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<br />$ "~a;,
<br />To HavE arrn To Hotn the same unto the Mortgagee, as herein provided. Mortgagor represents ta,
<br />and covenants with, the Mortgagee, that the Mortgagor has good right'co sell and convey said premises;
<br />that they are free from encumbrance, except as hereinothetticise recited; that the Mortgagor will warrant
<br />and defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. Mortgagor hereby relinquishes
<br />atl rights of homestead, all marital rights, either in late or in equity, and all other contingent interests of
<br />the Mortgagor in and to the above-described premises.
<br />PROVIDED At.waxs, and these presents are executed and delivered upon the following conditions, to
<br />wit:
<br />Aortgagor agrees to pay to the 11lortgagee, or order, thG,~foresaid principal sum with interest from date
<br />at the rate of :en & >hree-fourths per centum (10. ~o) per annum on the unpaid balance emtil paid.
<br />The said principal and interest shall be payable at the office of Cccrmercial Federal SVGS & Loan assn.
<br />in Oraha, idebraska , or at such other place as the holder of the note may designate in
<br />writing delivered or mailed to the Mortgagm•, in monthly installments of Two ':undred and ninety foes and
<br />Dollars ($ 294, 21 ), commencing on the first day of .^:eote-:ben 2, , 19 ~0 ,and continuing on 22/100
<br />the first day of each month thereafter until said noke is fully paid, except that, if not sooner paid, the final
<br />payment of principal xnd interest shall be due and payable on the lust clay of ^.ugust i 2010 ;ail
<br />according to the terms of a certain promissory note of even elate herewith executed by the said Mortgagor.
<br />The Mortgago?• further agrees:
<br />i. He will pay the indebtedness, as hereinbefore provided. Privilege is reserved to prepay at any
<br />time, without premittnt ur fee, the eniire indebtedness or any part thereof not Less than the amount of ore
<br />installment, or one hundred dollars ($100.00), whichever is less. Prepayment in full shall be credited- on
<br />the date received. Partial prepayment, other than on an insta)Iment due date, need not be credited until
<br />the next following installment due date or thirty days after such prepayment, whichever is earlier.
<br />2. Together with, and in addition to, the monthly payments of principal and interest payable under
<br />the terms of the note secured hereby, Mortgagor will pay to Mortgagee, as trustee, (under the terms of this
<br />trust as hereinafter stated) on the first day of each month until said rote is fully paid:
<br />(¢) A sum equal to the ground rents, it any, next due. plus the premiums that trill next become due
<br />and payable un policies of fire and other hazard insurance covering the mortgaged property,
<br />plus taxes and assessments nest due on the mortgaged property (all as estimated by the ivlort-
<br />gagee, and of which the Mortgagor is noti tied) less all sums ah•eady paid therefor divided by
<br />the number of ,: oaths to elapse before one month prior to the date when such ground rents,
<br />premiums, taxes and assessments :ciil become delinquent, such sums to be held by Mortgagee
<br />in trust to pay said ground rents, premiums, taxes and special assessments.
<br />(b} The aggregate ul• the amuonts payable pursuant to subparagraph (¢) and those payable on the
<br />note secured heeebp, shall be paid in a single payment each month, to be applied to the follow-
<br />ing items in the order stated
<br />([} ground rents, taxes, assessments, lire and :Aber hazard insurance pt•emiunes;
<br />(?s) intervskc,nthenotesecnredltr~:•cby;and
<br />(tII) amortization of the principal of said note:.
<br />.any deficiency in the amount :~t :eny such aggregate rr:onthly payment shall, unless made good
<br />by the l4oetgagm~ prior to rite due date of the next such payment, constitate an event of default
<br />under this mortgage. At Mortgagee's ~,Enion. A'Iortgag~or will pay a "late charge" not exceed-
<br />ing four per centum (~t ~~:) of an>~ install meat tvhmt paid more than fifteen (t5) days after the
<br />due date thereof to cover the extra oxpmise iucolted in handling delinyueut payments, but such
<br />"late charge" shall not be payable out of the proceeds of any sale made to satisfy the indebted-
<br />ness secured hereby, unless such proceeds are suticient to discharge the entire indebtedness and
<br />all proper costs and expenses secured thereby.
<br />3. If the total of the payments made by the Mortgagor tinder (¢) of paragraph 2 preceding shall
<br />exceed the amount of payments actually made by the \iortgagee, as trustee, for ground rents, tales and
<br />assessments or insurance premiums, as the case may ]re, such excess shall be credited icy the i\4ortgagee
<br />on subsequent payments to be made by the Mortgagor for such itens ot•, at Mortgagee's option, as trust<m,
<br />shall be refunded to tilortgagor. If, however, such monthly payments shall not be sufficient. to pay such
<br />items when the same shall become due and payable, then t-he ryiortgetgor• shall pay to the t~iortgagee, a..
<br />trustee, any amount accessary to make up the deficiency within thirty t30) days after wrdteu notice from
<br />the Mortgagee stating the amount of the deficiency, which notice may be given by mail [f at any time
<br />the Mortgagor shall tender to the Mortgagee, in accordance ecith the provisions of the ^ute xc~cured
<br />liere`t~y, fuH payment ut" 'the entire indebtc~lness represented hereby, the Mortgagee, as trustee, hnail,
<br />in computing the amount of such indebt~dnesa, credit to the accotmt of the Mortgagor atny credit balance
<br />accumulatzd under the provisions of (a) of paragraph 2 hereof. [f there shall be a default under nary
<br />of the provisions of Yhis mortgage resulting in a public sale of the premises coeerc~tt hereby, ar if +.hc
<br />i4fortgagee acquires the property otherwise after default, the Jortgagee, as trustee, ,hall appiy, ;tt the
<br />time of the commencement of such proceedings, or at the time the property is otherwise acquired, the
<br />amount then remaining to credit the Mortgagor under (¢) of paragraph 2 preceding, ~.s a credit on the
<br />interest accrued and unpaid and the balance to the. principal then remaining unpaid on said cwte.
<br />4. The lien of this instrument shall remain ir. 1•ull force and effect during any postponement or exten-
<br />sion of the time of payment of the indebtedness ur any part thereof secured hereby.
<br />5. He will pay all ground rents, taxes, assessments, water rates, and other governmental or munici-
<br />pal charges, fines, or impositimts, levied ugon said premises and that he will pay all taxes levied upon this
<br />mortgage, or the debt secux•ed thereby, Together with any other uses or assessments v: hick may be ievied
<br />under tltt; laws of idebraska againstthe iriortgagee, or the legal holder of said princil:ai note, un amount of
<br />this indebtedness, except when payment for all such items leas theretofore been made under (¢) of para-
<br />graph 2 hereof, and he will promptly deliver the otfecial receipts Uteretor to the >lortgagee. In default
<br />thereof the Mortgagee may pay the same.
<br />