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` ~~gg ~~33 r~n~~tt~~y ~,{~/--qqqy~~T/•~ • 45t)41-3-i8 <br />-. - ~L7°`- ~9v'~8~+%:6`- -. MV1L 1 lTti~~- _ _ _ <br />THIS M©RGAGE`is-made this:.: ... c7.~....:: .: of.:: t,.k.ty ~:y. <br />14.$p ., bets.~een the Mortgagor Ra3,Fh Ir 8.a?;lxaK~t . apd Di~f.+Y .L s . $?rS:elilarr~t, =1tuS.kaxi~: ~tt~. W~.fe , <br />jifiitt'lY.aud. ,eaSF1.~B.tfieir owii- rig~tt(,herein :•Borrower"}; and-the Mortgagee,.FZ~$T, ~F,I3~~t¢{,,.. <br />SnvzNG.S.~Nn.1~~ assocz~T>:oN ax l,zxcol~a -------- <br />under the I2ws of:. _ tpe State of Nebras _ - " " "' • • -*`a corporation orp2ntzed-and extsttng- <br />....... ~ . --"ivlrt~e address is 1235, .Alf, Stigzta, .. , ;, - <br />?;~A~Q> R~ _l~$hraska bB508_, ----;---.: - ----..~___..~__ _ - <br />..................................(herein"Lender?').. <br />--VdAEREAS; Borrower-is~indebted to-J:ender in the.principai sum ofT.['IIRTY. ;:OUR.THOUSANB AfifD~:NO(1C30~'.---~ <br />`- """`---"`--'""-''-""'Dollars, which indebtedness is evidenced by I3orruwer's rtutc <br />dated: of even, date herewith, , _ (herein "Nate"}, providing for monthly installments of principattzttd interest; <br />with the. balance of-the indebtedness, if-not sooner paid, due and payable on... gtaBtyr~t:1.;:2QI© : ......:.. .:. <br />To SECUaa to Lender (a} the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced. by the Note, with 3dteiest thereon, tk0' <br />paymenrof alt other sums, with interest thereon, advanced in accordance herewith to protect thesecurity;of this. <br />Mortgage, and'.fha-performance of the covenants and agreements of Borrower herein contained and:(b) the:rcgayment <br />of anyfuture advances, with interest thereon, made to Borrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph 21 hereof (harem _ <br />"Patera AdvancesN), }loriower do Hlge~ghy mortgage; grant and convey to Lender the following-described propeity <br />loeatedin thetrountyof ........................................... Sfate.of'Nebraskac <br />Lot Sixteer` (16) in Ravenwood Subdivision,-Hall County, Nebraska. <br />which has the addtt;,cs of.... ,~3Q 8ertnita~~. Ccurt Graud Island <br />IS3ra2ti (~~ryl <br />Nebraska 68&Ol (hecein"PropertyAddress"); <br />• [State,and XiRCodel. <br />Toctaat;n with all the i:rtprovements new or hereafter erected ota the property, and al! casements; rights; <br />appurtenances, renig, royalties, mineral, oil and gas rights and profits, Water, water rights, and water stock, and atl <br />&uures-now or-hereafter attached to the property, all of which, inelad'ang replacements and additions thereto, shall be <br />deemed to he and remain apart of the property covered by this Mortgage; and all of the foregoing. «tgetttcr with said <br />prolrertq (or the. leasehold estate iE this Mortgage is on a leasehold.) are herein referred ur as the "Property". <br />I)GirQWet covenants. that Borrower-is laWfuilyseised of the esters ^erob}~ c-on5~cyed anei has tine right to mortcaee, <br />grant attd canucy the- Prapexty, t'nat the Property is unencumbered, and that Borrower ~ciil :earrar;t and defend <br />gencrallyilte titl€ to iltz.Pra~rty against ail oiaims an•+ uernacds, auejett t any deciaraticr.>. ~v., m: tits t , r;st;icttons <br />Iisted in a Schedule of exceptions io coverage in any bite insuzance poke}~insunng Lender's itnan:.~t in :?te Proper} <br />N~Q~ta$--I to 4 Family-~6?7$-FHf!tA/FH6MG aHSFOAM IHSTAUMEHT <br />