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_~ <br /> <br />THIS-)NDEN1'tIRE. madethia ]6th-- day-of-_- vUl-V ____; 19~.,-bp-imd~:icecaeen <br />_ David E. Lentz and- Carole N. Lentz, husband and wife, each ih his' and her oWU' <br />right and as s ouse of the o~b.~>^, <br />aE '~dl 1 County, Nebraska, as-mortgegor.5-_, sad Grand Island Trust Company,of-Grand-Island,-a-eaeppration~-. <br />orgenlzed and existing under the laws of Nebraska with its principal office end place of business at Grand dsland,.Nebraska;-,ea-~ipsap; <br />WITNESSETH: That said mortgagor ? _ ,for nod io the etigio~.r~~.~,_ . - <br />_ Thirteen Thousand Si~~.gllars a.~IQ~S/]00 ************ mfg 2~-006.95 <br />the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do ___. by these presents mortgage andwanantarRa?fafdmortgegee its successors8nd~assiga8; <br />forever, ell the following described real esute, situated in the County of _ Hd ] ] - <br />ead State of Nebrnakn, w•wit: ~ - <br />Lot Twenty-six (26} in Hidden Lakes Subdivision Number Two (2), 8einq a Part of the <br />Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter {SEk,NE',~] and a Part of the North Half <br />of tha NnrtF}aa ct Q}lartar of tE}n CCU theast Ja1-t@!- rntL *,Et- urt_ ..f ,~i +_-^^ Th <br />Q t.•'z a a} ~ eC~x~n rteeP'r' -- <br />(13), Township Eleven (]1) North, Range Nine {g), West of the 6th P.M., Hall County <br />Nebraska. <br />'l'ag«th«r with an h«atinK, «ir catiditiQninK. t~,htmK, and plvrvh!gK ayukpm«nt sad fistu--rs. i^c?udinK scr€rrs. awnirfgs, alarm wu?x3nwt an:# <br />dtxkt~n. and window shades ar Minds, used o0 or in coanecuan with nmJ property' wh«thnr the sam« ere now located an said property ur her~rfinr <br />placed thereon. <br />TO 1fAVF ANU Tf} }}pLU'?'H!:- Srl.§1 F:, toKntteer weth akt unJ au:KUtxr the tvaementa. handttnments sod nppure nanc.s thereunto tsa- <br />l~,r~ag.:.r i:i any"'--.?~ ?--€e -'~ins~. `~n~v=r, one z~~~!u¢ ri- ttilc w t..e aam. -:..t --~ ~- .. n~br rave::x.e ..... ::ith aasd <br />)fYl[t¢aaee that - -_~. he.L_-- at`e_ _ , xt th« dimity«rv h~r+~xE_ the tnx•lil ~:wnsr . _ nF the ? ....w... a!+ava uenvayi!1 and des-cr€he;.t. <br />aaJ_ _ ~rf? _ _ s'atntl of a KasaF Hint andeCoan:hle netxitu of inhernancv! tharcur, free anJ clear .,f s!1 encumbrancis, anJ that.~he~wil1 <br />warrant and Jsfertd Lha title [hereW f:carver xKainek the claims auJ r?nnarnJs ~=f ak! pern.,ns wtramar,evnr <br />P}COVIUIrU ALW AYti, and Chia matrumnnt to nxncuteti ttnJ detiv«n+J to secure the pnymvnt. of [he nom of _, , <br />_T!-IICL£:£~_I~1Qll~s~llt~.5.7Xi14~)1sAi'k_..iJ'111_~~1t]Lll..rx.xk.:r,r+.~rr,x++~lkillatata_i.~.-..~Q(i.-i'~ .._.. r, <br />wish intareat theeon. together with such charger nnJ eJvnncas as may t>e Jun unJ payshln to nuiJ nurngagae under tMr trr.ns anJ cunJitiona <br />at tlw Prominaury mrW nt even Jaw hnrownh nnJ narurul hern?ky, exacuwJ b} raid mortKagor :, [u Hard murtKntte,•, puyahh! a~ exprosneJ <br />m said rote, amt to secure the perfm:nnntx of all the tarma anJ cunJitituts cantameki therein. 'f ha terms uF sniJ now am harehy mcorporn[ed <br />herein by thin referentea. <br />It is Cho inteakion anti agraarratnt of rtes 1>tlrf.kaa }kareta that this monKage shall stw nncure ntyy future advances nwdc to soul mortgagor '.;. <br />by caul mnrsKaKia, and xny and ell nkdehteJnaaa rn aJJituvr to the amount aiwvu nutcxi wheel, sail nxrtKagurs, car say of them, may uwv t„ <br />caul rvoslga, tutweva «viJnntxd, whither !:y rxkw, l~:k ac,uu:n..:r v .?:krwisu. '!'h:-x nx>rLKaKe xhnn rFinatu in :can hrx,'v am: stf-a~t l;.+twtru <br />the parties herald and their hair, pnrsunal r,rpres«ntatrvea, ruccnnaors and asslgnn, until ell ^muunts neavrt.l Irervwuler, inrhtdukK law rr <br />ndvwacra, are paW in full wuh interest. <br />Tha mortyager_~_ hcrehy nasr~it to sniJ narrigaAta: cal( rata end msnma unsukg at any and art tuna+E trorn sail }~nyxnrty anJ <br />hmahy nuUrariaa said trwrtgagan car ifs xti?~ant, at rte optxan, upcu, Jifau{t, uk tak« charge cat sniJ property oral e„il vat a!; re=nts rtral rra•omr- <br />Lhisrefrom sad apply the same to [he peymaat of intaraat, priacflnCl, inwranca prearkwns, texas, asaasemnnts, repairs rar intprovumant.. <br />na[wasary w kxwp aakd pmparty la tarwntahta cundlCba, nr can+:tlrir rlurKna or paymrnta provided for hur,an ar in the now hat t7iv xrured.'I'fri. <br />root axatgnmant steal! tanUaaa to futtn until the unpaal hairmau ui -sniJ now au laity pniJ. The rnklnK cal lwrzan-asrun harr!unde~.r ~hatl to n.. muttnnk <br />[v_=42x.t ~°&_ t`~~Fi~-~ ??~~ tY E;~ ~~x ~ -- s - i- ld~.L.~.~~ ~ - <br />Tiw faJnrsl of tFw rat?rf ;a„~a V_ art arty of r!a ~ghts h'xxs:.^.+!ar sl asp- strrx aha€! nx N^ a'vn:stn:uai sx s wp:. ~- of :th :Rht c:: a_avrt tka <br />aarna nt nny later time, aoJ W easier apart and enforce street t-ump?iatuv wsth alt cha exrutx and pn:rraiun.3 uE said rruW and cat talus nauaKuKe- <br />If ss;d nxuNve shall muse to tki paid w said nxrrf.Kagaa the arras erarrunt duo rt hareundek, Hurl und-ar the ti=rare unJ pen ~ekons <br />nF said mLe hereby atw-arad, including tuwre, xxut any nxtaaxruna car rntwwahr thanwf i,t ax~a~urJnmar weth the turmn and pn,vusiunx <br />thareo[, apd if said mact$agar _S - _ sha17 c°mI!Y wild sll elks pruv~ir„xss of sniJ n~« ntui of thin mart-Kaf}u. thou thnan prw.a~w ;!htt1! kxu vr,uf, <br />att~rwlsa w ratnaia iafell fnrr« sad «If«tt, and said auui!{agaeahe3? bi intii~t? w ttse ~seaswr. of aL' of ;;aitl proitercy. and may. st its ,.l;txxr. <br />t1n:?ara the whda of said imtu oral ell indebiadrtass raprasnntad thnrnby w 6n itnmaliawly Juv unJ payatklc, sod nwy Forv:chx,c slur: nu,rtheKr <br />car take my othm~ bgai ar;sian W protest its right- Appraisautent watvtal. <br />This aakrtgaga shall i,e Lending upon oral shall enure kr the lwrtefit of the hnus, nxee:uturs, aJmuusl raLOr~, +u.:ttis~trs and aaarKkts cat the <br />realwcifva partiaa haertto. <br />-lati Wf2'Nf-~' Wifllls~~F', sniJ MunguKur <br />writta.:. <br />;, Its vrd. hvra»nk' r:c.. ~[7~}k ~ harrJ _,,r the clay dnJ },rsr first nhur.~ <br />~ tj :" per. <br />