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<br />ii i - - - ..
<br />(; .d2--Eat. PB'rn1'E D2aarGl-GP -(S4i~ Zs~c Cssws) 2Wfrman me Fettos s wet, waNoi~ nc 5B+sl
<br />KNOLV ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Bzuee L: Christenson and Deborah A.
<br />' Christenson; Husband and wife., each iu liis own. right and as spouse of the' ether j
<br />f
<br />of Hall County;-and Stott of Nebraska , sn tonideration of tht suns of I .I
<br />Twenty Four THausand and 00/200---------------------°---------`-------------
<br />DOLLARS ~~
<br />s: - - - _
<br />i
<br />in hatid poid, do F.ereby SELL and CONVEY unto FIVE POINTS BANK
<br />l.-
<br />~ of Hall County, State of Nebraska the follouring descgs'bed prerxises sifuoted
<br />in Hall Connty, and State of Nebraska , to ttdt;
<br />3~
<br />f #. Lot Fourteen (14) Buenavista Subdivision, an addition to the-City of ~;
<br />Ozand Zaland, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />~ a ~ fi
<br />This mortgage is given to ratify and confirm the Mortgage recorded as ~
<br />Document No. 80-003173 in the.. Office of the Register of Deeds of Hall
<br />County, Nebraska.
<br />The intention being to convey hereby an absohtte title in fee simpis, including all tke sigt:ts of hamtstead and dower. '
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above described, acrith a!! the appurtenances thr. eunto belonging, j
<br />unto the sold mortgagee(s) and to his, her or their heirs and assigns forever, provided atuvsys, and these presents ors
<br />upon the express condition that if the said mortgagor(s), his her or their heirs, executors, admiruttrators or assigns
<br />shall pay or cause to be paid to the said mortgagee(s), his, her or their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, the ;
<br />principal rain of $ 24,000.00 payable as follow-s, to writ:
<br />$2G,000.00 in 120 days, or October 29, 1980
<br />dated 3uly 1, 1980
<br />with interest according to the ttnor and effect of ike morrgagors written promissory natetbttmit{gexYent~i:6txsititttkmnc
<br />~rssFxts a-d shall pay all taxes and assessments Levied upon said real estate, and adl other taxes, levies and asssssnwmts
<br />ltz+isd upon this mortgage or the note which this anartgage is given to secure, hefore tht same btcomas dslinqusnt, and .
<br />keep the buildings on said premiss insured for the s:sm of $ 24,000.00 loss, if any, pa~mbte to the said
<br />mortgages, then these presents to be void, otherwise to be and rsnuun in fu!! forte,
<br />IT IS FURTHER AGREED (t) That if the said mortgagor shalt fai! to pay sudt taxes or prncurt such in-
<br />sura»ce, the said mortgagee may pay such tacss and procure such insurance; and tke sum so advanced, with interest
<br />~ 14 p '° shall be repaid by said mortgagor, and this mortgage shat! stand as ssrurity fur the cams.
<br />(~) That a fader 'spay tsaid'+tlts~y, either principal or interest, when tht saint becomes dui, or a failure to
<br />sampty with any ~~~~,t,~i<bments, shall cause the wleole sum of mvnay herein secured is become dos and
<br />collettsble at once at the option of the nto~yagee.
<br />,t
<br />' Signed t!{is 18 day of Suly 9 8U -
<br />~~...._.......... - ..~..... ..._- --.R .
<br />;~
<br />