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~4`-~ :~~' s~ MURTGA~E <br />T13IS MORTGAGE is msde this of.......:?tl~:~ . , ..... , ........, - <br />19_EA., between the Mot[,gsgttr,...f"re~.kl.!aG:SCr.>3Aa ~4r}r}~_t`,,lapiscll,,httsbap~At}d,vr}fg,~}ad <br />David E. i3oattt, a stn€le person (h~3=gorrovicer"},and-the Mortgagee;.Cop^snereial,federal <br />......................... .. ~ gantzed eatshng <br />-.. Spy~;>,gs .3t}4. +~PdR. ~tgsgcia i - <br />.. S. sol< ............................... a co ration or and . <br />iiad+;rthe laws of.....~'@krT'?ashd ............................. whose_address is... 4501 dodge _ Street.. <br />. _ `sli~"~7i~s ?s`@b~'.. 6$~'.? ................................................ (herein "I:tndet"). <br />Worries, Boerower is indebted to Lender in the principal sum of... Forty, ,N i,n~, t}tou~~ts} .Tgt,4'. ~,yndFed <br />anet, itoj i04---------,----{$;F9, 40a. DD) . _ .. , _ DolLtrs, which indebtedness is evidenced by Botxowar's note. <br />~~.... July. _ ...... 198D..... , . (herein "Note"}, providing for monthly installments'of principal and in[etsst, <br />with the balance of the indebtedness, if not sooner paid, due and payable on...h~ust. l„ «,D.QS , .... , . , ... . <br />To S2ctrea to Lender (a} the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by the Note, with interest thereon, the <br />payment of elf other sums, with interest thereon, advanced in accordance herewith to protect the security of this <br />Mortgage, and the performance of the covenants and agreements of Borrower herein contained, and (b} the repayment <br />of any ferrite advances, with interest thereon, made to Borrower by Linder pursuant to paragraph 21 hereof (herein <br />`Truttm Advances'), Borrower does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender the ioliowing desan'tied pro~rty <br />Located in the Comity of.... ??~1 . ...................... . ........... State of Nebraska: <br />---lots Fourteen (14) a^.d Fir'teen (i5'/ in :lot}: sir. (5) in Pleasant :ii1_ Addition to the <br />Cit}r cz Grand Zsiand, 1a11 County, .:ebrzskz.--- <br />whic3t has tits address af.... s:nr_,:i i ..:.... ?,itil:.:.. ;:e: ........... ......:?'...: ......... , <br />(street) [ctrl <br />„. Iv''e~rfi~ka .5ii£FD1, , , , _ , . „ (herein "Property Address"); <br />(State ana ZtP Copal <br />TOGETHER with all the improvements new or hereafter trecttd on the property. and all easements, rights, <br />appurtenances, rents, royalties, mineral, oil and gas rights and profits, water, water rights, and water stock, and alt <br />fixtures now or hereaftetauached to the property, all of which, including raplacemants and additions tharew, shalt be <br />dcemed to be and remain a part of the property coveted by this Mortgage; anti all of tht foregoing, rol{ethrr with said <br />property lot the leasehold estate if this Mortgage is on a leasehold) are herein retcrred to as the "Property". <br />l~Orrower covenants the[ Borrower is law~fuliy seised of the estate hereby .:oave`ved and ha;; the ght u> mortgage, <br />grant and eonvty rite Fraperry, lira[ the Frupurty is unencumbered, and That Berrow~ar will warrant ::nd defend <br />fl ttetally the title to th# Fr;,~ .y-'~ainsz ==t] cl~im.~ and demands. +uijcct ,1 .- ara[i ..,t..,.. .~tricHun~ <br />listed in a schedule of txetptiotts [a cavtrage in any title insurance poll;:} ~nsuri.^.g i_ender?s interest in the Property. <br />~J~~~..-1 e~ d Fsroily-or 75-FNtAAf FNl7AC UNIFORM fNSiAIIMENF ~ ~~ <br />,i_c. ~.3 <br />