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<br />g~ REAI ESTATE MtlRT6A6E Foaw vLe zpe (aev, 3-~~~
<br />Date July 8. 198fl
<br />Robert J. Allan, Sr. (also known as Robert J. Allan) and Helen E. Allan, husband
<br />and wife
<br />, Mortgagors;
<br />or Hall county, Nebraska in consideration. of ~ `.'
<br />the advance of th2 prlnclpai snm reclteC in the note hereinafter describ ed, receipt of which is acknowledged; hereby _f-.
<br />mortgage-and convey to - ~'
<br />THE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF OMAHA, a Corporation,
<br />of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, whose address
<br />is Farm Credit Building, Omaha, Nebraska 6$100,
<br />Mortgagee (sub,! ect to oil, gas, and mineral rights ewnetl Dy parties other than Mortgagors; existing-easements of
<br />record; reservations Sn'. United States and State patents.: and the rights of the public Sn all highways), thefollowing-
<br />deseribed real estate in Hall County, Nebraska
<br />SEC. TWP. R0.
<br />WzSW4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12 1L9 12 W 6th P.M.
<br />centa!n ing 80 acr re cetner ll1 Sit .nc me
<br />trek°+ e::red cr hereof ter acGUired) cf tns Morc ra5nr:; :n :a.d :rcu ^A
<br />G. uppurtena nn e3 tilereCn cr h£r £af ter p13£ed r, .Igo .. ~,~, ,. n8 .F.i _,~c.. ij,
<br />h eredi tsmen ts, and `appurtenances thereto and ihe~ren CS, s!ae V, crept:. ?nd i?POf!t:' irking !rem saltl fist: ds; ':nd fill
<br />lie nQ rtgag9ra' i'i ~r`I iy~ In L!Ie pub 11~' ~=oma- eq1 - ?O -~-vg?= ~C • -r-_
<br />licenses, or pri vl leges, appurtenant Gr ^On anpnr ten ¢nr 31:. PT t.^.a F,P.d 1. Pml .=,~'nr.N ~- cereal t£r i.n lie ~, .?d ed,
<br />or renewed to the Mortgagors by the 1:11 led ~cata°. or tae Bate in w^±eh ~:,he above-deseri bed pronarty •' locate, r.,
<br />I aqy department, bureau, or ¢gency there oT.
<br />This mortgage 1S given to secure s promsssory 'tote of ~'ven :kite !;erewlth, execu Ced Dy rycrtgagelrs ra Mnr t;-.ogee, i.
<br />the principal sum of OIQE HUNDRED TWENTY SIR THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED AND VO/100 - - - -~,li,!„?It„
<br />n+{ynble with Snterest accordinA to tha terms - -~,., note. the - is _ ,,men' ';e!ng ,i_E - v paysDl~~ on r .- ~ 'ay
<br />{ of August> 200$ Yiti c, con ve ':-nee s'ha!i be .,, ,
<br />y' _ ~ upon e ~ S~~vment n sold Proms ssarti' ncta.
<br />This mortgage Ss subJ ect co chs pmvt sions aT TEIE PAAM C4EDlT ACT ~-nd _:il ~:c cs =.mentlatery tnereef or supplement x!
<br />thereto. She proceeds of the Loan secured hereby wlll De used for the nurpeses spec L`1ed t^ the Mortgagur:n sppll-
<br />catibn for said loan and authorizeC Dy said Act.
<br />The Mortgagors, aIld each of them, hereDY w'arra_nt char. they a_re tee "vmers -~^ C.De :~crtgaged real ;:~operty; Char rhey
<br />w fill defend the title against all claimants whomsoever, snd that Bald ere Ce rty free Irem =?1 ancurtot antes, t!:ac
<br />they will keep x11 the improvements, :'fixtures, antl appurtenances occupied and !n~riond repair ami permit nc s.cts
<br />waste; and they wail rp.llnqulsn all :'11r,Y!ts of homestead Sn said i:remises, ~tnd ccvenant antl agree ra th the P;ar!guKee,
<br />'1} That they will p'3' :+hen cue all 'axes, liens, ;utlg;nen ts, or as sessme;as ::°hSCh reap be awfully 'jssessed :.gains r,
<br />the property herein. mbrtgaged.
<br />(2) That they will 'nsure and keep insuretl Duil d!ngs er other Smprcv ements cew en or wnich may Here=-I'ter be E.lacud
<br />do Bald premises to cha satisfaction or the Mbrtgagea, such Insurance poilcy shall be endorsed :nth a mortgage rlau:?.e
<br />:vi.th the loss tneraundar to be payable tb the Moi•tgagea. Arp' __i~s '~ ci~r-- ::ay i,e ~.:s ed '? t.ay `or rea onstnicl i•!n
<br />- of the destroyed imp^ovements; cr, `not so :applied, may, of „ _~„ -. 1e r-+r tgazee,`.^ :ipplled '. r, ^~ayment ,
<br />aRy indeb teuness, matured or ur.eaatured, secured by this morcgar;£~
<br />(3) To pay all rents, fees, or charges now due or td hecom^ ~.tue under 'he terms •~f ~>ach Tease, ;ennlt, ti^ense, :%r
<br />pr!V liege on the pub lie domain which is appurtena[1!: ~~r nonappurtenan*_ to cne nor[gaged E:reml sex, whSCh has been
<br />sued, extentled, or renewed by the United Scales or the state 1^ which the above-described property is lots led; snd
<br />to perform and observe every act, covenant, r, ontliti on, and st ipuiation ;;ace ssar,^ t.£ keoi? <~sch of the same In a;cotl
<br />standing; and to take every necessary step to secure the reissue, renew¢1, zr extenalon -:rf each of the same; ~im'. to
<br />assign, waive, pledge, or endorse to the Mortgagee each !ease, permit, ll^ense, ^.^ priv!'-eKe I. ^'orr gngors~ r!.;hte
<br />~ in public domain are required by Mortgagee for security purposes.
<br />1
<br />- (4j That in the evenC the Mortgagee is a party to az7y lir,igation stfecti ng the securt h; _r the lien of its mort-
<br />' i gag°-, includ}ng et>yy suit by the !lortgagee to foreclose this mortgage or eq}• salt Sa which the Mortgagee may be named
<br />a party defendant in which it Ss ob ll gated to pror.ert its rights or lien, Sncludl ng condemna U2n snd Lank rupccy
<br />proceedings, the Mortgagee may '.near expenses and atlvance payment :'or sibs trar.C fees, ?tterrey fees :;except. '.,. the
<br />- ~ extent prohibited Dy law), costs, expenses, and other charges.
<br />- (5) That in the event the Mortgagors tail to pay whin due any taxes, liens, .]udgnlerlts, or assessments, ~ gall _
<br />main lain insurance as ha_raSnbefore provided. ail ~, ay nts, es, charges .rider - - -
<br />permit, license, or privilege; or Mortgagee Ss required to incur expenses ~fer ats r_ract ('e es ,a rot torney Fees, °ost~,
<br />ex1>enaes, and ot_rer riiarges in connoctlua with litigat_ ;!ortgages :say n;ar:e =uch aymont ^r pr^vide cr: :nnoe,
<br />- nr !near such ebllgaticn, ^ad the amounts pall ~neretc^ shall beccme a i•.a ...^,e I eD. ,:e t ,.e -,,.
<br />I anfl payable Lmmedlately, and shall Do ar Lnterest from the date of payment t 'hs same _ tee rl..eU .e. .u1C
<br />' in the note.
<br />