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SQy" ~~ 1l~~8TGAG£ <br />THIS MQIixGAGE is uisthfs... i 6th ... ...:... of , .... J u I y . , ,', <br />19 80 . ,between the Mortgagor, L.i.n~}( AND. MARY. ANN :~WDEJv, :Husband . and..w i te,.....:. <br />..,,. <br />......................................(herein.- "Borrower"), and- the Mortgagee; F?orae FedeYal`= <br />Sauitaga and' Loan Association, a corporation organised and'esistittg under the Iowa of The United-.Stag-ef ` <br />Amet7ea~ whose address is 2213onth I.oe•.tat Street, Grand Is~nd> Nebraska: (herein"Lender"}. <br />WtTgxees; Horrawer is indebted to Lender in the principal sum of... FARi:Y.TWO. THOUSAWCI. AN[l:.N(3;1700--• <br />'--'-"- -°-°-°... --------------.Dollars, which indebtedness is evidenced by Borrower's:note <br />wed, , _ , July, 16,, 1,480. , , , , , , , {herein "Note"), prncidirig for monthly insta8ments of prineipal•andiriterest, <br />with the bahufce of the indebtedness, if not sooner paid, due and payable on....August .1,.2009;:.....,....._:. <br />To SECOxs to Lender (a) the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by the Note, with interest thereon; -the' <br />paymentof all other sutras, with interest thereon, advanced in accordance herewith to protect-the security'of this-- <br />Mortgage; and the performance of the covenants and agreements of Borrower herein contained,-and (b) the-repaytnene . <br />of any furore advartn~s, with- interest t?terean, made to L2crrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph 2T hereof- ~here3:: <br />"Future Advances"), Borrower does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender the following described property <br />located in the County of......... NA.t,I ............................. State of Nebraska: <br />LOT SEVENTEEN (17) IN AMICK ACRES, COMPRISING A PART OF THE WEST HALF OF THE <br />SOUTHWEST QUARTER W#SW:,) OF SECTION TWO (2), TOWNSHIP NINE (9} NORTH, RANGE <br />TEN (101, WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., IN HRLL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />LOT EIGHTEEN (i6) IN AMfCK ACRES, LOCATED IN HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA, <br />wbich has the address of.....~~f:9. 17_ -..1€i ..irr~)cn, F,i,r;F~..........., Con i, _h'n. _ , „ ........., <br />......... a.~ <br />tsrr~u tciirt <br />_ , _ Negras tea , , 68632 , _ • . , (herein "Property Address") <br />rStet4 eM Zip CoCe7 ' <br />lttoerttaa with all the improvements new ar hercaftcr erected on the property, and all easements, rights, <br />appurtenances, rents, royalties, miueral, ail and gas rights xnd profits, water, water rights, and water stock, and alt <br />futures new ar hereafter attached to the property, all at whictr, including repiaccmeats and additions thereto, shall ba <br />deemed to be and recnain a part of the property covered b}'this htortgagc; and all of the flxcgoing, tagcttter with said <br />property {or the leasehold estate if ibis Mortgage is on a leasehaid) err tn;rcin retencd to as tl>e "property" <br />Borrower covenrutts that Borrower is law.ully atised of t;•.e estate hereby cunvcy~d and has rho right to mortgage, <br />grant and convey tiro Property, that lire i=ropcrty is uncncumixrcd. anti that ltarrovcr rvul warrant and dcfcrid <br />g.r<raliy t~r~ titEe to tltw' Pra;,atty agait'~'t a.l c;:; ~ 4. d ~_ ra::ds. sub;.:: , «. .1ec:a....,ar;`;, . •e*:e.,....s or °estrictiars <br />listed in a schedule of exceptions to coverage in arty iiiiie insurance policy insuring Lender's interest itt the Property. <br />~$~--1 tp 4 family--Ni75--fNMi~lfNlMC UNtfpRM INSTRUMENT <br />