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~~-r w ~;--~~, y <br />RELEASE OF MC~tT3AGE <br />>; ~- , <br />IN CONSIDII2ATZON of the payment of the debt named therein, the Bank of Wand <br />River, Wood River, Nebraska hereby releases the mortgage wade to <br />Robert B. McClnrkin and Rnth E. McClurkin, husband aa~ wife <br />an the following described real estate to wit: A tract of land caaprising a part of <br />the Southeast Quarter (SE34) of Section Six {6}, in Township Ten (10} North, Range <br />Twelve (12} West of the 6th P.Ma, and more particularly described as follows: Hegi nni~ <br />at the Southwest corner of said Southeast Quarter; thence running Northerly aloxig the <br />West line of Said SE4 a distance of 2,6!;14.96 feet to the Northwest comer oP said SF~; <br />thence running Easterly along the North line of said SEA a distance of 160.0 feet; thence <br />deflecting right 151° 06~ and running Southwesterly a distance of 96,1:2 feet; thence <br />deflecting left 60° 12~ and rt~nnins Southerly a distance of 3143.9 feet; theme defleating <br />left 560 12~ and running Southeasterly a distance of 173.114 feet; thence deflecting <br />55a 33' and rtmning Southerly a distance of 2,156.81 feet to a point on the South 13ne <br />of said SE~4; thence running Westerly along the South line of said SE4 a distance of <br />227.95 feet to the point of beginning and containing 12.06 acres, more or less. <br />County of Hall State of Nebraska which is recorded iri/Book~of Real Estate Mortgages, <br />pageof the records o£ said County. vay <br />I2d TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the said ,~',v,~,r a,e ~oo/ ~aeac has caused <br />these presents to be executed by its president and its Corporate Seal to be affixed <br />here to thi:s,_;~8~$ay of .~oar:~+s~.e , 19?0 . <br />~~;:,~ <br />Attest <br />STATE OF ~'~~`~'~ ) <br />~s <br />Hy ~~' ~ ~ esident <br />Cas e , Secretary <br />t~ <br />On this ~~ day °f ==~=~'g' 19 ~`-} <br />.~?c c ~~unty ) <br />before re, thg u~arsig-nflc3 a Nc,~ ;~ P'ablic <br />~` <br />in and'f3r; said;Qaanty, personally came ~..~~~s g >'~~~~ , President <br />of the;-: :..~ /~~~"~ a~` w~0 ~'~ a Corporation <br />to me per~nal3:y~kpai~m to be the President and identical person whose name is affixed to <br />the attpv~:~Delease a~4i:acknewledged the execution thereof to be his voluntary act and <br />deed ~e s1ffih officer,_and ~kte voluntary act and deed of said Corporation. <br />Witness my head act Notarial Seal at ~cso e/ ~'/~r~C , in said County <br />the day and year last above written. <br />t{y coae4ission expires (. tz , 9( 19 <br />`n <br />`d <br />~~~ <br />U <br /> <br />,~~n~.~ ,i~~, ~- Notary PSZblic <br /> <br />