herainbetbre p, ovSded; o tai?. to -Aey rents. fees, c c)!arga:: vuder the ferias of soy leas€,^
<br />:ar•" t l.cehsa, oC P==1vliege,; ar-MO;'Lgagae is renal red to Srr .i .xyansa fo bstt et s. -., .,r tnrn,.y !'F ~ „o,..~
<br />s"p .~f~, and sit:sr-ch»rgas ,n tannertian with litlgati fin, Mortg get may ,eke ,t,cn - ym r, t. ,r r tvi t ~-u n r r 4ire+~.
<br />or Ipcui•~ush oblSgatlon, ahd the wnounts paid tncretnr shall tacome a part of thr Indebtedve ,r,c~,:r+~--, .,t.cb,, dud
<br />anA payatrle-Strenedkately, and shall bear-interest item the dace irf payment at the same rate ~?:a in•ovl ded Lor default
<br />iri the note.
<br />