Tax Ciauae) Rev. 78 iiuftman and Felton & Wolf, Walton, Ne. fi8461
<br />1 w~
<br />of Hall County. and State of Nebraska , in eonaideratioa of the sum of
<br />TWENTY-TWO TROUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND NO/100THS ($22,500.00) ------------------ DOLLARS
<br />in hand paid, do hereby SELL and CONVEY unto ROBERT B. McCLURKZN and RUTH E. McCLURKIN
<br />! of Hall County, State of Nebraska the following descnbed
<br />in Hall County, and State of Nebraska premrae~a atfna4ed
<br />to•wit: - A tract
<br />of land comprising a part of the Southeast Quarter (SEA) of Section Six (6), in
<br />Township Ten (10) North, Range Twelve (12} idest of the 6th P. M., and more particularly
<br />described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of said SEA; thence running
<br />I northerly along the west line of said SEti a distance of 2,644.96 feet to the northwest
<br />cornet of said SE'y; thence running easterly along the north line of said SE's a distance
<br />of 160.0 feet; thence deflecting right 151°06' and running southwesterly a distance of
<br />°6.42 feet; thence deflecting left 60012' and running southerly a distance of 34.3.9
<br />},feet; thence deflecting left 56012' and running southeasterly a distance of 173.14 feet;
<br />theme deflecting right 55033` and running southerly a distance of 2,156.81 feet to a
<br />point on the south line of said SE}y; thence running westerly along the south line of
<br />said SEA a distance of 227.95 feet to the point of beginning and containing 12.06 acres,
<br />more or less.
<br />I
<br />The Intention being to convey hereby an absolute Lille in fee simple, including all the rights of homestead and dower.
<br />I TO HAVF. AND TO HOLD the Premises above described, with alt the appurtenances thereunto belonging, unto the said
<br />mortgagee(s) and to his, her or their heirs and assigns forever, provided always, and these presents are upon the ezpress
<br />rnndiltion that if the said mortgagor(s), hie her or their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns shall 'pay or cause to be
<br />paid to the said mortgagee(s), his, her or their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, the prtncipa/ sum of $ 22, 500.00
<br />payable u follows, to wit: $232.26 due the Fifteenth Day of August 1980 and a like amount due
<br />the fif[een[h day of each month thereafter until July 15, 1990 at which time the total
<br />unpaid principal plus accrued interest will be due in a lump sum.
<br />I
<br />~', with interest according to the tenor and effect v[ the mortgagors written promissory notre bearing even date with these presents
<br />'. and shall pay all-taxes and assessments levied upon said real estate, and ail other taxes, levies and assessments levied upon this
<br />mortgage or the note -which this mortgage is given to sera re, before the same beenm~s delinquent. ~und keep the buildings on
<br />said prNmises insured for the sum of ~ 22:500.00 Ivss, if any, payable in the said mortza€ce, tttun tfswae gresenta '.
<br />to bo void, otherwise tv be and remain in full force. ~ ',
<br />t`f i3 Ff.;RTtiER A1REE1-' (1) Thor if the said mvrtga gor shelf fait tv pny such Lazes or ptvc:ure such insurance, the ~'~,
<br />said mort~ga~- may pay such #axes anEl f>rorure such insurance; and the sum sv advanced, with interest at 11 per
<br />cent, shall be repaid by said mortgagor, and this mortgage shall stand as aecurily for the same. (2) Thaf a tailure to pay any
<br />of said money, either principal yr interest, when the same becomes due, or a failure tv cvtmp{y with any of the foregoing j
<br />agreements, shall cause the whole sum of money herein secured to become due and rollectible at once at tho vpLiun of the j
<br />mortgagee. ,
<br />Signed this 15 day of July 19i 80
<br />In presence vt ~ s ,. - ; ~ ~' - -~ f ~'_`-' i _
<br />E L McHLGH ~:` ...~ ~~ ~~
<br />j~~ r ./~.._.
<br />STATE OF ...... ??ebra~.ka ............ .County of ......... hall..............
<br />The foregoing instrtfinent was acknowledged before me ...................!u1y L5, 1y 80
<br />i
<br />ay..7~,.,-.-rrn.~:~.~-~.M~.Hu~h, ~...~7t,~r~~l~ A. ~1c~-luc~h ~..
<br />' ~ far, ~ ~, /L7c N v ~r h
<br />_~
<br />i .. ..-.. ... _.. I
<br />tFl1~1M tltititf111-pea M Makaraa
<br />~~ Signature 0f PersoaTaktng Acknowledgment
<br />1~ ! MrC~"o~~i1~Yf~1Mt
<br />Title
<br />! I
<br />STATE OF......._ .............._....... ... .
<br />' ' ""' ~' ~~~~ ~ Entered vn numerical index and filed for r.~card I
<br />~ CouPDY ...._ ............. ........... ... .. ...... } in the Register oI Deeds OtTu. of said Ccxmty the
<br />..__...__.-_..._dey of...._...._......_._.........._.__........., 19......._..., at.__,._ ......................o'clack arai... __...... .. .mmutea ... hf„ ,
<br />;: ,
<br />_i 1 end raorded in $ook....__ ..................._._.......--..nt....._..._._......_......._....__at page._._.__............__-_.. _....
<br />t~, ~ _.._.._......._..,._......... .. _.. Reg, of Ikxv3s ~i
<br />=:
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