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P A R T I A L The HnIImen aener.t 9opplr Honee, Lincoln, Nebr: <br />g037/s-AELfiASE OF MtlRTGAGE--Corpo:arioa <br />.._~.~t ----_--~ _ _ -._....__.~__.____~__~.__.__~..__....~_._..____~_-_.__.__._.__~_.~~-..._._. <br />C SI ERATIDN of the payment of eke debt named therein, the FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF <br />i GRAND ISLAND, GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA hereby releases the mortgage made to <br />' THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF GRAND ISLAND, GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA <br />( '? ~ by NEBRASKA SOLVENTS COMPANY <br />] on the following described real estate, to-wit: <br />t <br />A tract of land co^tprising a pa:•t of the Northeast r~uart^r of file `;~rtheast <br />Quarter (Nft--„ :ii.'[) of Section Fi`teen (1~1, Township Eleven (11) North, Range-. <br />Nine (9) licst ai' the G*.h i'. M., i!a!1 fountq, `:c'~rask,a, and more narticularly - <br />descrihc~ as fallat.s: <br />Beginning t:+e ^urthwest ,crac•r of said northeast Qcartcr of the ' <br />Nm•theast Qustr:er (NL', SE!,l; thence sout!.erly along, the west ling of <br />sail Narthcaea Qunrter of the \ortheast hurter (Nk>; ^;fi';), a distance <br />of .:.c 1!un,lrect Sr:~cnty ^"o,.'? toot; *.hcncc easterly, nariliel to the <br />worth line of said Sortheas; ',.::;rtcr n` the "iertheast Quarter (NE?; NE11}, <br />a eistance of One Hundred (IOC.C+) feet; thence northerly, parallel to the <br />•,aest line o` said Northeast i?uartar of the Northeast Quarter (NL-; NF.',), <br />a distance of Tw^ Httndrec! Suer.ty '?-n.0) feet to a point on the north- . <br />.ine of sai,i .,~=theist Qua-.rr ~•. 'he :<nrtheast Quarter (tiEt; NEI;}-; thence-. - <br />r;csterly ale,,^.g the north lir:e• a" s~i~l !;nrt!irast Quarter of the Northeast, <br />t~i,arter '1'L NE~,`., ;t of One !ictndred (1(10.01 feet to the noint <br />..i hr'ginning and containing '~.f<'i acres, ^nre er less. <br />THIS IS A PARTIAL RELEASE ONLY! -___ <br />of .Section in Toumship RangBocym nt No°f ~ 00 ~7 3 P. M1f ~~ <br />County, Slate of NEBRASKA which is rscorded rn ~ook o~Keal Estata .11vrrj~s; ~uge - i <br />of the records of card i oxnty. ~~ ~, M ~ ' a <br />I:V TFSTI:ifp 1' tJ' E~fUF, th~~~~,said 1'HE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, GRAND IS, NEBR has'rmrdeda <br />these presrnts to be rx~.nterlb~~ ~s~~sgide'>}tcand its t~arporate .Seal to be refixed hereto tlr{s~ 1]th j <br />duv of July f9 80 'fHE FIRST NATIONAI:' &Nl'JK 0~: ~RAI!fA4ISL9~7I~•. <br />GRAN FStr"4~, a . . . <br />!{'iazr~sc: ~~~ ,Executive <br />-.fittest .. .. .. _..-.... ..._~ ~ ,'~;. #-'>, ;iF"~`s•'... ,~ <br />o. r <br />ST.9%'L (?F NEBRASKA _ --,_..__-) tax: this. _ 17th_ dzp rij Jule ~.. r9 $Q_ <br />!TALL.-. .. ._ i'nunty b, : z- anu,~r.rY~rr r. ;: ~.~izr~• i'ubtir :.~ :srr. {:r, s.:itt~ <br />---°°-... ..... K. Kf;I1'I? .JOBESt._ _ i.^tr~cut ive Vise r. -t,• t n_. <br />1NK t)¢F G'Rk1h~ i~LAND, [;RAND. iSLiND, .,!EBRASKA . ,. , . - nr:a'sz<,r <br />r~~Z'yr~Y~'i.~t•r}`il~~d :rirntieal ~~r.s:rr: cerizas~ .e~ttrzr e _tprrr( . ~ •.s a~rz: <br />,r,arec=j to be eels r'u{nntary act and decd as snrh , (hc~r, „nti 1.,, .~~ .rt and d<•ed: <br />'~r,tarntl ~rul at "rand Ts 13 n~~c~'~%j~elaraska J v: a::~rd C~auntc t~tr dr.v ~+nd ;rctr <br />December 30.. tq SQ i'~~_'... .. ! `e:~7~F~~"~ca-~,.-r7-~% 1~ntr:. s~ r"u8it<- <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />